History of Bennington County, Vt.
History of Bennington County, Vt.
With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers.
Edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich.
Syracuse, N. Y., D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1889.
Chapter XXIII. Page 407-428
"There are no considerable streams in this township . . . This township is considerably mountainous. Dorset Mountain lies in the north part, and extends into Danby, where it is called South Mountain. Equinox Mountain lies partly in the south-west corner. In this township are several remarkable caverns.
"The first settlement was made in 1768, by Felex Powell, from Massachusetts, Isaac Lacy, from Connecticut, and Benjamin Baldwin, Abraham Underhill, John Manley, and George Gage, from New York. The Rev. Elijah Sill was settled over the Congregational Church in 1781, and in 1796 the Rev. William Jackson was settled over this church. The first minister of the Baptist society was Elder Cyrus. M. Fuller, settled in 1818."
Gazetteer of Vermont, Hayward, 1849.
By George M. VIALL, esq., of East Dorset.
DORSET is situated immediately north of Manchester, and borders on Rutland county on the north. It is midway between Bennington and Rutland, and is located on the Bennington and Rutland Railroad, which passes through the eastern portion of the township. The general aspect of the town is mountainous; the extreme eastern part being bordered its entire length by the Green Mountain range, while through the center of the town, running northerly, extends a branch of the Taconic Mountains, of which Mount Aelous, or Dorset Mountain is the highest, with the exception of Mount Equinox, being 3,148 feet above tide water. On this mountain are several valuable marble quarries some of which are about 1,400 feet above the railroad in the valley, less than two miles to the east. Above the south quarry is Dorset Cave, its elevation being nearly 1,800 feet above the village of East Dorset. It opens into the mountain on the almost perpendicular wall, and slopes downward towards the west, the entrance being from twelve to fifteen feet in diameter, and extending with uniform size 100 feet or more, when several narrow passages are found, leading into rooms of considerable size. Beyond these the passages continue farther than have been explored. Geologists claim this cave to have been the bed of a river, and on account of currents of air coming from the narrow passages, suppose openings to exist on the western slope of the mountain.
A peculiarity of the climate of this township is the light fall of snow in winter, as compared with towns on the corresponding eastern slope, which are covered with a great depth of snow.
It may be proper to add in this connection that in 1860 the senior class of Amherst College, in company with the able geologist, Dr. C. H. HITCHCOCK, visited this neighborhood and Dorset Mountain in particular, christening the latter, with appropriate ceremonies, Mount Aelous. The solution furnished by this scientific body for the somewhat singular phenomenon above referred to is as follows: Aelous, God of the winds, fled from fallen Greece, and took up his abode in the caves and marbled halls of this mountain. When this God, so goes the myth, calls home Boreas, driving before him snow and hail, then comes Auster (the south wind) too, with warm breath and weeping showers, and volute frost work and scroll soon disappear.
Saturday morning, October 13. 1860, about thirty members of the class, in company with Mr. Charles H. HITCHCOCK, visited the quarries and cave, and on the natural platform just below its entrance performed the christening ceremonies. Mr. HITCHCOCK spoke briefly of the geological structure of the mountain, especially remarkable for the horizontal position of its strata. The existence of a cave, evidently an old river bed, at such an elevation showed how wonderful had been the transformation in this section of the country. He poured a bottle of pure water upon the mountain and christened it Mount Aelous, a name well corresponding to Mount Equinox, near by, and appropriate because this is a region of winds, and because this lofty mountain so much affects their direction and power in the neighboring valleys. Suitable, moreover, because Aelous dwelt in a cave-very likely in this, for no one could prove that he lived anywhere else, and this mountain is higher and better adapted for his residence than Stromboli, where he was fabled to dwell. Mr. Frederick FIELD, who accompanied the party up the mountain, in the name of the citizens of Dorset expressed to the class their gratification at this visit, and their acceptance of the name bestowed upon the hoary mountain, to which they all looked up with so much love and reverence. An appropriate poem was then read, and the song, of which the following is an extract, was sung:"
“We'll tell again that old, old tale, Of Aelous of yore, Who from his cave hard by the vale, So loudly used to roar.
CHORUS.-"Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South, and East and West, Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, With ne'er a place to rest.
“He left that home long years ago,
That home of Auld Lang Syne, Many a land he's wandered through, And o'er the ocean's brine. We've brought him here with us to-clay, We'll leave him here to rest, While wind and storm shall come always And go, at his behest. CHORUS. – “Blow, blow, etc.
“This mountain grand, henceforth all men,
Mount Aelous shall call, Till earth shall sink, and loose again The giant's mighty thrall. Then blow y e winds, ye breezes all, Obey your king's command, He sits in this grand marble hall, Ye are his servant band.
CHORUS. - Blow, blow, etc."
A portion of Equinox Mountain lies in the southwestern part of the town, with West Mountain farther to the north.
Thus it will be seen that the town is divided into two parallel valleys, in one of which is located the village of West Dorset, or Dorset proper, while three miles to the south is the village of South Dorset. In the eastern valley two villages are found, East Dorset and North Dorset, three miles apart, through which passes the Bennington and Rutland Railroad. In this valley are found the sources of Otter Creek and Battenkill River, the former winding its way to the north and emptying into Lake Champlain, the latter flowing southerly and westerly to the Hudson. In the western valley are also two rivers; one, the Mettawee or Pawlet River, flowing to the north, the other flowing south and joining the Battenkill in Manchester. These apparently deep valleys are thus shown to be a watershed. It may be well to mention a peculiarity in regard to the mountain springs and streams, all waters from the Green Mountains on the east being very soft, while those from the west are hard, being impregnated with lime.
The soil is mostly gravelly on the hills; all along the rivers it is loam, free from stones, quite fertile, and good grazing land. The scenery from the mountain roads, and especially from Mount Aeolus, is magnificent. The thriving villages of Manchester and those beyond, with fruitful fields in the broad valley of the Battenkill, are plainly to be seen to the south, while on either side, the hills and mountains rise in pleasing succession as far as the eye can reach, and give a sublime beauty to the background of the picture. As one passes from this point northward on the east side of Mount IEolus is seen almost at our feet the villages of East and North Dorset, with the Green Mountains rising abruptly on the east, forming a narrow valley, which seems to lose itself in the mountains to the north. Northwesterly from Mount Aelous stands Owl's Head, with a chain of other lesser peaks, until the last member of the arm, called the Pinnacle, "is laid in the lap of the valley" just back of Dorset village. The western slope of Mount Aelous is much less abrupt than its eastern, and the valley between it and the Equinox range on the west is much broader and more fertile than the valley on the east. The village of South Dorset, devoted exclusively to the marble interest, is nestled to the southwest, while the village of Dorset, well to the north, occupies quite an area of fertile land, and is the oldest and most attractive village in town. This model village, cradled between hills, with a tiny lake set like a gem in its midst, with its shaded and well kept streets beautified by handsome residences, and neat cottages, has many objects suggestive of memories of early days.
This town was chartered by Benning Wentworth, the governor of New Hampshire, August 20, 1761, to about sixty proprietors. It may be interesting to give the original charter of Dorset, as found in the town records.
"PROVINCE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. "George the third, by the grace of God, of Grate Britan, France and Ireland King, defender of the Faith, etc.
"To all persons to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Know ye that we of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion for the due encouragement of settling a new plantation within our said province, by and with the advice of our truly and well beloved Benning WENTWORTH, esquire, our governor and commander-in-chief of our said Province of New Hampshire, in New England and of our council of the said province, have upon the conditions and reservations hereinafter made, given and granted, and by these presents for us our heirs and successors, do give and grant in equal shares unto our loving subjects, inhabitants of our said Province of New Hampshire and our other governments, and to their heirs and assigns forever, whose names are entered on this grant, to be divided to and amongst them into seventy equal shares, all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being within our said Province of New Hampshire, containing by admeasurement twenty-three thousand and forty acres, which tract is to contain six miles square and no more, out of which an allowance is to be made for highways and unimprovable lands by rocks, ponds, mountains and rivers, one thousand and forty acres free according to a plan and survey thereof made by our said governor's order, and returned into the secretary's office and hereunto annexed, butted and bounded as follows viz., at the northwest corner of Manchester from thence due north six miles, from thence due east six miles, from thence due south six miles to the northeast corner of Manchester aforesaid, thence due west by Manchester aforesaid to the northwest corner thereof, being the bound first began at-and that the same be and hereby is incorporated into a township by the name of Dorset. And the inhabitants that do or shall hereafter inhabit the said township are hereby declared to be enfranchised with and entitled to all and every the privileges, immunities that other towns within our province by law exercise and enjoy, and further that the said town as soon as there shall be fifty families resident and settled thereon shall have the liberty of holding two fairs, and that as soon as the said town shall consist of fifty families a market may be opened and kept one or more days in each week as may be thought most advantageous to the inhabitants. Also that the first meeting for the choice of town officers agreeable to the laws of our said province shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in November next, which said meeting shall be notified by Gideon LYMAN, esq., who is hereby also appointed the moderator of the said first meeting, which he is to notify and govern agreeable to the laws and customs of our said province, and that the annual meeting forever hereafter for the choice of such officers for the said town shall be on the second Tuesday of March annually. To have and to hold the said tract of land as above expressed, together with all privileges and appurtenances, to them and their respective heirs and assigns forever, upon the following conditions, viz.:
"First, that every grantee, his heirs, or assigns shall plant and cultivate five acres of land within the term of five years for every fifty acres contained in his or their share or proportion of land in said township, and continue to improve and settle the same by additional cultivation on penalty of the forfeiture of his grant or share in the said township and of its reverting to us our heirs and successors to be by us or them regranted to such of our subjects as shall effectually settle and cultivate the same.
"Second, that all white and other pine trees within the said township fit for masting our royal navy be carefully preserved for that use, and none to be cut or felled without our special license for so doing first had and obtained upon the penalty of the forfeiture of the right of such grantee, his heirs and assigns to us our heirs and successors, as well as being subject to the penalty of any act or acts of Parliament that now are or hereafter shall be enacted.
"Third, that before division of the land be made to and among the grantees, a tract of land as near the center of the said township as the land will admit of shall be reserved and marked out for town lots, one of which shall be allotted to each grantee of the contents of one acre.
"Fourth, yielding and paying therefor to us, our heirs and successors for the space of ten years, to be computed from the date hereof, the rent of one ear of Indian corn only on the twenty-fifth day of December annually, if lawfully demanded, the first payment to be made on the 25th day of December, 1762.
"Fifth, every proprietor, settler or inhabitant shall yield and pay unto us, our heirs and succesors yearly and every year, forever, from and after the expiration of ten years from the above said 25th day of December, which will be in the year of our Lord 1772, one shilling proclamation money for every hundred acres he so owns, settles or possesses, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser tract of the said land, which money shall be paid by the respective persons above said, their heirs or assigns. In our council chamber in Portsmouth, or to such officer or officers as shall be appointed to receive the same, and this to be in lieu of all rents and services whatsoever. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed. Witness Benning Wentworth, esq., our governor and commander- in-chief of our said province, the loth day of August, in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one, and in the first year of our reign. By his Excellency's command.
"With advice of Council.
“Province of New Hampshire, August 20, 1761. Recorded according to the original under the province seal, pages 137, 138.
“Copy of Record
“Examined by George King, D. Sec'y."
In the list of original grantees of Dorset we find the following:
“His Excellency Benning Wentworth, esq. A tract of land to contain five hundred acres which is to be accounted two shares, one whole share for the incorporated society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts; one share for a glebe for the Church of England as by law established; one share for the first settled minister, and one share for the benefit of a school in town."
The first settlement was made in 1768 by Felix POWELL, from Massachusetts; Isaac LACEY, from Connecticut; and Benjamin BALDWIN, Abraham UNDERHILL, John MANLEY and George GAGE, from New York. The first record to be found in regard to the organization of the town is a warning of a proprietors' meeting to be held at the house of Isaac LACEY, on Tuesday, May 23, 1769, which meeting was holden agreeably to said warning, and Ebenezer LACEY was chosen moderator; Isaac LACEY, proprietors' clerk; Abraham UNDERHILL and Ebenezer LACEY were chosen committee to lay out lands and highways. At this meeting Felix POWELL was voted fifty acres of land gratis, on account of his being the first settler, said land to be chosen where he saw fit. The first record of proprietors, treasurer and collector was in January, 1782, when Benjamin BALDWIN was chosen treasurer and Abijah DUNNING collector; and a little farther on we find it was voted to raise a tax of five shillings on each proprietors' right of land in Dorset, to be paid in wheat. Thus it appears that the land proprietors levied and collected taxes for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred in the division and laying out of lands, and the building of highways independently of the ordinary town expenditures, and their meetings related exclusively to this business. The first warning for a town meeting as recorded is as follows:
“Warning. -- These are to notify and warn the freeholders and inhabitants of the township of Dorset to meet at the house of Mr. Abraham UNDERHILL, innholder in said Dorset, on Tuesday the eighth day of March next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the following purpose: First to choose a moderator to govern the meeting. Second to choose town officers agreeable to the charter of the said Dorset. Given under our hands this 26th day of February, A. D. 1774, at Dorset. “A true copy test,
"ASA BALDWIN, Town Clerk."
At a meeting held in accordance with above warning Cephas KENT was chosen moderator; Asa BALDWIN, town clerk; Cephas KENT, John MANLEY and Asa BALDWIN selectmen, and George GAGE, constable. This is believed to be the first town meeting held in Dorset. The first committee of safety was chosen in March, 1778, and consisted of Cephas KENT, John MANLEY, Asahel HERMON, Ebenezer MOISE and Ephraim REYNOLDS. The first town treasurer, Cephas KENT, was chosen in 1778. First tax voted fourpence on the pound, 1780. According to DEMING, Cephas KENT was the first representative chosen in March, 1778, while both DEMING and the "Vermont Historical Magazine" say that Abraham UNDERHILL represented the town in the General Assembly in October, 1778, '80 '81 and '84. but we find no record of either in Dorset. The Congregational Church of Dorset was organized September 22, 1784 by Rev. Elijah SILL, from New Fairfield, Conn.
"From the first settlement and organization of the towns in the New Hampshire Grants, each had by its charter the right of self-government in March meeting, by the election of town officers and ordering town affairs. This power was vested in 'the inhabitants' by the New Hampshire charters. When in June, 1770 the New York court repudiated these charters, and the towns west of the Green Mountains had resolved 'to support their rights and property under the New Hampshire Grants against their usurpation and unjust claims of the governor and council by force, as law and justice were denied them,' these towns appointed town committees of safety `whose business it was to attend to their defense and security against the New York claimants.' These committees afterwards met from time to time as occasion seemed to demand, in general convention to consult upon and adopt measures for their common protection," and when met together in each county constituted the county committee of safety. The first meeting of these committees convened at Dorset, July 26, 1775, and is reported in "Vermont Historical Society Collections," vol. I, as follows: "At a meeting of the committees of the several townships on the New Hampshire Grants west of the range of the Green Mountains, convened at the house of Mr. Cephas KENT innholder in the township of Dorset, July 26, 1775, voted as follows, viz: 1st. Chose Mr. Nathan CLARKE chairman. 2d. Chose John FASSETT clerk. 3d. The motion being made and seconded whether the convention shall prosecute (proceed) in choosing field and other officers according to the Provincial Congress and General SCHUYLER's directions, passed in the affirmative. Then proceeded as follows: 4th. Chose Mr. Seth WARNER lieutenant-colonel for the regiment of Green Mountain Boys by a majority of forty one to five. 5th. Chose Mr. Samuel SAFFORD major for said regiment by a majority of twenty- eight to seventeen. Then proceeded and chose seven captains and fourteen lieutenants by a great majority." But it can hardly be considered essentially within the scope of this chapter to review the proceedings of the various assemblages within the town of Dorset that had no special relation to the town's individual history. The proceedings of the several conventions will be found sufficiently stated in the earlier pages of this volume, and need no repetition here.
PERSONAL HISTORY Of the first six settlers of Dorset we find an account of the descendants of only three families. The "Vermont Historical Magazine" gives in part these sketches in regard to them:
The BALDWINs became established in Dorset by the immigration to the town of four brothers, Benjamin, Asa. Eleazer, and Elisha, with two other relatives, Silas and Thomas BALDWIN. Benjamin came first into town in 1768, and established himself about a mile east of the village. Being a man of almost herculean strength, of great business talent and enterprise,.he soon surrounded himself with the principal necessaries and many of the comforts of life. On his farm were grown the first apples raised in town. He was a warm-hearted and generous man. His house became the resort not only of the social, who loved Uncle Ben's spicy stories and good cheer, but also of the poor and needy, who were never sent "empty away." In all his purposes and desires looking in a benevolent direction he was earnestly seconded by his wife-the kindly tempered, patient, and loving Aunt Ruth, the mother, not only of a dozen children of her own, but the foster-mother of every poor child in the neighborhood. He at one time was a man of the most substance of any in town. His children mostly emigrated to the West He died in 1830, aged eighty-six years. The children of Benjamin BALDWIN were as follows: Guy, Edward, Benjamin, (the latter of whom died in 1772, and was the first person buried in Maple Hill Cemetery,) Asa, Benjamin, 2d, William, Deborah, Rachel, Sarah, Ruth, Thomas K., Lorena, and Mary.
John MANLY, jr. was one of the first that settled in town, and was soon followed by his father, Deacon John MANLY, whose wife was a half-sister of Benedict ARNOLD. Deacon MANLY settled at Dorset village on the place still owned by his descendants. He died in 1803, aged 90 years. John MANLY, jr. settled on the farm still owned by his great grandson, John B. MANLY.
Captain Abraham UNDERHILL was among the earliest settlers of South Dorset. At his house in 1774 was held the first town meeting. Captain UNDERHILL commanded the volunteer company which was raised for the defense of the country. Being a man of very humane feelings he did much to mitigate the asperities of feeling existing between different parties, and by using his influence with the Council of Safety was instrumental in restoring to the families of the disaffected many a cow and horse of which they had been officially plundered. He represented the town at Windsor in 1788, and died in. 1796, aged 66 years.
Eli DEMING, one of the early settlers, located near Deming's Pond, he first lived in a log house near the present residence of James H. WAITE, and in 1786 built the house now known as the M. B. ROBERTS place. His son, Benjamin DEMING, lived and died there, and Mrs. M. B. ROBERTS, now in her 84th year, a daughter of Benjamin DEMING, has spent her entire life at the old homestead which has been the home of six successive generations. Eli DEMING, with his brother Eliakin, and Colonel William MARSH, owned nearly all the lands lying in the valley south of East Dorset through the town, and also many hundred acres in Manchester.
Colonel William MARSH came into town just previous to the Revolutionary War. He was one of the most able and active men in the early history of the town, was very prominent in the General Convention of July 24, 1776, a member of the association to defend by arms the United American States against the British, but notwithstanding all this he went over to the enemy and fled to Canada, leaving his family in Dorset. His wife remained here, and in order to secure her most valuable goods filled her brass kettle with her pewter ware and silver spoons, and sunk them in a pond near her dwelling-so perfectly safe that she never recovered them. The pond referred to is just north of the present residence of Robison ANDRUS.
In the "Vermont Historical Magazine" we find notices of other early settlers as follows:
William Ames, the progenitor of the Ames family, was born in Wethersfield, Conn., and settled in Dorset in 1780. The original farm is still occupied by his descendants.
Zachariah CURTIS, the great grandfather of John CURTIS of North Dorset, was born in England, immigrated to Connecticut at the age of eighteen and came to Dorset in 1769, He purchased nearly all the lands lying along the valley through which now runs the Bennington and Rutland Railroad, a tract running from East Dorset village northward some five miles in extent. He was, however, no non resident proprietor, for he lived and died on his property, raising up a family of twenty-five children, most of whom lived to maturity. His house, standing at the outlet of Dorset Pond, was once burned by the Indians.
Noah MORSE came into Dorset from Massachusetts in 1778, and settled on the place recently owned by the Hon. Heman MORSE. Not a descendant of the family is at present in town.
Reuben BLOOMER came into town in 1774, and settled on the farm until recently owned by his descendants. He married Susannah PADDOCK, and raised a family consisting of nine sons and eight daughters. He went with the army to Hubbardton as teamster. In the summer of 1777, when nearly all the people, panic stricken at the threatened invasion of Burgoyne, had fled, he still remained on his farm. At this time a son of his, nine years old, died, and he was reduced to the hard necessity of setting out for the place of burial alone. Providentially a stranger came along and assisted the stricken father in burying his dead. He himself died in 1824, aged eighty-eight years.
Deacon Cephas KENT was among the first settlers, and kept a tavern in troublous times. This house of Deacon KENT's and the conventions held there richly deserve conspicuous historic recognition. The house stood near the present dwelling of Charles B. KENT on the west road through the town. Deacon KENT was a sternly religious man, positive in all his opinions, frequently expressing himself: "Verily, I will have it so." He had six sons, three if not four of whom were in the battle of Bennington. He died in 1809, aged eighty-four years. Cephas KENT was married in 1747 to Hannah SPENCER, and came to reside in Dorset in 1776. His children were Mary, John, Hannah Cephas, Moses, Daniel, Mary, 2d., Alexander, Deborah, and Martin. A majority of these children lived and died in Dorset, and all of them were born before Deacon KENT became a resident of the town.
Titus KELLOGG came into town soon after the Revolution, having served five years during the war. Himself and two sons went to Plattsburg in the last war with Great Britain. He was, for many years the principal carpenter and joiner in town.
Titus SYKES came into town before the Revolution, and was soon followed by his father and brothers, Asbut, Jacob, Sylvanus, Victory and Israel. From these have descended a large class of most respectable citizens, there being at present many families of that name in town. Colonel Israel Newton SYKES was born in Dorset October 20, 1805; was the son of Israel SYKES, and now lives on the farm on which he was born. In 1831 he married Diana GILBERT, who bore him seven children. Israel SYKES, father of Colonel SYKES, was born in 1764 and died in 1846. His wife was Anna SHELDON, and was born September 1, 1764, and died in 1838. Their children were Betsey, who died an infant; Betsey, 2d, Aurelia, Harvey, Lucretia, Asaph and Israel. The last named only of these is now living, and he, Colonel Israel N. SYKES, is nearly eighty-four years of age.
Jonathan ARMSTRONG was born in Norwich. Ct. At the age of sixteen he went with the troops sent out by that colony to assist in taking the island of Cuba; and so fatal was that disastrous expedition, that only a small number of the one thousand Provincial troops ever survived to return. He was one of only four of his company permitted to see again their native land. At the Bennington battle he was a volunteer, and, assisted by another man, after the first action was fought, took seven prisoners, one of whom was the notorious Colonel PFISTER. While these two soldiers were marching their seven prisoners toward Bennington they met Colonel WARNER with whom ARMSTRONG was acquainted. and communicated to him the fact of the coming reinforcement under BAUM, which information he had drawn from their prisoners. WARNER ordered them to take said prisoners to their meeting-house. Colonel PFISTER was carried part of the way on the back of ARMSTRONG. The latter moved into Dorset in the autumn succeeding the battle of Bennington, and settled in that part of the town known as the "Hollow." He married Abigail HAYNES. Five brothers of his wife were likewise in the engagement at Bennington. Mr. ARMSTRONG died, aged eighty-three years.
The settlement made in Dorset by the pioneer, Jonathan ARMSTRONG, was more the result of accident than of design. His intention was to locate in Washington county, N. Y., but a person indebted to him offered lands in Dorset in payment, and this the pioneer accepted, and then moved to the town with his family. The children were Cyrus, Nathan, Claudis, Lois, Abagail, and perhaps others whose names are lost. Of these Cyrus ARMSTRONG was married twice; first to Laura BOOTH, who bore him one son, Laurel His second wife was Samantha BALDWIN, and by her he had five children: Theodosia, Laura, Augustin, Henrietta, and one other.
The WILLIAMS Family. -- Oliver WILLIAMS, the pioneer of this family, came from Connecticut and settled in Dorset a number of years prior to the close of the eighteenth century. His first wife died in 1798, after which he married Abigail KENT. The children of these two marriages were: Horatio, Jerusha, Norman, who was killed by a falling tree in 1819 ; Eliza, who married Nathaniel KINGSLEY; William, Homer A., Caroline, and Mary. William WILLIAMS married Julia SHELDON, and had four children: Edward, George H., Charles N., and Mary. George H. and Charles N. WILLIAMS, two of these sons, comprise the firm of William Williams' Sons, manufacturers of harnesses and saddlery at Dorset, in which business they succeeded to that formerly carried on by their father.
Asa BALDWIN, a brother of Benjamin BALDWIN, settled on a farm adjoining. He was a strict churchman, and embraced the royal cause in the Revolution, and being an outspoken man was soon arrested and committed to Bennington jail by order of the Council of Safety. His wife, taking one child in her arms, and another behind her on horseback, with a few such articles as she could carry, abandoned her home in pursuit of her husband. After a ride of thirty miles she was reunited to him, only, however, to be soon torn from his embrace and subjected to the dire necessity of journeying alone from Bennington to the residence of her parents somewhere in Dutchess county, N. Y. The strong man, who had unflinchingly met the contumely and reproach which was heaped upon him in consequence of his attachment to the royal cause, melted and wept like a child to see his defenseless wife and babes thus depart. His farm, now abandoned, was taken possession of by the family of General STRONG, recently driven from their home in Addison. December 12, 1777, the Council of Safety discharged Asa BALDWIN and others "from whatever they may have said or acted relative to the disputes between Great Britain and this country." He was duly restored to his family and his property.
Prince PADDOCK came into town about 1769, and settled in Dorset Hollow. Three brothers, John, Isaac, and Asa came from Mansfield, Ct. in 1780, settled, and spent the remainder of their lives in this town. Isaac served in the French and Indian war, was several times “on duty," as he used to call it, in the War of the Revolution, participating as a commissioned officer in the battle of Bunker Hill. Asa FARWELL also served with the army in Rhode Island at White Plains, while the British held possession of New York.
The HOLLEY Family. -- Justus HOLLEY, the pioneer of this family, was born in Connecticut February 5, 1765. Elizabeth FIELD, his wife, was born in the same State October 29, 1773. Their children were Laura, Almeda, Electa, Harvey, Hiram, Martha. Justus, Spafford F., George B., Harriet, and Rhoda. Justus HOLLEY, the pioneer died April 29, 1849, and his wife in November, 1858. Justus HOLLEY enrolled himself as fifer in Captain ROBINSON's company at Bennington; when ready to go into battle young HOLLEY asked his captain for a gun, thinking it a more effective instrument to serve his country with than a fife. But Captain ROBINSON preferred the powerful effect of the young man's fife.
Colonel Stephen MARTINDALE settled in Dorset in 1783; came from Stockbridge, Mass.; was a volunteer at the Bennington battle at the age of sixteen, weighing at that time just sixty-six pounds. He joined Colonel WARNER's regimen. The colonel on seeing such a stripling in the ranks ordered him to take care of some horses, greatly to the mortification of MARTINDALE. Though thus prevented from participating in the first action he was gratified with a chance of engaging in the second. After the enemy had fled a fellow soldier called to him for help to secure several prisoners, some eight in number, of whom two were inclined to be obstinate. All, however, were finally successfully "surrounded" and secured by one or two sturdy and gallant yeomen. During the War of I812 he was colonel of the regiment composed of drafted men and volunteers, and marched them to the lines for the defense of the State. Having received orders not to cross the lines he did not participate in the action at Plattsburg. In person he was very tall and spare, courteous and gentlemanly in address, and very energetic and active in all his movements. He several times represented the town in the Legislature, and died in 1825, aged eighty-five years.
Captain John SHUMWAY came to Dorset soon after the close of the Revolution from Mansfield, Ct. He enlisted in the army in his native town in 1i75, and served during the war. He was town clerk and justice of the peace for many years, representative of the town and judge of Probate. He drew a captain's pension for several years before his death, and his sword is still in the possession of one of his descendants. He died in 1825, aged ninety-three years.
Horace G. HARWOOD, the prosperous and progressive farmer and lumberman of Dorset, is a descendant from the family of Joseph Harwood, a pioneer of Rupert and Bennington. The children of Joseph were Joseph. Harriet, Abagail, Zachariah, Franklin, Oliver, Ruby, and Seymour. Oliver married Ruhamah FARRAR and had five children, only two of whom, Vesta A. and Horace G., are now living.
John COCHRAN was a pioneer of Londonderry, "over the mountain," and came to Dorset in 1820, bringing his family, in which there were six children. Two more children were born in Dorset. Mr. COCHRAN located on the site now occupied by Ira COCHRAN. John's children were Hannah, Ira, John R., Mary, Betsey, Luther (better known as Dr. COCHRAN, a physician of much ability, now deceased), Alvira, Almira. Ira COCHRAN was born in 1810, and for many years was one of the most prominent men of East Dorset. He built the first hotel in the village in 1852, and about the same time he built a steam marble saw-mill.
Jonathan CRANDALL was a pioneer settler in Rhode Island, and was in the Revolutionary service. He afterwards became a resident of Dorset and died there. His children were Russell, Worthy, Jonathan, Lyman, Jefferson, and Cynthia. Of these Russell only is now living. Lyman CRANDALL married Sarah LAKE, of Dorset, and had eleven children. William, his eldest son, served in the Mexican War, and died of yellow fever while on his way home. Albert and Willett, also sons of Lyman, served during the War of the Rebellion in Company H of the First Cavalry.
In that part of the town of Dorset that is known as the "Hollow" are a number of fine farms, and among them none is better than that owned and occupied by Moses SHELDON. This young and energetic farmer was the second child of Calvin and Eunice SHELDON. The farm comprises three hundred acres and is as well cultivated and stocked as any in the township. In 1884 Moses SHELDON was elected town representative; also he was, during the same year, appointed deputy sheriff. In 1882-3 he was town constable.
James Lewis ROBINSON was born in Rutland county in the year 1839, and .was the sixth of eight children born to Willmarth and Phebe ROBINSON. The . family moved to Dorset during the youth of James, and located where Ezra NICHOLS now lives. In May, 1861 James enlisted in Company A, Second Vermont infantry, for the three months' service, but re-enlisted for three years. He was in the prominent battles at First Bull Run, Frederick City, Wilderness, Antietam, Gettysburg, and other places. He was mustered out in 1864.
Thomas M. COLLINS, the local marble dealer and monument builder of Dorset village, was born in Rutland county in 1827, and came to Dorset when a young man. He learned the business of marble working with SYKES & UNDERHILL, and engaged for himself in 1865. In 1853 he married Sarah HAWKS, by whom he had two children.
About the year 18T7 or 1848 Welcome ALLEN came to North Dorset and bought the old iron foundry property and conducted the business thereafter until about 1869, when Florez ALLEN, his son, became interested in it. In 1877 Welcome ALLEN moved to Factory Point, where he died in 1884. Florez ALLEN continued the foundry business as long as it was profitable and then engaged in other pursuits. In 1872 he was chosen station agent at North Dorset.
The FARWELL Family. John FARWELL and his wife Esther and two children, Rhoda and John, came to Dorset in 1768 from Mansfield, Conn., and located on lands near the Rupert town line. Their home was in a log cabin that three brothers, John, Isaac and Asa FARWELL had built the year before. John FARWELL lived on the farm now occupied by HARWOOD. John's children were Rhoda, John, Jeduthan, Eliphalet, Dolly, Olive, Isaac, Esther, and Nabby.
George Washington FARWELL, a generous and public-spirited citizen of Dorset, is a son of Eliphalet FARWELL, by the marriage of the latter with Clarinda KENT. The other children of this union were Electa, Philo and Eliphalet, jr. George W. FARWELL married Maria NOBLE and had these children: John, Edgar, J., (the latter of which died at Raleigh, N. C., in 1876) Agnes, and Martha C. None of these children are now living.
The CURTIS Family. A few of the older residents of Dorset and Manchester will remember the familiar form of Daniel CURTIS, or, as he was better known, Uncle Daniel, the once famous landlord of the hotel at North Dorset. Uncle Daniel succeeded to the business of his father, Elias Curtis, upon the death of the latter. Elias was a pioneer of Manchester, and lived in "Skinner Hollow" in that town prior to his moving to North Dorset in 1794. He had a numerous family of children, and of these Daniel was the youngest. Daniel married Betsey BOWEN, and was the father of three children, only two of whom, Lewis and John, grew to maturity. John also succeeded his father in the hotel at North Dorset ; but when the days of stage travel ended the business declined, so that at present the old "tavern" receives only an occasional visitor.
General John STRONG. although a resident of this town only a few years, deserves mention here, on account of his prominence in public affairs during that time. His family were driven from their home in Addison by the Indians, in 1777, and found refuge in Dorset. It may not be inappropriate to give the following sketch from the "Vermont Historical Magazine:- "The morning previous to the taking of Crown Point by Burgoyne, Mrs. STRONG was sitting at the breakfast table. Her two oldest sons, Asa and Samuel, had started at daylight to hunt for young cattle that had strayed in the woods. Her husband had gone to Rutland to procure supplies of beef for the American forces at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, when a daughter of KELLOGG (afterwards Mrs. MARKHAM), came rushing in with, `The Indians are coming, and we are all flying. There are bateaux at the Point to take us off, and you must hurry!' and back she ran to help her own folks, her father then being a prisioner in Quebec. Mrs. STRONG was in feeble health, totally unable to encounter hardship or fatigue; her husband away, her two oldest sons in the woods, and no one to warn or seek them. There was no way but to try and save the children that were with her. She took her youngest, a babe of six months, (Cyrus) and putting him in a sack, with his head and shoulders out, fastened him on the back of the eldest daughter, and making up a bundle for each of the other children of the most necessary clothing, started them for the Point, charging them not to loiter or wait for her, and she would overtake them. After putting out the fire she closed the house, leaving the breakfast table standing as it was when they first heard the news. She traveled on as fast as she was able until she came to the north bank of Hospital Creek. Here, entirely exhausted, she sat down, when Spaulding of Panton, who had waited to see all off, and also the approach of the foe, came riding at full gallop up the road, and seeing her sitting where she was, said, `Are you crazy?' The Indians are in sight, the lake is covered, and the woods are full of them!' She told him she could go no farther. He dismounted, and placing her on the pillion, remounted, and putting his horse to his speed, arrived just as the last bateaux containing her children was was putting off, it having remained as long as they dared on her account. She was put. on board, Spaulding going on with his horse. That night they arrived at Whitehall. Here the settlers scattered in many directions, some returning to Connecticut. others going east. Zadock EVEREST and family, with other neighbors, went east, and she went with them. Asa and Samuel, as they returned towards night, saw, by the columns of smoke coming up from every house, that the Indians must have been there. They hid themselves until dark, and then cautiously approaching, found their house a blazing ruin. Believing that the family had escaped, they retraced their steps, and made the best of their way east towards Otter Creek. At daylight they found themselves near Snake Mountain. Fortunately, when they left home the morning previous, they took a gun and ammunition. They shot a partridge and roasted it, saving a part for their dinner, and pushed on, and in about a week found their mother and the rest of the children. They then hired a log-house, the older boys working out, and each doing what they could for their support. STRONG, hearing that Burgoyne had taken Crown Point. left his cattle at Brandon, and hastened for his home. On coming within sight of the forts he secreted himself until night. He then moved on cautiously for fear of the Indians. On reaching the center of a narrow ridge of land, just south of Foard's Creek, with a marsh on either side, covered with a dense growth of alders and willow, a yell, as demoniac as though the gates of the infernal regions had opened upon him, burst forth, and instantly he was surrounded by more than two hundred savages, whooping and swinging their tomahawks over his head. Instant death seemed inevitable. A Tory was in command. Having heard that he was expected in with cattle, he had got the assistance of this band of Indians, to intercept him. After a few moments he partially stilled the Indians, and addressing STRONG, asked, `Where are your cattle?' STRONG answered, `Safe.' This short and disappointing answer fairly drove him mad with rage, and no doubt he would have been sacrificed him on the spot, if an old chief, who knew STRONG, had not interposed. STRONG then told them to take him to the fort, and what ever was proper for him to answer, he would cheerfully do. He was then bound and taken to the other side and placed in the guard-house until morning, when he was brought before the commanding officer, who was Colonel FRASIER (afterwards killed at Stillwater). Strong explained who he was, the uncertain fate of his family, and his anxiety on their account. FRASIER generously let him go on parole until the middle of November, when he was to be at Crown Point to go with the army and prisoners to Canada. After thanking him, and just as he was leaving, he said, `Colonel, suppose the army never return, how then?' FRASIER smiling incredulously, said `Then you are released from all obligation,' and ordering him a supply of provisions for his journey, dismissed him. He now procured a boat and went to his house, which he found in ashes. After searching for any remains that might be left, in case his wife and children had been burned in the house, he returned to the fort, where he procured a passage up the lake to Whitehall. He was here completely at fault as to which way his family had gone but was induced to believe they were in Connecticut, where he went, but found they had not been there. He returned and went in another direction, and, after weeks of fruitless search, had almost despaired of finding them, when one evening, weary and footsore, he called at a log-house in Dorset, Vt., for entertainment for the night. It was quite dark. A flickering light from the dying embers only rendered things more indistinguishable. He had just taken a seat when a smart little woman, with a pail of milk, came in, and said, `Moses can't you take the gentleman's hat?' That voice! He sprang towards her. 'Agnes!' and she, with outstretched arms, `John, O, John!' How quick the voice of loved ones strikes upon the ear, and vibrates through the heart. That was a happy night in the little log-house. The children came rushing in, and each in turn received their father's caress. Smiles of happiness and tears of joy mingled freely, for a father and husband was restored as from the dead. They had received no tidings of him after he left his cattle and went to look for them, and they mourned him as dead. The next year he hired a farm. He represented Dorset in the Legislature from 1779 to 1782, in '81 was elected assistant judge for Bennington county and also in '82. In 1783 he returned to Addison."
The principal industry of the town is the production of marble, and the quarries that are now in operation, with one exception, are located upon the different slopes of Mount Aelous. The marble usually lies in horizontal strata or layers, and varies in thickness from a few inches to five or six feet, each layer generally retaining its own peculiar characteristics, such as color, degree of hardness and thickness, and is likely to improve in quality as it is followed back into the mountain. The celebrated geologist, Professor Edward HITCHCOCK, sen., has said of Mount -Aelous: "It furnishes the beautiful white marble, equal to the finest Italian, known all over our country as a product of this State. Such a rock, and such marble certainly deserves a name as beautiful and euphonical as the epithet Aeolian. But its origin needs explanation. The fine mountain in East Dorset, known generally as Dorset Mountain, and sometimes as Green Peak, contains the most remarkable display of white and gray limestone in New England -- perhaps in the United States. The strata here are piled upon one another to the height of nearly eighteen hundred feet, in a nearly horizontal position, and capped by a few hundred feet of talcose schist. Near the top of the limestone is a large cave descending westerly from the eastern precipitious face of the mountain. In a report on the geology of Massachusetts, we gave the name Berkshire limestone to this rock because it is well developed in Berkshire county of that State. Professor EMMONS called it Stockbridge limestone, because large quarries of it exist in that town. On the same principle Rutland ought to be the prefix instead of Stockbridge, because the Rutland quarries are much the largest. But since the largest development we know of this rock is seen in Dorset Mountain, we had resolved in this report to call it Dorset limestone. In the autumn of 1860, however, the geological (senior) class in Amherst College, having gone to Vermont to assist in measuring a section across the Green Mountains, found themselves in the vicinity of Dorset Mountain, and could not resist the temptation to ascend it and propose a name for it. They called it Mount Aelous, in honor of the god of the winds, which are confined by him in a cave; and there is quite as much reason for supposing the cave on this mountain to have been the place where they were imprisoned as to locate it in the far inferior mountain of Stromboli. We too cannot resist the temptation to apply a name euphonical and appropriate to this elegant rock, so like the Carrara marble, which probably skirts the western base of some of the Appalachian ridges from Canada to Alabama. If the proprietors of the marble quarries on this mountain should yield to a similar temptation Aeolian marble may become as famous in the future history of this country as the Carrara marble has been in that of Italy. We do not know wherein the former is inferior to the latter." The oldest quarry of. which we have any account was opened in 1785 by Isaac UNDERHILL, and was located in South Dorset. The production of the quarry was fire-jams, chimney backs, hearths etc., used in the construction of fire-places. A considerable trade was soon established, which led others to engage in the quarrying business, until now there are fifteen or more quarries that have been opened and worked, some of which have been abandoned. The firm of J. K. FREEDLEY's Sons owns one of the principal quarries, which is the most northerly of those on the eastern side of Mount Aeolus. It was opened in 1808, and has been in operation continuously. The marble is the strongest of any in town, and is used almost entirely for building purposes. On this quarry is to be seen the only tunneling done in town, where the marble has been removed for several hundred feet, leaving large chambers back in the mountain. The mill is located in the valley below, to which the marble is brought on cars over a railroad about a mile in length, built up the steep side of the mountain, and worked by means of cable. Located in the village of East Dorset is the marble-mill of D. L. KENT & Co., which firm is at present doing the largest business of any in town. The principal quarry owned by them is a part interest in the Folsom Ledge, which produces monumental marble of high a grade, being almost identical with the Vermont Italian marble. In addition to the supply from their own quarries this firm works a great variety of marble from different parts of the State, as they are finishers not only of building marble but also monuments, mantles, hearths, tiling, etc. The Dorset Marble Company (not now in active business), have a large mill and marble yard, also located in the village of East Dorset. They own the Vermont Italian marble quarry, which is the highest quarry in town, and produces monumental marble of the finest quality, very hard and susceptible of the highest polish. This firm also have an interest in the Folsom Quarry, of which mention has been made. On the western slope of Mount Aelous is the Edmund MANLEY Quarry, now owned by S. F. PRINCE & Co. This quarry produces mostly building marble, and is said by good judges to be the best of its kind in the State. The quarry presents a perpendicular face of about one hundred feet, the marble is quite perfect, and blocks have been taken out weighing fourteen tons each. The mill belonging to this firm is situated about a mile from the quarry, but only a small portion of the marble is sawed here, being shipped in the block. At South Dorset is located the mill and one of the quarries of the National Marble Company, successors to KENT & ROOT. This quarry is peculiar in that its strata are irregular and curved, instead of horizontal as in the other quarries, and presents a remarkable diversity of marble, not only in color, but in texture. This firm also owns a share in the Folsom Ledge.
Although marble is the principal production of this town, and provides employment for many men, lumbering is quite extensively carried on, there being seven lumber mills of more or less importance.
The farming interest is devoted almost exclusively to dairying, several cheese factories being in operation seven or eight months of the year, making into cheese the milk of about one thousand cows.
Church History In regard to the history of the Congregational Church of Dorset we find the following in the Vermont Historical Magazine: "The Congregational Church of Dorset was organized September 22, 1784, by Rev. Elijah SILL, from New Fairfield, Conn. In its infancy, though struggling with the usual embarrassments of a young church in a new country, it had the peculiar elements of strength and increase in the decidedly Christian character and earnest devotion of some of its earliest members. Among these were Deacons John MANLY and Cephas KENT, who, with their families established that regular Sabbath worship in Dorset which has now been maintained almost uninterruptedly for more than one hundred years. Not long after its organization the church numbered about 40 members; in 1796, about 80; in 1842, 168; in 1860, 102; and in 1889, 157."
Ministers The first pastor was Rev. Elijah SILL, who graduated at Yale in 1748, settled in Dorset in 1784, continued about five years, dismissed in 1791. From the town records we learn that "in 1793 the town voted to give Rev. Elijah SILL a call to settle in this town as a minister of the Gospel, Captain Abraham UNDERHILL, Mr. Cephas KENT and Mr. John MANLEY be committee to treat with Mr. SILL in relation to settlement." Rev. Seth WILLISTON, D.D., for many years pastor of a church in Durham, N. Y, spent several months of his earlier ministry in successful labor with this church in 1795-96. Rev. William JACKSON, D.D. commenced preaching here in 1793, During his later years in consequence of failing health, he was assisted first by Rev. Mr. GORDON and Rev. James MEACHAM as stated supplies, and afterwards by Rev. Ezra JONES as colleague pastor. Rev. Ezra JONES, born in Waitsfield, Vt., graduated at Middlebury in 1831, at Andover, Mass., in 1834, was installed at Dorset December 12, 1838, and dismissed October 28, 1841. For several years there was no settled pastor. Among the acceptable supplies of this period were Rev. J. D. WICKHAM, of Manchester, and Rev. M. C. SEARLE, formerly pastor in New Hartford, N.Y. Rev. Cyrus HUDSON, a native of Dorset, graduated at Middlebury in 1824, at Auburn in about 1828, and was installed pastor October 27, 1847. He resigned his office on account of infirm health, and closed his useful services here in the spring of 1853. For two and a half years the church was without a resident pastor, the pulpit being supplied for longer or shorter periods by Rev. J. STEELE, Professor G. A. BOARDMAN and others. Since January, 1856, the acting pastor has been Rev. P. S. PRATT, graduated at Hamilton College in 1842, and at Auburn in 1846.
The first meeting-house must have been built not long after the organization of the church, and was located near the burial ground. It was afterward removed to the west end of the village nearly opposite the present site, and repaired in 1816, and burned during a storm in January, 1832. The present edifice was dedicated in February, 1833. It has since been enlarged and remodeled, and is neatly and comfortably furnished. There is a flourishing Sabbath-school connected with the church. The parsonage was erected shortly after the accession of Rev. Mr. JONES, about the year 1839.
A Baptist Church existed and flourished in Dorset for several years, especially under the ministry of Rev. Cyrenus M. FULLER, settled in 1818, but this church is now extinct.
There is a Union church edifice at East Dorset, erected in 1838 or 1839; various denominations are represented, of which the Congregational and Methodist are the principal The present membership is about forty, and there is a Sabbath-school connected with the church. There is also a Roman Catholic Church, organized in 1856 in East Dorset, which is the largest church in town, having a membership of four hundred and fifty.
Schools The charter of the town provided a share, (two hundred and fifty acres of land) for the for the benefit of a school in town. In 1787 the town voted to lay out the school lot in the best manner for obtaining an income for the support of schools, and in 1797 the town was divided into six school districts, which number has since been increased to twelve full districts and one fractional. The old district system has been and is still in use, and with so many school-houses scattered through the town a good opportunity has at all times been afforded to all the children within its limits for obtaining instruction in ordinary branches. The school-houses are in good repair, the largest of which quite recently built at an expense of more than $5,000, is located at the village of East Dorset. The schools are supported in part by the income derived from school lands, United States deposit money, and the Huntington fund, and the remaining expense is borne by the districts with the exception of a town tax averaging ten cents on the dollar. The yearly cost of schools in town is about $3,500. The number of different scholars in attendance is about four hundred and twenty-five. Although our schools are of fair standing, they do not afford sufficient advantages to enable our advanced scholars to remain at home.
Population The population of Dorset in 1791 was 958; in 1800, 1,286; in 1810, 1,294; in 1820, 1,359; in 1830, 1,507; in 1840, 1,432; in 1850, 1,700; in 1860, 2,090; in 1870, 2,195 ; in 1880, 2,005. The population of this town has not varied materially for the past thirty years, it being about the same at the present time as when the last census was taken.
Civil List of Town Representatives The following is a civil list of town representatives: 1778, Cephas KENT, Abram UNDERHILL; 1779, 1780, 1781, Abram UNDERHILL, John STRONG; 1782, Benjamin BALDWIN, John STRONG; 1783, John SHUMWAY, Timothy BROWN; 1784, Benjamin BALDWIN, Abram UNDERHILL; 1785, John SHUMWAY; 1786, Silas GOODRICH; 1787, John SHUMWAY; 1788, William DUNTON; 1789, John SHUMWAY; 1790, William DUNTON; 1791, 1792, John SHUMWAY; 1793, Jona. ARMSTRONG; 1794, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1795, John SHUMWAY; 1796, Jona. ARMSTRONG; 1797, 1798, 1799, John SHUMWAY; 1800, Jona. ARMSTRONG; 1801, 1802, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1803, 1804, John SHUMWAY; 1805, 1806, Samuel COLLINS; 1807, John SHUMWAY; 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, Samuel COLLINS; 1812, 1813, 1814, Benjamin DEMING; 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, John UNDERHILL; 1823, 1824, Reuben H. BLACKMER; 1825, Johnson MARSH; 1826, Reuben H. BLACKMER; 1827, John COCHRAN; 1828, S. MARTINDALE; 1829, John COCHRAN ; 1830, 1831, Azel MOORE; 1832, 1833, Sylvanus SYKES; 1834, 1835, Paddock GRAY; 1836, 1837, Robert BLOOMER; 1838, Abial BLANCHARD; 1839, Chauncey GREEN; 1840, Heman MORSE; 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, W. MARTINDALE; 1847, 1848, James CURTIS; 1849, Jarvis ANDRUS; 1850, 1851, Daniel G. WILLIAMS; 1852, 1853, Marcius B. ROBERTS; 1854, 1855, George W. FARWELL; 1856, George B. HOLLEY; 1857, 1858, Ira COCHRAN; 1859, Charles FIELD; 1860, 1861, John W. BATCHELDER ; 1862, 1863, Henry B. KENT ; 1864, 1865, Welcome ALLEN; 1866, A. B. ARMSTRONG; 1867, 1868, G. M. SYKES; 1869, W. H. BEBEE; 1870, 1871, William A. TYREL; 1872, 18i3, W. H. BEBEE; 1874, 1875, Duane L. KENT; 1876, 1877. George W. FARWELL; 1878, 1879, Isaac BARROWS; 1880, 1881, O. E. WHITNEY; 1882, 1883, Dwight SYKES; 1884, 1885, Moses SHELDON; 1886, 1887, George M. VIALL; 1888, 1889, J. L COCHRAN.
State Senators State senators from Dorset since 1836.-1846, 1847, Heman MORSE ; 1859, I860, Laurel B. ARMSTRONG; 1865, 1866, Ira COCHRAN; 1880, 1881, G. M. SYKES; 1882, 1883, George M. VIALL; 1884, 1885, John CURTIS.
Town Clerks
In the following lists of town clerks and treasurers,
we give the number of elections for each, and the last year of each period of service
Asa BALDWIN, 4, 1777; Nathan MANLY, 7, 1784; John SHUMWAY, 12, 1796; William DUNTON, 1, 1797; John SHUMWAY, 17, 1814; John UNDERHILL, 12, 1826; Azel MORSE, 8, 1834; Heman MORSE, 23, 1857; Byron SARGEANT, 1, 1858; Heman MORSE, 3, 1861; John W. BATCHELDER, 3, 1864; S. F. HOLLEY, 1, 1865; I. G. VIALL, 7, 1872; George W. FARWELL, 6, 1878; George M. VIALL 1, 1889.
Town Treasurers Cephas KENT, 5, 1782; Isaac FARWELL, 10, 1798; Samuel COLLINS, II, 1809; Peleg SMITH, 1, 1826; Robert BLOOMER, 1, 1827; Azel MORSE, 7, 18J4; Heman MORSE, 23, 1857; Byron SARGEANT, 1, 1858; Heman MORSE, 3, 1861; John W. BATCHELDER, 3, 1864; S. F. HOLLEY, 1, 1865; J. G. VIALL, 7, 1872; G. M. SYKES, 1, 1873; George W. FARWELL, 5, 1878; George M. VIALL, 11, 1889
Members of the Constitutional Convention 1791, John SHUMWAY; 1793, William DUNTON; 1814, Benjamin DEMING; 1822, Sylvanus SYKES, jr.; 1828, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1836. Cyrus ARMSTRONG; George B. HOLLEY; 1870, F. W. OLMSTEAD; 1843, Chauncey GREEN; 1850.
Selectmen of Dorset
1774, Cephas KENT, John MANLEY, Asa BALDWIN; 1775, Cephas KENT, Abram UNDERHILL, Asa BALDWIN; 1776, Augustin UNDERHILL, Cephas KENT, Abram Underhill; 1777, Abram UNDERHILL, Ephraim REYNOLDS, John MANLEY, jr.; 1778, Asahel HARMON, Abram UNDERHILL, John MANLEY, jr.; 1779, Abram UNDERHILL, John MANLY, Ebenezer MORSE; 1780, Zachariah CURTIS, Augustin UNDERHILL, Richard DUNNING, Asahel HARMON, John GRAY; 1781, Augustin UNDERHILL, Asahel HARMON, Isaac FARWELL; 1782, Cephas KENT, Asahel HARMON, Benjamin BALDWIN; 1783, Asahel HARMON, Cephas KENT, Benjamin BALDWIN; 1784, Benjamin BALDWIN, Eli DEMING, Augustin UNDERHILL; 1785, Benjamin BALDWIN, Eli Deming, Asahel HARMON; 1786, Benjamin BALDWIN, Asahel HARMON, John MATTESON; 1787, Benjamin BALDWIN, Asahel HARMON, John FRENCH; 1788, Asahel HARMON, John FRENCH, Jona. ARMSTRONG 1789, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Eleazer BALDWIN, William UNDERHILL; 1790, Stephen MARTINDALE, Richard DUNNING, Seth SMITH; 1793, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1794, Jona. ARMSTRONG, John SHUMWAY; 1796, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Samuel COLLINS, Price BEARDSLEY; 1797, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Price BEARDSLEY, Samuel COLLINS; 1798, the same; 1799, Jona. ARMSTRONG, John SHUMWAY, Titus SYKES, Benjamin MATTESON, Noah MORSE; 1800, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Price BEARDSLEY, Benjamin BALDWIN; 1801, the same; 1802, the same; 1803, the same; 1804, the same; 1805, the same; 1806, the same; 1807, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Benjamin DEMING, John VAIL; 1808, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Benjamin DEMING, Titus SYKES; 1808, Stephen MARTINDALE, Benjamin DEMING, John VAIL; 1825, Sylvanus SYKES, Joseph MORSE, Horatio SYKES; 1826, Sylvanus SYKES, Joseph LEACH, Horatio SYKES; 1827, Sylvanus SYKES, John CHAPMAN, Paddock GRAY; 1828, Sylvanus SYKES, John CHAPMAN, Samuel MERICK; 1829, Sylvanus SYKES, John CHAPMAN, Paddock GRAY; 1830, John CHAPMAN, Juba KENT, Benjamin AMES; 1831, the same; 1832, John CHAPMAN, Experience BARROWS, Benjamin AMES; 1833, Experience BARROWS, Benjamin AMES, Alvin GRAY; 1834, Alvin GRAY, Heman MORSE, Lyman SYKES; 183, Alvin GRAY, William BEBEE, Lyman SYKES; 1836, the same; 1837, Experience BARROWS, Daniel G. WILLIAMS, Cyrus ARMSTRONG; 1838, Alvin GRAY, Daniel G. WILLIAMS, Zalmon BARNUM; 1839, Alvin GRAY, James CURTIS, Zalmon BARNUM; 1840, the same; 1841, James CURTIS, David BALDWIN, James T. WILSON; 1842, James CURTIS, James T. WILSON, Anson GRAY; 1843, Josiah DAYTON, James T. WILSON, Anson GRAY; 1844, Jarvis ANDREWS, Experience BARROWS, John T. GRIFFITH; 1845, Jarvis ANDREWS, William J. SOPER, Norton SYKES; 1846, Norton SYKES, Benjamin AMES, Harvey HOLLEY; 1847, Benjamin AMES, Chauncey G. BORLAND, William S. MARTINDALE; 1848, the same; 1849, James CURTIS, James A. HODGE, Harvey HOLLEY; 1850, Harvey HOLLEY, Daniel G. WILLIAMS, I. N. SYKES ; 1851, the same; 1852, Harvey HOLLEY, Hiram A. SOWLE, D. G. WILLIAMS; 1853, I. N. SYKES, James T. WILSON, John CURTIS; 1854, N. J. SANFORD, James T. WILSON, John PETTY; 1855, James T. WILSON, Harvey HOLLEY, Heman MORSE; 1856, the same; 1857, the same; 1858, George W. FARWELL, W. A. MARTINDALE, W. H. BEBEE; 1839, George W. FARWELL, W. A. MARTINDALE, James T. WILSON; 1860, A. B. ARMSTRONG, John W. BATCHELDER, Norton SYKES; 1861, the same; 1862, George W. FARWELL, John W. BATCHELDER, Harvey HOLLEY; 1863, John W. BATCHELDER, Harvey HOLLEY, W. H. BEBEE; 1864, John W. BATCHELDER, W. A. MARTINDALE, Norton SYKES; 1865, George W. FARWELL, W. H. BEBEE, Charles BALDWIN; 1866, the same; 1867, William D. CLEMONS, James B. WOOD, Azariah HILLIARD; 1868, the same; 1869, Azariah HILLIARD, F. G. HARWOOD, O. C. GILBERT; 1870, O. C. GILBERT, F. G. HARWOOD, H. A. WILLIAMS; 1871, W. H. BEBEE, H. A. WILLIAMS, N. J. SANFORD; 1872, W. H. BEBEE, N. J. SANFORD, J. L. COCHRAN ; 1873, H. A. WILLIAMS, J. L. COCHRAN, George W. FARWELL; 1874, H. A. WILLIAMS, J. M. GRIFFITH, George W. FARWELL; 1875, H. A. WILLIAMS, W. H. BEBEE, E. J. SANFORD ; 1876, H. A. WILLIAMS, John CURTIS, H. G. HARWOOD; 1877 W. H. BEBEE, H. G HARWOOD, Charles BALDWIN; 1878, W. H. BEBEE, Dwight SYKES, Nathaniel MCWAYNE; 1879, William D. AMES, James CODEY, Martin SHERIDAN; 1880, William D. AMES, Martin SHERIDAN, G. M. SYKES; 1881, Isaac BARROWS, Martin SHERIDAN, J. E. BUFFUM; 1882, Isaac BARROWS, Martin SHERIDAN, J. E. BUFFUM; 1883, J. E. BUFFUM, Martin SHERIDAN, Isaac BARROWS; 1884, J. E. BUFFUM, Martin SHERIDAN, George H. WILLIAMS; 1885, the same; 1886, B. A. ROGERS, G. M. SYKES, Edward YOUNG; 1887, B. A. ROGERS, W. C. LANDON, Michael CONNELL; 1888, J. E. BUFFUM, John H. SHELDON, Robert CARNEY; 1889, J. E. BUFFUM, Martin SHERIDAN, Robert CARNEY.
History of Bennington County, Vt.
With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich. Syracuse, N. Y., D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1889. Chapter XXIII. Page 407-428
With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers.
Edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich.
Syracuse, N. Y., D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1889.
Chapter XXIII. Page 407-428
"There are no considerable streams in this township . . . This township is considerably mountainous. Dorset Mountain lies in the north part, and extends into Danby, where it is called South Mountain. Equinox Mountain lies partly in the south-west corner. In this township are several remarkable caverns.
"The first settlement was made in 1768, by Felex Powell, from Massachusetts, Isaac Lacy, from Connecticut, and Benjamin Baldwin, Abraham Underhill, John Manley, and George Gage, from New York. The Rev. Elijah Sill was settled over the Congregational Church in 1781, and in 1796 the Rev. William Jackson was settled over this church. The first minister of the Baptist society was Elder Cyrus. M. Fuller, settled in 1818."
Gazetteer of Vermont, Hayward, 1849.
By George M. VIALL, esq., of East Dorset.
DORSET is situated immediately north of Manchester, and borders on Rutland county on the north. It is midway between Bennington and Rutland, and is located on the Bennington and Rutland Railroad, which passes through the eastern portion of the township. The general aspect of the town is mountainous; the extreme eastern part being bordered its entire length by the Green Mountain range, while through the center of the town, running northerly, extends a branch of the Taconic Mountains, of which Mount Aelous, or Dorset Mountain is the highest, with the exception of Mount Equinox, being 3,148 feet above tide water. On this mountain are several valuable marble quarries some of which are about 1,400 feet above the railroad in the valley, less than two miles to the east. Above the south quarry is Dorset Cave, its elevation being nearly 1,800 feet above the village of East Dorset. It opens into the mountain on the almost perpendicular wall, and slopes downward towards the west, the entrance being from twelve to fifteen feet in diameter, and extending with uniform size 100 feet or more, when several narrow passages are found, leading into rooms of considerable size. Beyond these the passages continue farther than have been explored. Geologists claim this cave to have been the bed of a river, and on account of currents of air coming from the narrow passages, suppose openings to exist on the western slope of the mountain.
A peculiarity of the climate of this township is the light fall of snow in winter, as compared with towns on the corresponding eastern slope, which are covered with a great depth of snow.
It may be proper to add in this connection that in 1860 the senior class of Amherst College, in company with the able geologist, Dr. C. H. HITCHCOCK, visited this neighborhood and Dorset Mountain in particular, christening the latter, with appropriate ceremonies, Mount Aelous. The solution furnished by this scientific body for the somewhat singular phenomenon above referred to is as follows: Aelous, God of the winds, fled from fallen Greece, and took up his abode in the caves and marbled halls of this mountain. When this God, so goes the myth, calls home Boreas, driving before him snow and hail, then comes Auster (the south wind) too, with warm breath and weeping showers, and volute frost work and scroll soon disappear.
Saturday morning, October 13. 1860, about thirty members of the class, in company with Mr. Charles H. HITCHCOCK, visited the quarries and cave, and on the natural platform just below its entrance performed the christening ceremonies. Mr. HITCHCOCK spoke briefly of the geological structure of the mountain, especially remarkable for the horizontal position of its strata. The existence of a cave, evidently an old river bed, at such an elevation showed how wonderful had been the transformation in this section of the country. He poured a bottle of pure water upon the mountain and christened it Mount Aelous, a name well corresponding to Mount Equinox, near by, and appropriate because this is a region of winds, and because this lofty mountain so much affects their direction and power in the neighboring valleys. Suitable, moreover, because Aelous dwelt in a cave-very likely in this, for no one could prove that he lived anywhere else, and this mountain is higher and better adapted for his residence than Stromboli, where he was fabled to dwell. Mr. Frederick FIELD, who accompanied the party up the mountain, in the name of the citizens of Dorset expressed to the class their gratification at this visit, and their acceptance of the name bestowed upon the hoary mountain, to which they all looked up with so much love and reverence. An appropriate poem was then read, and the song, of which the following is an extract, was sung:"
“We'll tell again that old, old tale, Of Aelous of yore, Who from his cave hard by the vale, So loudly used to roar.
CHORUS.-"Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South, and East and West, Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, With ne'er a place to rest.
“He left that home long years ago,
That home of Auld Lang Syne, Many a land he's wandered through, And o'er the ocean's brine. We've brought him here with us to-clay, We'll leave him here to rest, While wind and storm shall come always And go, at his behest. CHORUS. – “Blow, blow, etc.
“This mountain grand, henceforth all men,
Mount Aelous shall call, Till earth shall sink, and loose again The giant's mighty thrall. Then blow y e winds, ye breezes all, Obey your king's command, He sits in this grand marble hall, Ye are his servant band.
CHORUS. - Blow, blow, etc."
A portion of Equinox Mountain lies in the southwestern part of the town, with West Mountain farther to the north.
Thus it will be seen that the town is divided into two parallel valleys, in one of which is located the village of West Dorset, or Dorset proper, while three miles to the south is the village of South Dorset. In the eastern valley two villages are found, East Dorset and North Dorset, three miles apart, through which passes the Bennington and Rutland Railroad. In this valley are found the sources of Otter Creek and Battenkill River, the former winding its way to the north and emptying into Lake Champlain, the latter flowing southerly and westerly to the Hudson. In the western valley are also two rivers; one, the Mettawee or Pawlet River, flowing to the north, the other flowing south and joining the Battenkill in Manchester. These apparently deep valleys are thus shown to be a watershed. It may be well to mention a peculiarity in regard to the mountain springs and streams, all waters from the Green Mountains on the east being very soft, while those from the west are hard, being impregnated with lime.
The soil is mostly gravelly on the hills; all along the rivers it is loam, free from stones, quite fertile, and good grazing land. The scenery from the mountain roads, and especially from Mount Aeolus, is magnificent. The thriving villages of Manchester and those beyond, with fruitful fields in the broad valley of the Battenkill, are plainly to be seen to the south, while on either side, the hills and mountains rise in pleasing succession as far as the eye can reach, and give a sublime beauty to the background of the picture. As one passes from this point northward on the east side of Mount IEolus is seen almost at our feet the villages of East and North Dorset, with the Green Mountains rising abruptly on the east, forming a narrow valley, which seems to lose itself in the mountains to the north. Northwesterly from Mount Aelous stands Owl's Head, with a chain of other lesser peaks, until the last member of the arm, called the Pinnacle, "is laid in the lap of the valley" just back of Dorset village. The western slope of Mount Aelous is much less abrupt than its eastern, and the valley between it and the Equinox range on the west is much broader and more fertile than the valley on the east. The village of South Dorset, devoted exclusively to the marble interest, is nestled to the southwest, while the village of Dorset, well to the north, occupies quite an area of fertile land, and is the oldest and most attractive village in town. This model village, cradled between hills, with a tiny lake set like a gem in its midst, with its shaded and well kept streets beautified by handsome residences, and neat cottages, has many objects suggestive of memories of early days.
This town was chartered by Benning Wentworth, the governor of New Hampshire, August 20, 1761, to about sixty proprietors. It may be interesting to give the original charter of Dorset, as found in the town records.
"PROVINCE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. "George the third, by the grace of God, of Grate Britan, France and Ireland King, defender of the Faith, etc.
"To all persons to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Know ye that we of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion for the due encouragement of settling a new plantation within our said province, by and with the advice of our truly and well beloved Benning WENTWORTH, esquire, our governor and commander-in-chief of our said Province of New Hampshire, in New England and of our council of the said province, have upon the conditions and reservations hereinafter made, given and granted, and by these presents for us our heirs and successors, do give and grant in equal shares unto our loving subjects, inhabitants of our said Province of New Hampshire and our other governments, and to their heirs and assigns forever, whose names are entered on this grant, to be divided to and amongst them into seventy equal shares, all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being within our said Province of New Hampshire, containing by admeasurement twenty-three thousand and forty acres, which tract is to contain six miles square and no more, out of which an allowance is to be made for highways and unimprovable lands by rocks, ponds, mountains and rivers, one thousand and forty acres free according to a plan and survey thereof made by our said governor's order, and returned into the secretary's office and hereunto annexed, butted and bounded as follows viz., at the northwest corner of Manchester from thence due north six miles, from thence due east six miles, from thence due south six miles to the northeast corner of Manchester aforesaid, thence due west by Manchester aforesaid to the northwest corner thereof, being the bound first began at-and that the same be and hereby is incorporated into a township by the name of Dorset. And the inhabitants that do or shall hereafter inhabit the said township are hereby declared to be enfranchised with and entitled to all and every the privileges, immunities that other towns within our province by law exercise and enjoy, and further that the said town as soon as there shall be fifty families resident and settled thereon shall have the liberty of holding two fairs, and that as soon as the said town shall consist of fifty families a market may be opened and kept one or more days in each week as may be thought most advantageous to the inhabitants. Also that the first meeting for the choice of town officers agreeable to the laws of our said province shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in November next, which said meeting shall be notified by Gideon LYMAN, esq., who is hereby also appointed the moderator of the said first meeting, which he is to notify and govern agreeable to the laws and customs of our said province, and that the annual meeting forever hereafter for the choice of such officers for the said town shall be on the second Tuesday of March annually. To have and to hold the said tract of land as above expressed, together with all privileges and appurtenances, to them and their respective heirs and assigns forever, upon the following conditions, viz.:
"First, that every grantee, his heirs, or assigns shall plant and cultivate five acres of land within the term of five years for every fifty acres contained in his or their share or proportion of land in said township, and continue to improve and settle the same by additional cultivation on penalty of the forfeiture of his grant or share in the said township and of its reverting to us our heirs and successors to be by us or them regranted to such of our subjects as shall effectually settle and cultivate the same.
"Second, that all white and other pine trees within the said township fit for masting our royal navy be carefully preserved for that use, and none to be cut or felled without our special license for so doing first had and obtained upon the penalty of the forfeiture of the right of such grantee, his heirs and assigns to us our heirs and successors, as well as being subject to the penalty of any act or acts of Parliament that now are or hereafter shall be enacted.
"Third, that before division of the land be made to and among the grantees, a tract of land as near the center of the said township as the land will admit of shall be reserved and marked out for town lots, one of which shall be allotted to each grantee of the contents of one acre.
"Fourth, yielding and paying therefor to us, our heirs and successors for the space of ten years, to be computed from the date hereof, the rent of one ear of Indian corn only on the twenty-fifth day of December annually, if lawfully demanded, the first payment to be made on the 25th day of December, 1762.
"Fifth, every proprietor, settler or inhabitant shall yield and pay unto us, our heirs and succesors yearly and every year, forever, from and after the expiration of ten years from the above said 25th day of December, which will be in the year of our Lord 1772, one shilling proclamation money for every hundred acres he so owns, settles or possesses, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser tract of the said land, which money shall be paid by the respective persons above said, their heirs or assigns. In our council chamber in Portsmouth, or to such officer or officers as shall be appointed to receive the same, and this to be in lieu of all rents and services whatsoever. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed. Witness Benning Wentworth, esq., our governor and commander- in-chief of our said province, the loth day of August, in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one, and in the first year of our reign. By his Excellency's command.
"With advice of Council.
“Province of New Hampshire, August 20, 1761. Recorded according to the original under the province seal, pages 137, 138.
“Copy of Record
“Examined by George King, D. Sec'y."
In the list of original grantees of Dorset we find the following:
“His Excellency Benning Wentworth, esq. A tract of land to contain five hundred acres which is to be accounted two shares, one whole share for the incorporated society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts; one share for a glebe for the Church of England as by law established; one share for the first settled minister, and one share for the benefit of a school in town."
The first settlement was made in 1768 by Felix POWELL, from Massachusetts; Isaac LACEY, from Connecticut; and Benjamin BALDWIN, Abraham UNDERHILL, John MANLEY and George GAGE, from New York. The first record to be found in regard to the organization of the town is a warning of a proprietors' meeting to be held at the house of Isaac LACEY, on Tuesday, May 23, 1769, which meeting was holden agreeably to said warning, and Ebenezer LACEY was chosen moderator; Isaac LACEY, proprietors' clerk; Abraham UNDERHILL and Ebenezer LACEY were chosen committee to lay out lands and highways. At this meeting Felix POWELL was voted fifty acres of land gratis, on account of his being the first settler, said land to be chosen where he saw fit. The first record of proprietors, treasurer and collector was in January, 1782, when Benjamin BALDWIN was chosen treasurer and Abijah DUNNING collector; and a little farther on we find it was voted to raise a tax of five shillings on each proprietors' right of land in Dorset, to be paid in wheat. Thus it appears that the land proprietors levied and collected taxes for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred in the division and laying out of lands, and the building of highways independently of the ordinary town expenditures, and their meetings related exclusively to this business. The first warning for a town meeting as recorded is as follows:
“Warning. -- These are to notify and warn the freeholders and inhabitants of the township of Dorset to meet at the house of Mr. Abraham UNDERHILL, innholder in said Dorset, on Tuesday the eighth day of March next at two of the clock in the afternoon for the following purpose: First to choose a moderator to govern the meeting. Second to choose town officers agreeable to the charter of the said Dorset. Given under our hands this 26th day of February, A. D. 1774, at Dorset. “A true copy test,
"ASA BALDWIN, Town Clerk."
At a meeting held in accordance with above warning Cephas KENT was chosen moderator; Asa BALDWIN, town clerk; Cephas KENT, John MANLEY and Asa BALDWIN selectmen, and George GAGE, constable. This is believed to be the first town meeting held in Dorset. The first committee of safety was chosen in March, 1778, and consisted of Cephas KENT, John MANLEY, Asahel HERMON, Ebenezer MOISE and Ephraim REYNOLDS. The first town treasurer, Cephas KENT, was chosen in 1778. First tax voted fourpence on the pound, 1780. According to DEMING, Cephas KENT was the first representative chosen in March, 1778, while both DEMING and the "Vermont Historical Magazine" say that Abraham UNDERHILL represented the town in the General Assembly in October, 1778, '80 '81 and '84. but we find no record of either in Dorset. The Congregational Church of Dorset was organized September 22, 1784 by Rev. Elijah SILL, from New Fairfield, Conn.
"From the first settlement and organization of the towns in the New Hampshire Grants, each had by its charter the right of self-government in March meeting, by the election of town officers and ordering town affairs. This power was vested in 'the inhabitants' by the New Hampshire charters. When in June, 1770 the New York court repudiated these charters, and the towns west of the Green Mountains had resolved 'to support their rights and property under the New Hampshire Grants against their usurpation and unjust claims of the governor and council by force, as law and justice were denied them,' these towns appointed town committees of safety `whose business it was to attend to their defense and security against the New York claimants.' These committees afterwards met from time to time as occasion seemed to demand, in general convention to consult upon and adopt measures for their common protection," and when met together in each county constituted the county committee of safety. The first meeting of these committees convened at Dorset, July 26, 1775, and is reported in "Vermont Historical Society Collections," vol. I, as follows: "At a meeting of the committees of the several townships on the New Hampshire Grants west of the range of the Green Mountains, convened at the house of Mr. Cephas KENT innholder in the township of Dorset, July 26, 1775, voted as follows, viz: 1st. Chose Mr. Nathan CLARKE chairman. 2d. Chose John FASSETT clerk. 3d. The motion being made and seconded whether the convention shall prosecute (proceed) in choosing field and other officers according to the Provincial Congress and General SCHUYLER's directions, passed in the affirmative. Then proceeded as follows: 4th. Chose Mr. Seth WARNER lieutenant-colonel for the regiment of Green Mountain Boys by a majority of forty one to five. 5th. Chose Mr. Samuel SAFFORD major for said regiment by a majority of twenty- eight to seventeen. Then proceeded and chose seven captains and fourteen lieutenants by a great majority." But it can hardly be considered essentially within the scope of this chapter to review the proceedings of the various assemblages within the town of Dorset that had no special relation to the town's individual history. The proceedings of the several conventions will be found sufficiently stated in the earlier pages of this volume, and need no repetition here.
PERSONAL HISTORY Of the first six settlers of Dorset we find an account of the descendants of only three families. The "Vermont Historical Magazine" gives in part these sketches in regard to them:
The BALDWINs became established in Dorset by the immigration to the town of four brothers, Benjamin, Asa. Eleazer, and Elisha, with two other relatives, Silas and Thomas BALDWIN. Benjamin came first into town in 1768, and established himself about a mile east of the village. Being a man of almost herculean strength, of great business talent and enterprise,.he soon surrounded himself with the principal necessaries and many of the comforts of life. On his farm were grown the first apples raised in town. He was a warm-hearted and generous man. His house became the resort not only of the social, who loved Uncle Ben's spicy stories and good cheer, but also of the poor and needy, who were never sent "empty away." In all his purposes and desires looking in a benevolent direction he was earnestly seconded by his wife-the kindly tempered, patient, and loving Aunt Ruth, the mother, not only of a dozen children of her own, but the foster-mother of every poor child in the neighborhood. He at one time was a man of the most substance of any in town. His children mostly emigrated to the West He died in 1830, aged eighty-six years. The children of Benjamin BALDWIN were as follows: Guy, Edward, Benjamin, (the latter of whom died in 1772, and was the first person buried in Maple Hill Cemetery,) Asa, Benjamin, 2d, William, Deborah, Rachel, Sarah, Ruth, Thomas K., Lorena, and Mary.
John MANLY, jr. was one of the first that settled in town, and was soon followed by his father, Deacon John MANLY, whose wife was a half-sister of Benedict ARNOLD. Deacon MANLY settled at Dorset village on the place still owned by his descendants. He died in 1803, aged 90 years. John MANLY, jr. settled on the farm still owned by his great grandson, John B. MANLY.
Captain Abraham UNDERHILL was among the earliest settlers of South Dorset. At his house in 1774 was held the first town meeting. Captain UNDERHILL commanded the volunteer company which was raised for the defense of the country. Being a man of very humane feelings he did much to mitigate the asperities of feeling existing between different parties, and by using his influence with the Council of Safety was instrumental in restoring to the families of the disaffected many a cow and horse of which they had been officially plundered. He represented the town at Windsor in 1788, and died in. 1796, aged 66 years.
Eli DEMING, one of the early settlers, located near Deming's Pond, he first lived in a log house near the present residence of James H. WAITE, and in 1786 built the house now known as the M. B. ROBERTS place. His son, Benjamin DEMING, lived and died there, and Mrs. M. B. ROBERTS, now in her 84th year, a daughter of Benjamin DEMING, has spent her entire life at the old homestead which has been the home of six successive generations. Eli DEMING, with his brother Eliakin, and Colonel William MARSH, owned nearly all the lands lying in the valley south of East Dorset through the town, and also many hundred acres in Manchester.
Colonel William MARSH came into town just previous to the Revolutionary War. He was one of the most able and active men in the early history of the town, was very prominent in the General Convention of July 24, 1776, a member of the association to defend by arms the United American States against the British, but notwithstanding all this he went over to the enemy and fled to Canada, leaving his family in Dorset. His wife remained here, and in order to secure her most valuable goods filled her brass kettle with her pewter ware and silver spoons, and sunk them in a pond near her dwelling-so perfectly safe that she never recovered them. The pond referred to is just north of the present residence of Robison ANDRUS.
In the "Vermont Historical Magazine" we find notices of other early settlers as follows:
William Ames, the progenitor of the Ames family, was born in Wethersfield, Conn., and settled in Dorset in 1780. The original farm is still occupied by his descendants.
Zachariah CURTIS, the great grandfather of John CURTIS of North Dorset, was born in England, immigrated to Connecticut at the age of eighteen and came to Dorset in 1769, He purchased nearly all the lands lying along the valley through which now runs the Bennington and Rutland Railroad, a tract running from East Dorset village northward some five miles in extent. He was, however, no non resident proprietor, for he lived and died on his property, raising up a family of twenty-five children, most of whom lived to maturity. His house, standing at the outlet of Dorset Pond, was once burned by the Indians.
Noah MORSE came into Dorset from Massachusetts in 1778, and settled on the place recently owned by the Hon. Heman MORSE. Not a descendant of the family is at present in town.
Reuben BLOOMER came into town in 1774, and settled on the farm until recently owned by his descendants. He married Susannah PADDOCK, and raised a family consisting of nine sons and eight daughters. He went with the army to Hubbardton as teamster. In the summer of 1777, when nearly all the people, panic stricken at the threatened invasion of Burgoyne, had fled, he still remained on his farm. At this time a son of his, nine years old, died, and he was reduced to the hard necessity of setting out for the place of burial alone. Providentially a stranger came along and assisted the stricken father in burying his dead. He himself died in 1824, aged eighty-eight years.
Deacon Cephas KENT was among the first settlers, and kept a tavern in troublous times. This house of Deacon KENT's and the conventions held there richly deserve conspicuous historic recognition. The house stood near the present dwelling of Charles B. KENT on the west road through the town. Deacon KENT was a sternly religious man, positive in all his opinions, frequently expressing himself: "Verily, I will have it so." He had six sons, three if not four of whom were in the battle of Bennington. He died in 1809, aged eighty-four years. Cephas KENT was married in 1747 to Hannah SPENCER, and came to reside in Dorset in 1776. His children were Mary, John, Hannah Cephas, Moses, Daniel, Mary, 2d., Alexander, Deborah, and Martin. A majority of these children lived and died in Dorset, and all of them were born before Deacon KENT became a resident of the town.
Titus KELLOGG came into town soon after the Revolution, having served five years during the war. Himself and two sons went to Plattsburg in the last war with Great Britain. He was, for many years the principal carpenter and joiner in town.
Titus SYKES came into town before the Revolution, and was soon followed by his father and brothers, Asbut, Jacob, Sylvanus, Victory and Israel. From these have descended a large class of most respectable citizens, there being at present many families of that name in town. Colonel Israel Newton SYKES was born in Dorset October 20, 1805; was the son of Israel SYKES, and now lives on the farm on which he was born. In 1831 he married Diana GILBERT, who bore him seven children. Israel SYKES, father of Colonel SYKES, was born in 1764 and died in 1846. His wife was Anna SHELDON, and was born September 1, 1764, and died in 1838. Their children were Betsey, who died an infant; Betsey, 2d, Aurelia, Harvey, Lucretia, Asaph and Israel. The last named only of these is now living, and he, Colonel Israel N. SYKES, is nearly eighty-four years of age.
Jonathan ARMSTRONG was born in Norwich. Ct. At the age of sixteen he went with the troops sent out by that colony to assist in taking the island of Cuba; and so fatal was that disastrous expedition, that only a small number of the one thousand Provincial troops ever survived to return. He was one of only four of his company permitted to see again their native land. At the Bennington battle he was a volunteer, and, assisted by another man, after the first action was fought, took seven prisoners, one of whom was the notorious Colonel PFISTER. While these two soldiers were marching their seven prisoners toward Bennington they met Colonel WARNER with whom ARMSTRONG was acquainted. and communicated to him the fact of the coming reinforcement under BAUM, which information he had drawn from their prisoners. WARNER ordered them to take said prisoners to their meeting-house. Colonel PFISTER was carried part of the way on the back of ARMSTRONG. The latter moved into Dorset in the autumn succeeding the battle of Bennington, and settled in that part of the town known as the "Hollow." He married Abigail HAYNES. Five brothers of his wife were likewise in the engagement at Bennington. Mr. ARMSTRONG died, aged eighty-three years.
The settlement made in Dorset by the pioneer, Jonathan ARMSTRONG, was more the result of accident than of design. His intention was to locate in Washington county, N. Y., but a person indebted to him offered lands in Dorset in payment, and this the pioneer accepted, and then moved to the town with his family. The children were Cyrus, Nathan, Claudis, Lois, Abagail, and perhaps others whose names are lost. Of these Cyrus ARMSTRONG was married twice; first to Laura BOOTH, who bore him one son, Laurel His second wife was Samantha BALDWIN, and by her he had five children: Theodosia, Laura, Augustin, Henrietta, and one other.
The WILLIAMS Family. -- Oliver WILLIAMS, the pioneer of this family, came from Connecticut and settled in Dorset a number of years prior to the close of the eighteenth century. His first wife died in 1798, after which he married Abigail KENT. The children of these two marriages were: Horatio, Jerusha, Norman, who was killed by a falling tree in 1819 ; Eliza, who married Nathaniel KINGSLEY; William, Homer A., Caroline, and Mary. William WILLIAMS married Julia SHELDON, and had four children: Edward, George H., Charles N., and Mary. George H. and Charles N. WILLIAMS, two of these sons, comprise the firm of William Williams' Sons, manufacturers of harnesses and saddlery at Dorset, in which business they succeeded to that formerly carried on by their father.
Asa BALDWIN, a brother of Benjamin BALDWIN, settled on a farm adjoining. He was a strict churchman, and embraced the royal cause in the Revolution, and being an outspoken man was soon arrested and committed to Bennington jail by order of the Council of Safety. His wife, taking one child in her arms, and another behind her on horseback, with a few such articles as she could carry, abandoned her home in pursuit of her husband. After a ride of thirty miles she was reunited to him, only, however, to be soon torn from his embrace and subjected to the dire necessity of journeying alone from Bennington to the residence of her parents somewhere in Dutchess county, N. Y. The strong man, who had unflinchingly met the contumely and reproach which was heaped upon him in consequence of his attachment to the royal cause, melted and wept like a child to see his defenseless wife and babes thus depart. His farm, now abandoned, was taken possession of by the family of General STRONG, recently driven from their home in Addison. December 12, 1777, the Council of Safety discharged Asa BALDWIN and others "from whatever they may have said or acted relative to the disputes between Great Britain and this country." He was duly restored to his family and his property.
Prince PADDOCK came into town about 1769, and settled in Dorset Hollow. Three brothers, John, Isaac, and Asa came from Mansfield, Ct. in 1780, settled, and spent the remainder of their lives in this town. Isaac served in the French and Indian war, was several times “on duty," as he used to call it, in the War of the Revolution, participating as a commissioned officer in the battle of Bunker Hill. Asa FARWELL also served with the army in Rhode Island at White Plains, while the British held possession of New York.
The HOLLEY Family. -- Justus HOLLEY, the pioneer of this family, was born in Connecticut February 5, 1765. Elizabeth FIELD, his wife, was born in the same State October 29, 1773. Their children were Laura, Almeda, Electa, Harvey, Hiram, Martha. Justus, Spafford F., George B., Harriet, and Rhoda. Justus HOLLEY, the pioneer died April 29, 1849, and his wife in November, 1858. Justus HOLLEY enrolled himself as fifer in Captain ROBINSON's company at Bennington; when ready to go into battle young HOLLEY asked his captain for a gun, thinking it a more effective instrument to serve his country with than a fife. But Captain ROBINSON preferred the powerful effect of the young man's fife.
Colonel Stephen MARTINDALE settled in Dorset in 1783; came from Stockbridge, Mass.; was a volunteer at the Bennington battle at the age of sixteen, weighing at that time just sixty-six pounds. He joined Colonel WARNER's regimen. The colonel on seeing such a stripling in the ranks ordered him to take care of some horses, greatly to the mortification of MARTINDALE. Though thus prevented from participating in the first action he was gratified with a chance of engaging in the second. After the enemy had fled a fellow soldier called to him for help to secure several prisoners, some eight in number, of whom two were inclined to be obstinate. All, however, were finally successfully "surrounded" and secured by one or two sturdy and gallant yeomen. During the War of I812 he was colonel of the regiment composed of drafted men and volunteers, and marched them to the lines for the defense of the State. Having received orders not to cross the lines he did not participate in the action at Plattsburg. In person he was very tall and spare, courteous and gentlemanly in address, and very energetic and active in all his movements. He several times represented the town in the Legislature, and died in 1825, aged eighty-five years.
Captain John SHUMWAY came to Dorset soon after the close of the Revolution from Mansfield, Ct. He enlisted in the army in his native town in 1i75, and served during the war. He was town clerk and justice of the peace for many years, representative of the town and judge of Probate. He drew a captain's pension for several years before his death, and his sword is still in the possession of one of his descendants. He died in 1825, aged ninety-three years.
Horace G. HARWOOD, the prosperous and progressive farmer and lumberman of Dorset, is a descendant from the family of Joseph Harwood, a pioneer of Rupert and Bennington. The children of Joseph were Joseph. Harriet, Abagail, Zachariah, Franklin, Oliver, Ruby, and Seymour. Oliver married Ruhamah FARRAR and had five children, only two of whom, Vesta A. and Horace G., are now living.
John COCHRAN was a pioneer of Londonderry, "over the mountain," and came to Dorset in 1820, bringing his family, in which there were six children. Two more children were born in Dorset. Mr. COCHRAN located on the site now occupied by Ira COCHRAN. John's children were Hannah, Ira, John R., Mary, Betsey, Luther (better known as Dr. COCHRAN, a physician of much ability, now deceased), Alvira, Almira. Ira COCHRAN was born in 1810, and for many years was one of the most prominent men of East Dorset. He built the first hotel in the village in 1852, and about the same time he built a steam marble saw-mill.
Jonathan CRANDALL was a pioneer settler in Rhode Island, and was in the Revolutionary service. He afterwards became a resident of Dorset and died there. His children were Russell, Worthy, Jonathan, Lyman, Jefferson, and Cynthia. Of these Russell only is now living. Lyman CRANDALL married Sarah LAKE, of Dorset, and had eleven children. William, his eldest son, served in the Mexican War, and died of yellow fever while on his way home. Albert and Willett, also sons of Lyman, served during the War of the Rebellion in Company H of the First Cavalry.
In that part of the town of Dorset that is known as the "Hollow" are a number of fine farms, and among them none is better than that owned and occupied by Moses SHELDON. This young and energetic farmer was the second child of Calvin and Eunice SHELDON. The farm comprises three hundred acres and is as well cultivated and stocked as any in the township. In 1884 Moses SHELDON was elected town representative; also he was, during the same year, appointed deputy sheriff. In 1882-3 he was town constable.
James Lewis ROBINSON was born in Rutland county in the year 1839, and .was the sixth of eight children born to Willmarth and Phebe ROBINSON. The . family moved to Dorset during the youth of James, and located where Ezra NICHOLS now lives. In May, 1861 James enlisted in Company A, Second Vermont infantry, for the three months' service, but re-enlisted for three years. He was in the prominent battles at First Bull Run, Frederick City, Wilderness, Antietam, Gettysburg, and other places. He was mustered out in 1864.
Thomas M. COLLINS, the local marble dealer and monument builder of Dorset village, was born in Rutland county in 1827, and came to Dorset when a young man. He learned the business of marble working with SYKES & UNDERHILL, and engaged for himself in 1865. In 1853 he married Sarah HAWKS, by whom he had two children.
About the year 18T7 or 1848 Welcome ALLEN came to North Dorset and bought the old iron foundry property and conducted the business thereafter until about 1869, when Florez ALLEN, his son, became interested in it. In 1877 Welcome ALLEN moved to Factory Point, where he died in 1884. Florez ALLEN continued the foundry business as long as it was profitable and then engaged in other pursuits. In 1872 he was chosen station agent at North Dorset.
The FARWELL Family. John FARWELL and his wife Esther and two children, Rhoda and John, came to Dorset in 1768 from Mansfield, Conn., and located on lands near the Rupert town line. Their home was in a log cabin that three brothers, John, Isaac and Asa FARWELL had built the year before. John FARWELL lived on the farm now occupied by HARWOOD. John's children were Rhoda, John, Jeduthan, Eliphalet, Dolly, Olive, Isaac, Esther, and Nabby.
George Washington FARWELL, a generous and public-spirited citizen of Dorset, is a son of Eliphalet FARWELL, by the marriage of the latter with Clarinda KENT. The other children of this union were Electa, Philo and Eliphalet, jr. George W. FARWELL married Maria NOBLE and had these children: John, Edgar, J., (the latter of which died at Raleigh, N. C., in 1876) Agnes, and Martha C. None of these children are now living.
The CURTIS Family. A few of the older residents of Dorset and Manchester will remember the familiar form of Daniel CURTIS, or, as he was better known, Uncle Daniel, the once famous landlord of the hotel at North Dorset. Uncle Daniel succeeded to the business of his father, Elias Curtis, upon the death of the latter. Elias was a pioneer of Manchester, and lived in "Skinner Hollow" in that town prior to his moving to North Dorset in 1794. He had a numerous family of children, and of these Daniel was the youngest. Daniel married Betsey BOWEN, and was the father of three children, only two of whom, Lewis and John, grew to maturity. John also succeeded his father in the hotel at North Dorset ; but when the days of stage travel ended the business declined, so that at present the old "tavern" receives only an occasional visitor.
General John STRONG. although a resident of this town only a few years, deserves mention here, on account of his prominence in public affairs during that time. His family were driven from their home in Addison by the Indians, in 1777, and found refuge in Dorset. It may not be inappropriate to give the following sketch from the "Vermont Historical Magazine:- "The morning previous to the taking of Crown Point by Burgoyne, Mrs. STRONG was sitting at the breakfast table. Her two oldest sons, Asa and Samuel, had started at daylight to hunt for young cattle that had strayed in the woods. Her husband had gone to Rutland to procure supplies of beef for the American forces at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, when a daughter of KELLOGG (afterwards Mrs. MARKHAM), came rushing in with, `The Indians are coming, and we are all flying. There are bateaux at the Point to take us off, and you must hurry!' and back she ran to help her own folks, her father then being a prisioner in Quebec. Mrs. STRONG was in feeble health, totally unable to encounter hardship or fatigue; her husband away, her two oldest sons in the woods, and no one to warn or seek them. There was no way but to try and save the children that were with her. She took her youngest, a babe of six months, (Cyrus) and putting him in a sack, with his head and shoulders out, fastened him on the back of the eldest daughter, and making up a bundle for each of the other children of the most necessary clothing, started them for the Point, charging them not to loiter or wait for her, and she would overtake them. After putting out the fire she closed the house, leaving the breakfast table standing as it was when they first heard the news. She traveled on as fast as she was able until she came to the north bank of Hospital Creek. Here, entirely exhausted, she sat down, when Spaulding of Panton, who had waited to see all off, and also the approach of the foe, came riding at full gallop up the road, and seeing her sitting where she was, said, `Are you crazy?' The Indians are in sight, the lake is covered, and the woods are full of them!' She told him she could go no farther. He dismounted, and placing her on the pillion, remounted, and putting his horse to his speed, arrived just as the last bateaux containing her children was was putting off, it having remained as long as they dared on her account. She was put. on board, Spaulding going on with his horse. That night they arrived at Whitehall. Here the settlers scattered in many directions, some returning to Connecticut. others going east. Zadock EVEREST and family, with other neighbors, went east, and she went with them. Asa and Samuel, as they returned towards night, saw, by the columns of smoke coming up from every house, that the Indians must have been there. They hid themselves until dark, and then cautiously approaching, found their house a blazing ruin. Believing that the family had escaped, they retraced their steps, and made the best of their way east towards Otter Creek. At daylight they found themselves near Snake Mountain. Fortunately, when they left home the morning previous, they took a gun and ammunition. They shot a partridge and roasted it, saving a part for their dinner, and pushed on, and in about a week found their mother and the rest of the children. They then hired a log-house, the older boys working out, and each doing what they could for their support. STRONG, hearing that Burgoyne had taken Crown Point. left his cattle at Brandon, and hastened for his home. On coming within sight of the forts he secreted himself until night. He then moved on cautiously for fear of the Indians. On reaching the center of a narrow ridge of land, just south of Foard's Creek, with a marsh on either side, covered with a dense growth of alders and willow, a yell, as demoniac as though the gates of the infernal regions had opened upon him, burst forth, and instantly he was surrounded by more than two hundred savages, whooping and swinging their tomahawks over his head. Instant death seemed inevitable. A Tory was in command. Having heard that he was expected in with cattle, he had got the assistance of this band of Indians, to intercept him. After a few moments he partially stilled the Indians, and addressing STRONG, asked, `Where are your cattle?' STRONG answered, `Safe.' This short and disappointing answer fairly drove him mad with rage, and no doubt he would have been sacrificed him on the spot, if an old chief, who knew STRONG, had not interposed. STRONG then told them to take him to the fort, and what ever was proper for him to answer, he would cheerfully do. He was then bound and taken to the other side and placed in the guard-house until morning, when he was brought before the commanding officer, who was Colonel FRASIER (afterwards killed at Stillwater). Strong explained who he was, the uncertain fate of his family, and his anxiety on their account. FRASIER generously let him go on parole until the middle of November, when he was to be at Crown Point to go with the army and prisoners to Canada. After thanking him, and just as he was leaving, he said, `Colonel, suppose the army never return, how then?' FRASIER smiling incredulously, said `Then you are released from all obligation,' and ordering him a supply of provisions for his journey, dismissed him. He now procured a boat and went to his house, which he found in ashes. After searching for any remains that might be left, in case his wife and children had been burned in the house, he returned to the fort, where he procured a passage up the lake to Whitehall. He was here completely at fault as to which way his family had gone but was induced to believe they were in Connecticut, where he went, but found they had not been there. He returned and went in another direction, and, after weeks of fruitless search, had almost despaired of finding them, when one evening, weary and footsore, he called at a log-house in Dorset, Vt., for entertainment for the night. It was quite dark. A flickering light from the dying embers only rendered things more indistinguishable. He had just taken a seat when a smart little woman, with a pail of milk, came in, and said, `Moses can't you take the gentleman's hat?' That voice! He sprang towards her. 'Agnes!' and she, with outstretched arms, `John, O, John!' How quick the voice of loved ones strikes upon the ear, and vibrates through the heart. That was a happy night in the little log-house. The children came rushing in, and each in turn received their father's caress. Smiles of happiness and tears of joy mingled freely, for a father and husband was restored as from the dead. They had received no tidings of him after he left his cattle and went to look for them, and they mourned him as dead. The next year he hired a farm. He represented Dorset in the Legislature from 1779 to 1782, in '81 was elected assistant judge for Bennington county and also in '82. In 1783 he returned to Addison."
The principal industry of the town is the production of marble, and the quarries that are now in operation, with one exception, are located upon the different slopes of Mount Aelous. The marble usually lies in horizontal strata or layers, and varies in thickness from a few inches to five or six feet, each layer generally retaining its own peculiar characteristics, such as color, degree of hardness and thickness, and is likely to improve in quality as it is followed back into the mountain. The celebrated geologist, Professor Edward HITCHCOCK, sen., has said of Mount -Aelous: "It furnishes the beautiful white marble, equal to the finest Italian, known all over our country as a product of this State. Such a rock, and such marble certainly deserves a name as beautiful and euphonical as the epithet Aeolian. But its origin needs explanation. The fine mountain in East Dorset, known generally as Dorset Mountain, and sometimes as Green Peak, contains the most remarkable display of white and gray limestone in New England -- perhaps in the United States. The strata here are piled upon one another to the height of nearly eighteen hundred feet, in a nearly horizontal position, and capped by a few hundred feet of talcose schist. Near the top of the limestone is a large cave descending westerly from the eastern precipitious face of the mountain. In a report on the geology of Massachusetts, we gave the name Berkshire limestone to this rock because it is well developed in Berkshire county of that State. Professor EMMONS called it Stockbridge limestone, because large quarries of it exist in that town. On the same principle Rutland ought to be the prefix instead of Stockbridge, because the Rutland quarries are much the largest. But since the largest development we know of this rock is seen in Dorset Mountain, we had resolved in this report to call it Dorset limestone. In the autumn of 1860, however, the geological (senior) class in Amherst College, having gone to Vermont to assist in measuring a section across the Green Mountains, found themselves in the vicinity of Dorset Mountain, and could not resist the temptation to ascend it and propose a name for it. They called it Mount Aelous, in honor of the god of the winds, which are confined by him in a cave; and there is quite as much reason for supposing the cave on this mountain to have been the place where they were imprisoned as to locate it in the far inferior mountain of Stromboli. We too cannot resist the temptation to apply a name euphonical and appropriate to this elegant rock, so like the Carrara marble, which probably skirts the western base of some of the Appalachian ridges from Canada to Alabama. If the proprietors of the marble quarries on this mountain should yield to a similar temptation Aeolian marble may become as famous in the future history of this country as the Carrara marble has been in that of Italy. We do not know wherein the former is inferior to the latter." The oldest quarry of. which we have any account was opened in 1785 by Isaac UNDERHILL, and was located in South Dorset. The production of the quarry was fire-jams, chimney backs, hearths etc., used in the construction of fire-places. A considerable trade was soon established, which led others to engage in the quarrying business, until now there are fifteen or more quarries that have been opened and worked, some of which have been abandoned. The firm of J. K. FREEDLEY's Sons owns one of the principal quarries, which is the most northerly of those on the eastern side of Mount Aeolus. It was opened in 1808, and has been in operation continuously. The marble is the strongest of any in town, and is used almost entirely for building purposes. On this quarry is to be seen the only tunneling done in town, where the marble has been removed for several hundred feet, leaving large chambers back in the mountain. The mill is located in the valley below, to which the marble is brought on cars over a railroad about a mile in length, built up the steep side of the mountain, and worked by means of cable. Located in the village of East Dorset is the marble-mill of D. L. KENT & Co., which firm is at present doing the largest business of any in town. The principal quarry owned by them is a part interest in the Folsom Ledge, which produces monumental marble of high a grade, being almost identical with the Vermont Italian marble. In addition to the supply from their own quarries this firm works a great variety of marble from different parts of the State, as they are finishers not only of building marble but also monuments, mantles, hearths, tiling, etc. The Dorset Marble Company (not now in active business), have a large mill and marble yard, also located in the village of East Dorset. They own the Vermont Italian marble quarry, which is the highest quarry in town, and produces monumental marble of the finest quality, very hard and susceptible of the highest polish. This firm also have an interest in the Folsom Quarry, of which mention has been made. On the western slope of Mount Aelous is the Edmund MANLEY Quarry, now owned by S. F. PRINCE & Co. This quarry produces mostly building marble, and is said by good judges to be the best of its kind in the State. The quarry presents a perpendicular face of about one hundred feet, the marble is quite perfect, and blocks have been taken out weighing fourteen tons each. The mill belonging to this firm is situated about a mile from the quarry, but only a small portion of the marble is sawed here, being shipped in the block. At South Dorset is located the mill and one of the quarries of the National Marble Company, successors to KENT & ROOT. This quarry is peculiar in that its strata are irregular and curved, instead of horizontal as in the other quarries, and presents a remarkable diversity of marble, not only in color, but in texture. This firm also owns a share in the Folsom Ledge.
Although marble is the principal production of this town, and provides employment for many men, lumbering is quite extensively carried on, there being seven lumber mills of more or less importance.
The farming interest is devoted almost exclusively to dairying, several cheese factories being in operation seven or eight months of the year, making into cheese the milk of about one thousand cows.
Church History In regard to the history of the Congregational Church of Dorset we find the following in the Vermont Historical Magazine: "The Congregational Church of Dorset was organized September 22, 1784, by Rev. Elijah SILL, from New Fairfield, Conn. In its infancy, though struggling with the usual embarrassments of a young church in a new country, it had the peculiar elements of strength and increase in the decidedly Christian character and earnest devotion of some of its earliest members. Among these were Deacons John MANLY and Cephas KENT, who, with their families established that regular Sabbath worship in Dorset which has now been maintained almost uninterruptedly for more than one hundred years. Not long after its organization the church numbered about 40 members; in 1796, about 80; in 1842, 168; in 1860, 102; and in 1889, 157."
Ministers The first pastor was Rev. Elijah SILL, who graduated at Yale in 1748, settled in Dorset in 1784, continued about five years, dismissed in 1791. From the town records we learn that "in 1793 the town voted to give Rev. Elijah SILL a call to settle in this town as a minister of the Gospel, Captain Abraham UNDERHILL, Mr. Cephas KENT and Mr. John MANLEY be committee to treat with Mr. SILL in relation to settlement." Rev. Seth WILLISTON, D.D., for many years pastor of a church in Durham, N. Y, spent several months of his earlier ministry in successful labor with this church in 1795-96. Rev. William JACKSON, D.D. commenced preaching here in 1793, During his later years in consequence of failing health, he was assisted first by Rev. Mr. GORDON and Rev. James MEACHAM as stated supplies, and afterwards by Rev. Ezra JONES as colleague pastor. Rev. Ezra JONES, born in Waitsfield, Vt., graduated at Middlebury in 1831, at Andover, Mass., in 1834, was installed at Dorset December 12, 1838, and dismissed October 28, 1841. For several years there was no settled pastor. Among the acceptable supplies of this period were Rev. J. D. WICKHAM, of Manchester, and Rev. M. C. SEARLE, formerly pastor in New Hartford, N.Y. Rev. Cyrus HUDSON, a native of Dorset, graduated at Middlebury in 1824, at Auburn in about 1828, and was installed pastor October 27, 1847. He resigned his office on account of infirm health, and closed his useful services here in the spring of 1853. For two and a half years the church was without a resident pastor, the pulpit being supplied for longer or shorter periods by Rev. J. STEELE, Professor G. A. BOARDMAN and others. Since January, 1856, the acting pastor has been Rev. P. S. PRATT, graduated at Hamilton College in 1842, and at Auburn in 1846.
The first meeting-house must have been built not long after the organization of the church, and was located near the burial ground. It was afterward removed to the west end of the village nearly opposite the present site, and repaired in 1816, and burned during a storm in January, 1832. The present edifice was dedicated in February, 1833. It has since been enlarged and remodeled, and is neatly and comfortably furnished. There is a flourishing Sabbath-school connected with the church. The parsonage was erected shortly after the accession of Rev. Mr. JONES, about the year 1839.
A Baptist Church existed and flourished in Dorset for several years, especially under the ministry of Rev. Cyrenus M. FULLER, settled in 1818, but this church is now extinct.
There is a Union church edifice at East Dorset, erected in 1838 or 1839; various denominations are represented, of which the Congregational and Methodist are the principal The present membership is about forty, and there is a Sabbath-school connected with the church. There is also a Roman Catholic Church, organized in 1856 in East Dorset, which is the largest church in town, having a membership of four hundred and fifty.
Schools The charter of the town provided a share, (two hundred and fifty acres of land) for the for the benefit of a school in town. In 1787 the town voted to lay out the school lot in the best manner for obtaining an income for the support of schools, and in 1797 the town was divided into six school districts, which number has since been increased to twelve full districts and one fractional. The old district system has been and is still in use, and with so many school-houses scattered through the town a good opportunity has at all times been afforded to all the children within its limits for obtaining instruction in ordinary branches. The school-houses are in good repair, the largest of which quite recently built at an expense of more than $5,000, is located at the village of East Dorset. The schools are supported in part by the income derived from school lands, United States deposit money, and the Huntington fund, and the remaining expense is borne by the districts with the exception of a town tax averaging ten cents on the dollar. The yearly cost of schools in town is about $3,500. The number of different scholars in attendance is about four hundred and twenty-five. Although our schools are of fair standing, they do not afford sufficient advantages to enable our advanced scholars to remain at home.
Population The population of Dorset in 1791 was 958; in 1800, 1,286; in 1810, 1,294; in 1820, 1,359; in 1830, 1,507; in 1840, 1,432; in 1850, 1,700; in 1860, 2,090; in 1870, 2,195 ; in 1880, 2,005. The population of this town has not varied materially for the past thirty years, it being about the same at the present time as when the last census was taken.
Civil List of Town Representatives The following is a civil list of town representatives: 1778, Cephas KENT, Abram UNDERHILL; 1779, 1780, 1781, Abram UNDERHILL, John STRONG; 1782, Benjamin BALDWIN, John STRONG; 1783, John SHUMWAY, Timothy BROWN; 1784, Benjamin BALDWIN, Abram UNDERHILL; 1785, John SHUMWAY; 1786, Silas GOODRICH; 1787, John SHUMWAY; 1788, William DUNTON; 1789, John SHUMWAY; 1790, William DUNTON; 1791, 1792, John SHUMWAY; 1793, Jona. ARMSTRONG; 1794, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1795, John SHUMWAY; 1796, Jona. ARMSTRONG; 1797, 1798, 1799, John SHUMWAY; 1800, Jona. ARMSTRONG; 1801, 1802, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1803, 1804, John SHUMWAY; 1805, 1806, Samuel COLLINS; 1807, John SHUMWAY; 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, Samuel COLLINS; 1812, 1813, 1814, Benjamin DEMING; 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, John UNDERHILL; 1823, 1824, Reuben H. BLACKMER; 1825, Johnson MARSH; 1826, Reuben H. BLACKMER; 1827, John COCHRAN; 1828, S. MARTINDALE; 1829, John COCHRAN ; 1830, 1831, Azel MOORE; 1832, 1833, Sylvanus SYKES; 1834, 1835, Paddock GRAY; 1836, 1837, Robert BLOOMER; 1838, Abial BLANCHARD; 1839, Chauncey GREEN; 1840, Heman MORSE; 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, W. MARTINDALE; 1847, 1848, James CURTIS; 1849, Jarvis ANDRUS; 1850, 1851, Daniel G. WILLIAMS; 1852, 1853, Marcius B. ROBERTS; 1854, 1855, George W. FARWELL; 1856, George B. HOLLEY; 1857, 1858, Ira COCHRAN; 1859, Charles FIELD; 1860, 1861, John W. BATCHELDER ; 1862, 1863, Henry B. KENT ; 1864, 1865, Welcome ALLEN; 1866, A. B. ARMSTRONG; 1867, 1868, G. M. SYKES; 1869, W. H. BEBEE; 1870, 1871, William A. TYREL; 1872, 18i3, W. H. BEBEE; 1874, 1875, Duane L. KENT; 1876, 1877. George W. FARWELL; 1878, 1879, Isaac BARROWS; 1880, 1881, O. E. WHITNEY; 1882, 1883, Dwight SYKES; 1884, 1885, Moses SHELDON; 1886, 1887, George M. VIALL; 1888, 1889, J. L COCHRAN.
State Senators State senators from Dorset since 1836.-1846, 1847, Heman MORSE ; 1859, I860, Laurel B. ARMSTRONG; 1865, 1866, Ira COCHRAN; 1880, 1881, G. M. SYKES; 1882, 1883, George M. VIALL; 1884, 1885, John CURTIS.
Town Clerks
In the following lists of town clerks and treasurers,
we give the number of elections for each, and the last year of each period of service
Asa BALDWIN, 4, 1777; Nathan MANLY, 7, 1784; John SHUMWAY, 12, 1796; William DUNTON, 1, 1797; John SHUMWAY, 17, 1814; John UNDERHILL, 12, 1826; Azel MORSE, 8, 1834; Heman MORSE, 23, 1857; Byron SARGEANT, 1, 1858; Heman MORSE, 3, 1861; John W. BATCHELDER, 3, 1864; S. F. HOLLEY, 1, 1865; I. G. VIALL, 7, 1872; George W. FARWELL, 6, 1878; George M. VIALL 1, 1889.
Town Treasurers Cephas KENT, 5, 1782; Isaac FARWELL, 10, 1798; Samuel COLLINS, II, 1809; Peleg SMITH, 1, 1826; Robert BLOOMER, 1, 1827; Azel MORSE, 7, 18J4; Heman MORSE, 23, 1857; Byron SARGEANT, 1, 1858; Heman MORSE, 3, 1861; John W. BATCHELDER, 3, 1864; S. F. HOLLEY, 1, 1865; J. G. VIALL, 7, 1872; G. M. SYKES, 1, 1873; George W. FARWELL, 5, 1878; George M. VIALL, 11, 1889
Members of the Constitutional Convention 1791, John SHUMWAY; 1793, William DUNTON; 1814, Benjamin DEMING; 1822, Sylvanus SYKES, jr.; 1828, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1836. Cyrus ARMSTRONG; George B. HOLLEY; 1870, F. W. OLMSTEAD; 1843, Chauncey GREEN; 1850.
Selectmen of Dorset
1774, Cephas KENT, John MANLEY, Asa BALDWIN; 1775, Cephas KENT, Abram UNDERHILL, Asa BALDWIN; 1776, Augustin UNDERHILL, Cephas KENT, Abram Underhill; 1777, Abram UNDERHILL, Ephraim REYNOLDS, John MANLEY, jr.; 1778, Asahel HARMON, Abram UNDERHILL, John MANLEY, jr.; 1779, Abram UNDERHILL, John MANLY, Ebenezer MORSE; 1780, Zachariah CURTIS, Augustin UNDERHILL, Richard DUNNING, Asahel HARMON, John GRAY; 1781, Augustin UNDERHILL, Asahel HARMON, Isaac FARWELL; 1782, Cephas KENT, Asahel HARMON, Benjamin BALDWIN; 1783, Asahel HARMON, Cephas KENT, Benjamin BALDWIN; 1784, Benjamin BALDWIN, Eli DEMING, Augustin UNDERHILL; 1785, Benjamin BALDWIN, Eli Deming, Asahel HARMON; 1786, Benjamin BALDWIN, Asahel HARMON, John MATTESON; 1787, Benjamin BALDWIN, Asahel HARMON, John FRENCH; 1788, Asahel HARMON, John FRENCH, Jona. ARMSTRONG 1789, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Eleazer BALDWIN, William UNDERHILL; 1790, Stephen MARTINDALE, Richard DUNNING, Seth SMITH; 1793, Stephen MARTINDALE; 1794, Jona. ARMSTRONG, John SHUMWAY; 1796, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Samuel COLLINS, Price BEARDSLEY; 1797, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Price BEARDSLEY, Samuel COLLINS; 1798, the same; 1799, Jona. ARMSTRONG, John SHUMWAY, Titus SYKES, Benjamin MATTESON, Noah MORSE; 1800, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Price BEARDSLEY, Benjamin BALDWIN; 1801, the same; 1802, the same; 1803, the same; 1804, the same; 1805, the same; 1806, the same; 1807, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Benjamin DEMING, John VAIL; 1808, Jona. ARMSTRONG, Benjamin DEMING, Titus SYKES; 1808, Stephen MARTINDALE, Benjamin DEMING, John VAIL; 1825, Sylvanus SYKES, Joseph MORSE, Horatio SYKES; 1826, Sylvanus SYKES, Joseph LEACH, Horatio SYKES; 1827, Sylvanus SYKES, John CHAPMAN, Paddock GRAY; 1828, Sylvanus SYKES, John CHAPMAN, Samuel MERICK; 1829, Sylvanus SYKES, John CHAPMAN, Paddock GRAY; 1830, John CHAPMAN, Juba KENT, Benjamin AMES; 1831, the same; 1832, John CHAPMAN, Experience BARROWS, Benjamin AMES; 1833, Experience BARROWS, Benjamin AMES, Alvin GRAY; 1834, Alvin GRAY, Heman MORSE, Lyman SYKES; 183, Alvin GRAY, William BEBEE, Lyman SYKES; 1836, the same; 1837, Experience BARROWS, Daniel G. WILLIAMS, Cyrus ARMSTRONG; 1838, Alvin GRAY, Daniel G. WILLIAMS, Zalmon BARNUM; 1839, Alvin GRAY, James CURTIS, Zalmon BARNUM; 1840, the same; 1841, James CURTIS, David BALDWIN, James T. WILSON; 1842, James CURTIS, James T. WILSON, Anson GRAY; 1843, Josiah DAYTON, James T. WILSON, Anson GRAY; 1844, Jarvis ANDREWS, Experience BARROWS, John T. GRIFFITH; 1845, Jarvis ANDREWS, William J. SOPER, Norton SYKES; 1846, Norton SYKES, Benjamin AMES, Harvey HOLLEY; 1847, Benjamin AMES, Chauncey G. BORLAND, William S. MARTINDALE; 1848, the same; 1849, James CURTIS, James A. HODGE, Harvey HOLLEY; 1850, Harvey HOLLEY, Daniel G. WILLIAMS, I. N. SYKES ; 1851, the same; 1852, Harvey HOLLEY, Hiram A. SOWLE, D. G. WILLIAMS; 1853, I. N. SYKES, James T. WILSON, John CURTIS; 1854, N. J. SANFORD, James T. WILSON, John PETTY; 1855, James T. WILSON, Harvey HOLLEY, Heman MORSE; 1856, the same; 1857, the same; 1858, George W. FARWELL, W. A. MARTINDALE, W. H. BEBEE; 1839, George W. FARWELL, W. A. MARTINDALE, James T. WILSON; 1860, A. B. ARMSTRONG, John W. BATCHELDER, Norton SYKES; 1861, the same; 1862, George W. FARWELL, John W. BATCHELDER, Harvey HOLLEY; 1863, John W. BATCHELDER, Harvey HOLLEY, W. H. BEBEE; 1864, John W. BATCHELDER, W. A. MARTINDALE, Norton SYKES; 1865, George W. FARWELL, W. H. BEBEE, Charles BALDWIN; 1866, the same; 1867, William D. CLEMONS, James B. WOOD, Azariah HILLIARD; 1868, the same; 1869, Azariah HILLIARD, F. G. HARWOOD, O. C. GILBERT; 1870, O. C. GILBERT, F. G. HARWOOD, H. A. WILLIAMS; 1871, W. H. BEBEE, H. A. WILLIAMS, N. J. SANFORD; 1872, W. H. BEBEE, N. J. SANFORD, J. L. COCHRAN ; 1873, H. A. WILLIAMS, J. L. COCHRAN, George W. FARWELL; 1874, H. A. WILLIAMS, J. M. GRIFFITH, George W. FARWELL; 1875, H. A. WILLIAMS, W. H. BEBEE, E. J. SANFORD ; 1876, H. A. WILLIAMS, John CURTIS, H. G. HARWOOD; 1877 W. H. BEBEE, H. G HARWOOD, Charles BALDWIN; 1878, W. H. BEBEE, Dwight SYKES, Nathaniel MCWAYNE; 1879, William D. AMES, James CODEY, Martin SHERIDAN; 1880, William D. AMES, Martin SHERIDAN, G. M. SYKES; 1881, Isaac BARROWS, Martin SHERIDAN, J. E. BUFFUM; 1882, Isaac BARROWS, Martin SHERIDAN, J. E. BUFFUM; 1883, J. E. BUFFUM, Martin SHERIDAN, Isaac BARROWS; 1884, J. E. BUFFUM, Martin SHERIDAN, George H. WILLIAMS; 1885, the same; 1886, B. A. ROGERS, G. M. SYKES, Edward YOUNG; 1887, B. A. ROGERS, W. C. LANDON, Michael CONNELL; 1888, J. E. BUFFUM, John H. SHELDON, Robert CARNEY; 1889, J. E. BUFFUM, Martin SHERIDAN, Robert CARNEY.
History of Bennington County, Vt.
With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Edited by Lewis Cass Aldrich. Syracuse, N. Y., D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1889. Chapter XXIII. Page 407-428