This town was chartered by the Governor of New Hampshire, Aug. 20, 1761, to some 60 proprietors, none of whom appear to have been so active in its settlement as to have left their names among the resident families of the town. The first settlement was made in 1768, by Felix Powel from Massachusetts, Isaac Lacy from Connecticut, and Benjamin Baldwin, Abraham Underhill, John Manly and George Page from New York.* There is a record of a grant of 50 acres to Felix Powel by his fellow townsmen, in consideration of his being the first settler. The town, lying north of Manchester and south of Danby, in Rutland Co., was originally 6 miles square, but has since been enlarged on the east side by a narrow strip formerly known as Tabor's Leg. The general aspect of the country is hilly and mountainous. The mountains are thickly wooded to their highest summits and crowned with evergreens, while lower down, the hard timbers, chiefly maple, prevails, — covering the rounded tops of the lower hills, and giving them that graceful sweeping outline that contributes So much to the picturesqueness of scenery in these parts.
The soil is mostly gravelly loam, well adapted to grazing, and tolerably fertile. The roads, most of them, are excellent, following principally along the bank of some clear rivulet running over bright gravelly bottoms.
The eastern part of the town lies along the western part of the Green Mountain range. A deep cut valley, through which runs the Western Vermont Railroad, cuts off the mountains of the township from the Green Mountains proper. This apparently deep valley is yet, a table land which sheds off its water on the north into Otter Creek and on the north through the Battenkill to the Hudson River. The Battenkill and other creeks arise from springs near each other not far from the village of East Dorset. This valley also divides the system of rock of the Green Mountains on the east from that system extending westerly from this point, to the Hudson River, and known as the Taconic system, containing the marble, slates and limestone of Western Vermont. The waters flowing down into this valley from the Green Mountains on the east are soft, while those coming down from the west, on the other hand are hard or tinctured more or less with lime. Just west of this valley, Dorset Mountain — more recently christened Æolus — rears his lofty head crowned with evergreens, and bearing on his shoulders immense treasures of white and richly variegated marbles. On the eastern side of this mountain may be found the extensive and well known marble quarries, descriptions of which may be found in the very interesting paper furnished by F. Field, Esq., upon that subject. Towards the west Mt. Æolus has a smoother aspect, where stretching out, so to speak, his opening arms he embraces a large amphitheater of productive land. On the south side of this stand in range, Green Peak, Owl's head, and great and little maple hills gradually lowering their crests until the last member of the arm, called the Pinnacle is laid in the lap of the valley, just back of Dorset Village. The northern arm sweeps around to the north and west near Danby line until it approaches Equinox range and West Mountain, coming up along the west line of the township where both ranges bear away to the northwest, leaving a pleasant opening between them, through which flows the Mettawee, or Pawlet river. This river, frolicing down the mountain side, and gliding smoothly away through the fertile meadows of Rupert, winds along in company with the pleasant road, among the rounded slaty hills, into which these two ranges of mountains alluded to are broken and which constitute so peculiar a feature of the landscape of the Taconic system of rocks.
A marked feature of the climate of this township, as also of the other towns of this
[* The town was organized Deming tells us March 3, 1774, (Thompson says in 1769.) Asa Baldwin first town clerk; George Gage first constable; Cephas Kent, John Manly and Asa Baldwin first selectmen. First born on record, Mary Manly, Oct. 26, 1775; first Committee of Safety in this town, Cephas Kent, John Manly, Asahel Herman, Ebenezer Morse and Ephraim Reynolds, chosen in March 1778. First Justice by the town, John Strong of Addison, first by the State, Timothy Brown and John Gray, 1786. John Shumway was also Justice 31 years, Heman Morse 17, and Benj. Ames 16. The first representative was Cephas Kent in 1778. The Otter Creek from Peru enters west and flows three-fourths of a mile in this township, when it takes a northerly direction through considerable of a natural pond and leaves near the N. E. corner. The Battenkill and Pawlet rivers also head in this township. Dorset Cave an aperture about 10 feet square, opens into a spacious room 9 rods by 4. At the end of this apartment are two openings about 30 feet apart. The right, 3 feet from the floor 20 inches by 6 feet, leading to an apartment 20 feet by 12 wide and 12 high, from which room there is an opening sufficient to admit a man for about 20 feet, when it opens into a large hall 80 feet long and 36 wide, the left is about as large as a common door and leads to an apartment 12 feet square, out of which is a passage to another considerable room in which is a spring of water. This cavern is said to have been explored 40 or 50 rods without arriving at the end. It may not be improper to also remark in this connection that in an early day several families from Dorset, removing north, settled in the eastern part of the town of Burlington, giving to their district the name of their native town. "Dorset Street," so called, is one of the most interesting sections of Burlington. — Ed. ]
county lying along the western slope of the Green Mountains is the absence of snow in winter; while towns situated on the corresponding eastern slope are covered with a good depth of snow, no satisfactory solution, we believe, has yet been found of this phenomenon. It may not be improper to add in this connection that recently the Senior class of Amherst College, in company with the able geologist, Dr. C. H. Hitchcock, visited this neighborhood, and Dorset Mountain in particular, christening the latter with appropriate ceremonies, Mt. Æolus. The solution furnished by this scientific body, for the somewhat singular phenomenon above alluded to is as follows:— Æolus, God of the winds, fled from fallen Greece, and took up his abode in the caves and marbled halls of this mountain. When this God, so goes the myth, calls home Boreas, driving before him snow and hail, then comes Anster too, with warm breath and weeping showers, and volute frost work and scroll soon disappear.*
The climate of this region is generally healthy. The tomb stones of the cemetery bear record that a large proportion of those who have found a resting place there were aged.
The manufacture of lumber is carried on to quite a large extent. Sand for the manufacture of glass was formerly exported in large quantities and still to some extent. — Formerly also, iron ore was smelted in East Dorset.
This town has four post offices and as many small villages, viz: East Dorset, and North Dorset, which lie on the. Western Vermont Railroad. South Dorset and Dorset, which occupy the Western part of the township. We subjoin a few short biographical sketches, noticing particularly those who were quite active in the early settlement of the town, likewise such as have left their names among the resident families of the town.
progenitor of the Arm family, one of the early settlers, born in Wethersfield, Ct., settled in Dorset in 1780. The original farm is still occupied by his descendants.
* An account of the expedition was published at the time in the Bennington Banner:
"Saturday morning, Oct. 13, about thirty members of the class, in company with Mr. Charles H. Hitchcock, Dr. Edward Hitchcock's son and prospective successor, visited the quarries and cave, and on the natural platform just below its entrance, performed the christening ceremonies.
Mr. Hitchcock spoke briefly of the geological structure of the mountain, especially remarkable for the horizontal position of its strata. The existence of a cave, evidently an old river bed, at such an elevation, showed how wonderful had been the transformation in this section of the country. He poured a bottle of pure water upon the mountain and christened it Mt. Æolus, a name well corresponding to Mt. Equinox, near by, and appropriate because this is a region of winds, and because this lofty mountain so much affects their direction and power in the neighboring vallies. Suitable, moreover, because Æolus dwelt in a cave — very likely in this for no one could prove that he lived any where else, and this mountain is higher and better adapted for his residence than Stromboli, where he was fabled to dwell.
Frederick Field, Esq., in the name of the citizens of Dorset, expressed to the class their gratification at this visit, and their acceptance of the name bestowed upon the hoary mountain to which they ail looked up with so much love and reverence.
A poem, of appropriate style and original thought, was then read by E. Porter Dyer, Jr., after which three cheers were given for Mt. Æolus. Scarcely time had elapsed for them to reverberate through the chambers of the cave, when the old Wind-King sent forth the four winds (personified by members of the class) blowing, whistling and rushing at such a rate that the crowd could with difficulty maintain their position on the mountain side. Soon their fury was sufficiently subsided to give opportunity for singing the following song written by a member of the class for the occasion:
From academic groves and hall,
And loved scenes far away,
We've come, a band of brothers all,
And gathered here to-day,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South and East and West,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
With ne'er a place to rest.
We'll tell again that old, old tale,
Of Æolus of yore,
Who from his cave hard by the vale,
So loudly used to roar.
He left that home long years ago,
That home of Auld Lang Syne,
Many a land he's wandered through,
And o'er the ocean's brine.
We've brought him here with us to-day,
We'll leave him here to rest,
While wind and storm shall come alway,
And go at his behest.
Blow, blow. blow. blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South and East and West,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
He's found a place to rest.
This mountain grand, henceforth all men,
Mt. Æolus shall call,
Till earth shall sink, and loose again
The giant's mighty thrall.
Then blew ye winds, ye breezes all,
Obey your king's command,
He sits in this grand marble hall,
Ye are his servant hand.
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South and East and West,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
Obey your king's behest.
We return to our college home with most delightful recollections of Vermont, and Vermont people, and we hope they will accept and adopt the appellation of Mt. Æolus.
In behalf of the Class of '01,
grandfather of Daniel Curtis of North Dorset, was born in England, immigrated to Connecticut at the age of 18, and came to Dorset in 1769. He purchased nearly all the lands lying along the valley through which now runs the W. Vt. R. R., a tract running from East Dorset village northward some five miles in extent.
He was, however, no non-resident proprietor, for he lived and died on his property, raising up a family of twenty-five children, most of whom lived to maturity. His house standing at the outlet of Dorset pond, was once burned by the Indians.
one of the early settlers, lived near Deming's pond. He and his brother and Wm. Marsh, another early settler, owned nearly, all the lands lying in the valley south of East Dorset through the town.
came into town just previous to the Revolutionary War. He adhered to the royal cause and was obliged to flee to Canada, leaving his family behind. Mrs. Marsh, to secure some of her more valuable goods, filled her brass kettle with her pewter ware and silver spoons, and sunk them in a pond near her dwelling. The pond however, so far as the recovery of her treasures were concerned, proved bottomless.
came into Dorset from Massachusetts in 1778, and settled on the place now owned by the Hon. Heman Morse. The farm had been formerly possessed by one Beardster, whose property, in consequence of joining the enemy in the Revolution was confiscated.
It is related in the family, while the still unbroken forest nearly surrounded the homestead, a daughter of this household one moonless night kept faithful vigil for an expected lover. The no less faithful lover was making good way up the steep hill which the house crowned, rapt without question, in sweet musings of the kind welcome near. But let lovers in a wilderness ever keep one ear open. Suddenly the stealthy tread of a wild beast kept pace close by the roadside, the darkness was too thick to readily discover the unwelcome attendant; all doubt was, however, quickly removed by the terrific scream of a panther. At a single leap down the hillside the arrested lover put distance between him and his waiting Love; and such fear lent wings to his flight he soon outstripped even the bounding catamount. A party of hunters was soon on the track, following on to the Green Mountains eastward, they found crouched on the top of a hemlock stub, some 40 feet from the ground a full grown catamount, — found to measure 8 feet — which two balls dispatched. It was easy moreover, it may well be infered, for a sensible girl to forgive his not keeping troth that night; and notwithstanding the untoward event above narrated, the runaway lover became her husband.
was among the earliest settlers of South Dorset, at his house in 1774 was held the first town meeting. Asa Baldwin being elected Town Clerk. Capt. Underhill commanded the volunteer company which was raised for the defense of the country. Being a man of very humane feelings, he did much to mitigate the asperities of feeling existing between different parties, and, by using his influence with the Council of Safety was instrumental in restoring to the families of the disaffected many a cow and horse of which they had been officially plundered. He represented the town at Windsor in 1788, and died in 1796, aged 66 years.
came into town in 1774 and settled on the farm still owned by his descendants. He married Susanah Paddock, and raised a family consisting of 9 sons and 8 daughters. He went with the army to Hubbardton as teamster. In the summer of 1777, when nearly all the people panic stricken at the threatened invasion of Burgoyne had fled, he still remained on his farm. At this time a son of his 9 years old dying, he was reduced to the hard necessity of setting out for the place of burial alone. Providentially a stranger came along and assisted the stricken father in burying his dead. He himself died in 1824, aged 88 years. His wife died at the advanced age of 90 years.
was one of the four first families which settled in town, and was soon followed by his father, Dea. John Manly, whose wife was a half sister of Benedict Arnold. Dea. Manly settled at Dorset village on the place still owned by his descendants. He died in 1803, aged 90 years. John Manly, Jr. settled on the farm still owned by his grandson, Edmond Manly. His trade was that of a cabinet maker. We have been shown a desk with drawers of most excellent workmanship made after he was 80 years old.
was among the first settlers, and kept a tavern in troublous times. At his house was held, on Sept. 25, 1776, a general convention, consisting of 51 members, representing 35 towns, where it was resolved that they declare this district a free and separate district. This action may be regarded the germ whence sprung the existence of Vermont as a free and independent State. This house of Dea. Kent's and the aforementioned convention held there richly deserve conspicuous historic recognition. This house stood near the present dwelling of U. S. Kent, on the west road through the town. Dea. Kent was a sternly religious man, positive in all his opinions, frequently expressing himself, "verily I will have it so." He had six sons, three if not four of whom were in the battle of Bennington. He died in 1809, aged 84 years. On his tomb-stone is found the following epitaph, believed to have been written by his beloved pastor, Dr. Jackson.
"He was an early settler in this town, an officer, a pillar and a light in the first church organized here. His survivors will long remember him as the distinguished patron of the plain virtues, the love of God's truth, Religion, and energy in family government; Boldness and firmness in opposing vice. Revered and respected, in life he ruled, in death he triumphed. Go and do likewise."
Nearly a like testimony is borne of his son Dea. John Kept, who died in 1849, aged 99 years 7 months and 5 days:
[ In a collection of Original Historical Papers in "William's Rural Magazine or Repository," Volume 1, pp. 309 and 310, may be found the following
NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. } Cephas Kent's, Dorset Sept. 25,
At a general convention of the several delegates from the towns on the west side of the range of Green Mountains the 24th day of July last consisting of fifty-one members, representing thirty-five towns, and holden this day by adjournment, by the representatives on the west and east side of the range of Green Mountains; the following members being present at the opening of the meeting, viz:
Capt. JOSEPH BOWKER in the Chair — Dr. JONAS FAY, Clk.
Pownal. — Capt. Samuel Wright, Dr. Obediah Dunham, Mr. Sim. Hatheway, Dr. Jonas Fay.
Bennington. — Capt. John Burnham, Nathan Clark, Esq., Maj. Sam. Safford, Col. Moses Robinson.
Shaftsbury. — Maj. Jeremiah Clark, John Burnam. sen.
Sunderland. — Lieut. Jos. Bradley, Col. Tim. Brownson.
Manchester. — Col. Wm. Marsh, Lieut. Martin Powell, Lieut. Gid. Ormsby.
Dorset. — Mr. John Manley, Mr. Abr. Underhill.
Rupert. — Mr. Reub. Harmon, Mr. Amos Curtis.
Pawlet. — Capt. Wm. Fitch, Maj. Roger Rose.
Wells. — Mr. Zaechcus Mallery, Mr. Ogden Mallery.
Poultney. — Mr. Nehemiah Howe, Mr. Wm. Ward.
Castleton. — Capt. Jos. Woodward.
Bridport. — Mr. Samuel Benton.
Addison. — Mr. David Valiance.
Stamford. — Mr. Thomas Morgan.
Williston. — Col. Thomas Chittenden.
Colchester. — Lieut. Ira Allen.
Middlebury. — Mr. Gamaliel Painter.
Burlington. — Mr. Lemuel Bradley.
Neshobe. — Capt. Tim. Barker, Mr. Thos. Tuttle.
Rutland. — Capt. Joseph Bowker, Col. James Mead.
Wallingford. — Mr. Abm. Ives.
Tinmouth. — Capt. Eben Allen, Maj. Thos. Rice.
Danby. — Capt. Micah Veal, Mr. Wm. Gage.
Panton. — Mr. John Gale.
Bromley. — Capt. Wm. Utly.
Col. Seth Warner and Capt. Heman Allen, present.
Marlboro'. — Capt. F. Whittemore.
Guilford. — Col. Benj. Carpenter, Maj J. Shepherdson.
Windsor. — Mr. Eben Hoisington.
Kent. — Mr. Edward Aikens, Col. James Rogers.
Rockingham. — Dr. Reuben Jones.
Dummerston. — Mr. Joseph Hildrich, Lieut. Leonard Spaulding,
Westminster. — Mr. Joshua Webb, Mr. Nath. Robinson.
Halifax. — Col. Benj. Carpenter.
Wilmington and Cumberland were represented by letters from some of the principal inhabitants.
Voted, That the association heretofore entered into, and subscribed by the members of this convention, copies of which have been distributed in order to obtain signers to the same, should be returned to the clerk of this convention by the delegates to attend from each town at their nest session. It was also resolved by this convention, to take suitable measures, as soon as may be, to declare the New Hampshire Grants a free and seperate district; this vote passed without a dissenting voice. On the report of a sub-committee from this convention, consisting of seven members, amongst whom were Col. Thomas Chittenden, Dr. Jonas Fay, Ira Allen, and others, and which report was accepted by the convention, the following covenant or compact being drawn up by a committee, and exhibited in the following words, was unanimously agreed to by the convention, viz:
Whereas this convention has, for a series of years last past, had under their particular consideration the disingenuous conduct of the colony (now state) of New York, towards the inhabitants of that district of land commonly called and known by the name of the New Hampshire Grants, and the several illegal, unjustifiable, as well as unreasonable measures they have pursued, to deprive by fraud, violence, and oppression, the said inhabitants of their property, and in particular their landed interest; And whereas this convention have reason to expect a continuence of the same kind of disingenuity, unless some effectual measures be pursued to form the said district into a separate one from that of New York.
And whereas it appears to this convention, that for the foregoing reasons, together with the distance of road which lies between this district and New York, that it will be very inconvenient for those inhabitants to associate or connect with New York for the time being, either directly or indirectly.
Therefore this convention being fully convinced that it is absolutely necessary that every individual in the United States of America should exert themselves to the utmost of their abilities in the defence of the liberties thereof; therefore, that this convention may the better satisfy the public of their punctual attachment to the said common cause at present, as well as heretofore, we do make and subscribe the following covenant, viz:
We, the subscribers, inhabitants of that district of land commonly called and known by the name of the New Hampshire Grants, being legally delegated and authorised to transact the public and political affairs of the aforesaid district for ourselves and constituents, do solemnly covenant and engage, that for the time being, we will strictly and religiously adhere to the several resolves of this or a future convention continued on said district by the free voice of the friends to American liberties, which shall not be repugnant to the resolves of the honorable the Continental Congress relative to the cause of America". — Ed.]
came into town soon after the Revolution, having served five years during the war. Himself and two sons went to Plattsburgh in the last war with Great Britain. He was for many years the principal carpenter and joiner in town.
came into town before the Revolution, and was soon followed by his father and brothers, Asbut, Jacob, Sylvanus, Victory and Israel. From these have descended a large class of most respectable citizens, there being at present no less than ten families of that name owning and working farms in town. Town and County offices have frequently been committed to individuals bearing that honored patronymic, the duties of which, we can with pleasure affirm, have invariably been faithfully discharged.
was born in Norwich, Ct. At the age of 16, he went with the troops sent out by that colony to assist in taking the island of Cuba; and so fatal was that disastrous expedition, that only a small number of the 1000 provincial troops ever survived to return. He was one of only four of his company permitted to see again their native land. At the Bennington battle he was a volunteer, and, assisted by another man, after the first action was fought, took seven prisoners, one of whom was the notorious Col. Pfister. (See Bennington page 158.) Col. Pfister's commission hearing date and various other relics found in his saddle bags are in possession of the writer, to whose care they were committed in his boyhood by his grandfather, to be handed down in his family as mementoes of that trying day. While these two soldiers were marching their seven prisoners towards Bennington, they met Colonel Warner with whom Armstrong was acquainted, and communicated to him the fact of the coming reinforcement under Baum, which information he had drawn from their prisoners. Warner ordered them to take said prisoners to their meeting house. Col. Pfister was carried part of the way on the back of Armstrong. The latter moved into Dorset in the autumn succeeding the battle of Bennington, and settled in that part of the town known as the "Hollow."
He married Abigail Haynes. Five brothers of his wife were likewise in the engagement at Bennington. Mr. Armstrong died aged 83 years.
became established in Dorset by the immigration to the town of four brothers, Benjamin, Asa, Eleazer and Elisha, with two other relatives, Silas and Thomas Baldwin. Benjamin came first into town in 1768, and established himself about a mile east of the village. Being a man of almost herculean strength, of great business talent and enterprise be soon surrounded himself with the principal necessaries and many of the comforts of life. On his farm were grown the first apples raised in town. He was a warm hearted and generous man. His house became the resort, not only of the social who loved Uncle Ben's spicy stories, and good cheers but also of the poor and needy, who were never sent "empty away." In all his purposes and desires, looking in a benevolent direction, he was earnestly seconded by his wife — the kindly tempered, patient and loving Aunt Ruth, the mother not only of a dozen children of her own, but the foster mother of every poor child in the neighborhood. He at one time was a man of the most substance of any in town, but, his generosity getting the better of his prudence, his property gradually melted away until he became very much reduced in his circumstances. His children mostly emigrated to the west. He died in 1830, aged 86. Meantime such was the esteem in which he was held, the young men of the town claimed the privilege of erecting a tombstone to his memory, on which is inscribed their testimony of filial respect. His wife, the Aunt Ruth of precious memory, died aged 65. Her tombstone bears the following inscription.
"The tender parent,
Loving wife,
The glory of domestic
The best of friends,
Her husbands pride,
The poor man's trust,
Her children's guide."
a brother of the foregoing, settled on a farm adjoining, and was the first Town Clerk of Dorset. He was a strict churchman and embraced the royal cause in the Revolution and being an outspoken man was soon arrested and committed to Bennington jail by order of the Council of Safety. His wife taking one child in her arms, and another behind her on horse back, with a few such other articles as she could carry, abandoned her home in pursuit of her husband. After a ride of 30 miles she was reunited to him, only, however, to be soon torn from his embrace and subjected to the dire necessity of journeying alone from Bennington to the residence of her parents somewhere in Dutchess Co., N. Y. The strong man who had unflinchingly met the contumely and reproach which was heaped upon him in consequence of his attachment to the royal cause, melted and wept like a child to see his lone defenceless wife and babes thus depart. His farm now abandoned, was taken possession of by the family of General Strong, recently driven from their home in Addison, (See Addison, p. 10.) Indeed, near the spot where the writer now resides, occurred the meeting between General Strong and his wife in the log house so graphically described by the historian of the town of Addison. Dec. 12, 1777 the Council of Safety discharged Asa Baldwin and others "from whatever they may have said or acted relative to the disputes between Great Britain and this country." And he was duly restored to his family and his property.
came into town about 1769, and settled in Dorset Hollow. From him was descended the Paddocks who are reckoned among the most substantial farmers in that neighborhood.
Three brothers, John, Isaac and Asa, came from Mansfield, Ct. in 1780, settled and spent the remainder of their lives in this town. From them have descended several families of that name still residents of the town. Isaac served in the French and Indian war; was several times "on duty," as he used to call it, in the war of the Revolution, participating personally as a commissioned officer in the battle of Bunker Hill. Asa Farwell, also served with the army in Rhode Island at White Plains while the British held possession of New York. I am indebted to Rev. Asa Farwell of Haverhill, Mass., grandson of the above, for the foregoing facts of this family history.
settled in Dorset in 1798. Although coming into town somewhat later, his name yet deserves mention as he was one of the earliest and principal school teachers in the place. He married a daughter of Rev. Dan Kent of Benson. He was a friend of education, good morals and religion. He was many years the Librarian of the town. The influence of this library, scant as it was in books, together with the example of the father was manifest on his sons, who, by reading at home, and eagerly embracing the limited opportunities for obtaining an education in those early times, became, though self-taught, exceeding well read and able men. One of these sons, Wm. S. Southworth, having studied law with Governor Hall of Bennington, soon gained a high reputation, not only as a lawyer, but as a man of sterling integrity. He left that town some ten years since, resigning the office of States Attorney, and County Commissioner of Common Schools, to accept the agency of the Lawrence Manufacturing Company. This Company furnish him a splendid residence in the city of Lowell and pay him an annual sallary of $3,000,00. Our friend and early play mate, will, we hope, excuse the unauthorised publicity hereby given to his affairs, remembering that so much of his success as has come from the earlier influence which surrounded him are somewhat the public property of the place of his nativity. — Judge Southworth was for many yearn Justice of the Peace; eight years an assistant Judge of the County. He died in 1856.
settled in Dorset in 1780; came from Richmond, Mass.; enrolled himself as fifer in Captain Robinson's Company at Bennington; when about to go into battle young Holley asked his Captain for a gun, thinking it a more effective instrument to serve his country with than a fife. But Captain Robinson prefered the powerful effect of the young man's fife. Mr. Holley married Elizabeth Field, who immigrated to this town from Mansfield, Ct., at two and one-half years of age, in her mother's arms, upon horse back. The first death in the family was that of the youngest daughter, at the age of 31 years. Mr. Holley died in 1849, aged 86 years, leaving his wife, ten children, and sixty grandchildren, all of whom inherit unusually fine musical abilities. His wife died in 1858, aged 85 years leaving to her posterity the rich legacy of an exemplary life and the following golden precept delivered from her death bed. "My children, I desire that you should not only be good but do good."
and his with came into town from Mansfield, Ct., and settled on the farm about two miles north from the village of Dorset, still known as the Field farm. He was a great grandson of Zacharias Field, one of the first settlers of the city of Hartford, and from whom has descended nearly all of that name in America Mr. and Mrs. Field lived and died on the place where they first settled, leaving a posterity numbering 11 children and 121 grandchildren and great grandchildren. By the marriage of the eldest daughter with Justus Kellogg, and by intermarriage with the Kent family has sprung a numerous band of relatives in town not inaptly represented by the well known marble firm of Holley, Field and Kent, a trio of cousins by whose enterprise and activity $100,000 worth of marble is annually quarried and prepared for market.
settled in Dorset in 1783; came front Stockbridge, Mass.; was a volunteer at the Bennington battle at the age of 16 — weighing at that time just 66 pounds. He joined Colonel Warner's regiment. The Colonel on seeing such a stripling in the ranks ordered him to take care of some horses, greatly to the mortification of Martindale. Though thus prevented from participating in the first action he was gratified with a chance of engaging in the second. After the enemy had fled, a fellow soldier called to him for help to secure several prisoners, some eight in number, of whom, two were inclined to be obstinate. All, however, were finally, successfully "surrounded" and secured by one or two sturdy and gallant yeomen. During the war of 1812 he was Colonel of the regiment composed of drafted men and volunteers, and marched them to the lines for the defense of the State. Having received orders not to cross the lines he did not participate in the action at Plattsburgh. In person he was very tall and spare, courteous and gentlemanly in address, very energetic and active in all his movements, and one of the most graceful riders we ever saw mounted on horseback. He several times represented the town in the Legislature, and died in 1825, aged 85 years.
came to Dorset soon after the close of the Revolution, from Mansfield, Ct. He enlisted in the army in his native town in 1775, and served during the war. He was in the battle of Monmouth and used to say they had orders to strip to their shirt-sleeves and charge bayonet, and after the charge, "the blood was shoe-deep" and the "dead lay on the ground like a flock of sheep." He was Town Clerk, and Justice of the Peace for many years, representative of the town and Judge of Probate. He drew a captain's pension for several years before his death. He died in 1825, aged 93.
moved with his family from Harrington, Ct., in 1774, and resided in Dorset until his death in 1822, at which time he was in his 87th year. He was an active whig during the Revolution, being a member of the Committee of Safety from Dorset. He was also for many years deacon in the Congregational Church. His son, Dr. Alpheus Morse, was a practicing physician in Dorset for some 30 years and then removed to Essex, N. Y. He practiced here four years, and has since added 20 years of practice in the town of Jay, N. Y., making in all 54 years of medical practice. He is still living, and, although nearly 90 years of age his faculties until within a few months have remained quite unimpaired. He is now quietly awaiting his final change.
And now, although our biographical materials have accumulated upon our hands to an extent which we had hardly anticipated, we opine, nevertheless, that this department of our town would be incomplete did we fail to give at least a passing notice of
the Buffoon, or the Coxcomb of Dorset. This singular character made his unexpected appearance in town about 1811 or '12, hailing from Hinesburgh and lived here till his death (some 45 years after his advent.) In person he was of medium highth, with a head as round as an apple, a face completely obicular in its outline, a pointed nose, exactly in the center, eyes naturally sunken, yet from his always tieing his neckcloth so tight as to nearly obstruct his breathing, protruding from their sockets. Clad on Sabbath days even in hot weather in a Scotch plaid cloak of gorgeous colors, fastened around his neck with a huge brass clasp, his feet in heavy cow-hide boots, his hands enveloped in large woolen fringed mittens of gay colors, he delighted to come into church and tramp heavily the whole length of the gallery, in his swaggering pompous gait, the observed of all observers, in spite of Dr. Jackson's best eloquence.
Training days, however, were those of his most especial glory — and he shone most to his satisfaction, as in the cast off military coat, cap and epauletts of some official he paraded himself and his "bobtail" regiment of boys quite as conspicuously to the public gaze as were the companies of the better disciplined "regulars." Did the Military officers of the day feel proud of their position, David was prouder still; did they give their orders in loud and commanding tones, David's were louder and more pompous still; did they strut in their march, David's strut was inimitable, in all its mimicry of theirs — a complete counterpart of all that was laughable and droll. In a word, pompous in all his pretences, but the daftest coward that ever ran away from a ghost or the counterfeit Indian whoop of some boy behind the fence; tenacious in his memory, shrewd and canning in many of his remarks, yet his wit verging on the most ridiculous folly, and his reason on the borders of insanity, was David Griffin. In short, in all that was grotesque, ludicrous and droll he stood preeminent; was at once the Punch the scape goat, and the laughing stock of the town. Long, will it be ere the gaunt figure or queer sayings of David, fade from the memory of the inhabitants of his day.
The Dorset Marble Quarries are, with two exceptions, located upon the different slopes of Æolus Mountain — some quite at the base, others at various distances up the mountain, the most elevated of which is 1400 feet above the valley.
The strata of marble usually occur 5 or 20 of them together, resting one above the other with seams between them.
These strata, or layers as they are called by the quarrymen, vary in thickness being from 1 to 6 feet, and usually run from the surface back into the mountain horizontally. With few exceptions each layer retains its own peculiar characteristics, such as color, thickness, texture, &c. as it is followed back from the surface; except that in going back there is a general improvement in the quality of all the layers.
White is the prevailing color, with here and there varigations of blue. This marble formation is principally carbonate of lime, whilst above and below are strata of magnician and silicious lime stone, and other rock common to the Taconic Range.
It is not known when the first settlers of Dorset discovered the mineral wealth of their township; certain it is, however, that beds of marble were known to exist long before their value was understood.
The first quarry opened in Dorset was by Isaac Underhill, in the year 1785, on lands then owned by Reuben Bloomer, and near where Dorset Pound now stands. This quarry is still owned by the Bloomer family. Here was heard the first "click" of the hammer, and here was made the first "raise"; thus inaugerating a branch of industry which has made Dorset known throughout the Union. Mr. Underhill's object was simply to procure fire jams. chimney-backs, hearths and lintels for the capacious and rudely constructed fireplaces of those days; common limestone and and slate had previously been used for this purpose. People 50 to 100 miles distant came for these beautiful fireplace stones, and considerable trade in them soon sprung up. John Manley and others soon embarked in the quarrying business with Underhill on the same ledge, though on the opposite side of the highway.
Since the opening of this first quarry 8 others of importance have been opened in Dorset, which we will here name in the order of their opening, giving the names of the present owners, when and by whom each quarry was opened.
Wilson, McDonald & Friedley's quarry opened in 1808 by Elijah Sykes, 12 quarrymen now employed. McDonald & Friedley's quarry opened in 1810 by John Chapman & Abraham Underhill, 20 quarrymen employed. Gray & Briggs quarry opened in 1821, by Lyman Gray and others. Holly Field's & Kents Vt. Italian Quarry, so called from its close resemblance to the foreign article, opened in 1835, by Chester Kent and Sam'l Fulsom, 35 quarrymen employed. Holly Field's & Kents, Extra White Quarry, opened in 1836, by Edmond Manly. Gray, Wilson, Sanford & Co.s, opened in 1840, by Martin and George Manly, 15 quarrymen employed. Major Hawley's Quarry opened in 1841, by Wm. J. Soper and T. D. Manley, 20 quarrymen employed. Fulson & Barnards Quarry opened in 1854, by Sam'l Fulson and A. J. Clark, 6 quarrymen employed.
Of the above 9 quarries, two of them, viz: Gray & Briggs and the Bloomer Quarries are not now being worked. On the remaining 7 may be constantly heard the sound of the chisel and the sledge.
Seven other openings have been made in valuable ledges in Dorset but they are not yet developed into fully remunerative quarries.
The first channeling was done on the McDonald & Friedly Quarry in 1841, this process of cutting around blocks before raising them from their native beds is now generally practiced. The only tunneling as yet done, is upon McDonald & Friedlys' Quarry it having been commenced there in 1859.
The first Derrick erected in Dorset was by S. D. Manley, in 1848; 10 others are now in use. The first Marble Grave Stone ever finished in Dorset, is believed to have been the work of Jonas Stewart, in 1790, out of a slab taken from the Bloomer Quarry. Stewart was a manufacturer of slate and granite grave-stones, at Claremont, N. H. Not much was done in the use of marble, for this purpose, until 1808, when Elijah Sykes on opening his quarry, gave this branch of the marble business his chief attention, and since his day it has continued of the first magnitude.
The early quarrymen of Dorset, for many years, labored under great disadvantages, for want of facilities to saw their marble. They were compelled to seek out those places, usually, upon the top or outer edge of the ledges, where the strata were seamy, or subdivided, by atmospheric influences, and could be easily split, or riven into sheets, of from 4 to 8 inches thick, each. These sheets were then hewn with the mallet and chisel to the desired shape for use. The more compact, and consequently better marble, in indivisible layers, 2 to 5 feet in thickness, could not be used at all, for the want of mills to saw it. The first attempt at sawing marble, in Dorset, was made by Spafford Field and Josiah Boothe about 1818 (some 30 years after the first quarry was opened. These individuals put in operation a gang of saws, on the site now occupied by Major Hawley's mills in South Dorset. This first mill was constructed in accordance with the best knowledge then possessed upon the subject, yet it could saw but little. About 1827, Dan Kent and Barnum Thompson erected mills which were improvements on Field and Boothe's mill, though inefficient. So late as 1840, we find Edmond Manley's mill, the only one successfully running in Dorset. Three or four small mills were running in Manchester, on Dorset marble, making in all what would be equal to about 6 gangs of the present style of construction, whilst at the same time 9 quarries were open, and being vigorously worked. The marble was finding a ready sale in New York, Boston, Philadephia, Buffalo, Cleveland, and intermediate points. The trade in Italian and Rutland marbles being then hardly commenced, the demand for Dorset marble was beyond the supply. Surface marble, which could be split with the wedge, always of poor quality, becoming more difficult to obtain, more mills to saw the thick layers were indispensible. The right mode of construction had now become better understood and efficient mills began to be built. Between 1840 and the present time, 7 mills have been erected in Dorset, all of which are now in successful operation. They carry, in all, 35 gangs of saws. Add to these, 27 gangs, now running, in Manchester, and we have a total of 62 gangs, running on Dorset marble. They saw, annually, about 750,000 feet (2 inches of thickness being the standard of measurement,) selling for about $200,000, the present annual. product of the Dorset quarries. These quarries are believed to be inexhaustible, and this annual product is limited only by the amount of capital invested in the business. This marble is now used in every State in the Union, and also in the Canadas. There are now employed, here, over 300 quarrymen and sawyers, mostly Irish and Canadian French, — the former largely predominating. The early quarrymen and sawyers were Americans, — so late as 1830 only three Irishmen were employed.
THE Congregational Church of Dorset was organized Sept. 22, 1784, by Rev. Elijah Sill, from New Fairfield, Ct. In its infancy, though struggling with the usual embarrassments of a young church, in a new country, it had the peculiar elements of strength and increase in the decidedly Christian character and earnest devotion of some of its earliest members. Among these were Deacons, John Manley and Cephas Kent, who with their families established that regular Sabbath worship in Dorset which has now been maintained, almost uninterruptedly, for about 90 years.
Not long after its organization, the Church numbered about 40 members; in 1796, about 80; in 1842, 168; in 1860, 102; whole number, from its begining not far from 600.
An interesting revival occurred in 1795, another, of remarkable power, in 1803-4, adding 101 members; one in 1816-17, additions about 80. Other revivals, of greater or less extent occurred in 1821, '26, '30, '32, '33, '41 and '58.
As a result of the early revivals, and in connection with the efficient ministrations of Dr. Jackson, and the faithful co-operation of its members, the Church attained a large spiritual prosperity. A high excellence of religious character was reached by many pious fathers and mothers in Israel, whose Christian influence was widely felt, while living, and whose memories will long be held in love and reverence. Among these was Dea. John Kent, on whose grave stone is the inscription: "Died, July 4, 1849, aged 99 years, 7 mos. and 5 days. A pioneer settler of the town, exemplary in all his relations, discerning, upright, kind, liberal, social and cheerful. An eminent Christain, sound in doctrine, fervent in prayer, delighting in the Sabbath, the sanctuary and the scriptures; many years an officer and pillar of the church he loved; a good man who feared God and whose memory is precious."
"In 1804, by the efforts of the pastor and leading members of the Church, the "Evangelical Society," the first Society in the U. S., on the plan of giving a public education to pious and indigent youth, was established. The Society has aided upward of 50 young men in their preparation for the ministry." Nearly a score of ministers of the Gospel were raised up from this parish.
After Dr. Jackson's death, there was a decline in the prosperity of the church, and it was for some years without a settled pastor. More recently, however, the cause of religion has received a new impulse, and the present harmony and efficiency of the society give some hope of future enlargement and usefulness.
MINISTERS. The first pastor was Rev. Elijah Sill, who graduated at Yale in 1748; settled in Dorset in 1781, "continued about 5 years;" dismissed in 1791. From the town records we learn that, "in 1783, the town voted to give Rev. Elijah Sill a call to settle In this town as a minister of the Gospel; Capt. Abraham Underhill, Mr. Cephas Kent and Mr. John Manley be committee to treat with Mr. Sill in relation to settlement."
Rev. Seth Williston D. D., for many years pastor of a Church in Durham, N. Y., spent several months of his earlier ministry in successful labor with this church, in 1795-96.
Rev. Wm. Jackson D. D., commenced preaching here, in 1793. During his later years, in consequence of failing health, he was assisted first by Rev. Mr. Gordon, and Rev. James Meacham, as stated supplies, and afterwards by Rev. Ezra Jones, as colleague pastor. [See Jackson Family.]
Mr. Jones, born in Waitsfield Vt., graduated at Middlebury in 1831, at Andover Mass., in 1834, was installed at Dorset, Dec. 12, 1838, and dismissed, Oct. 28, 1841, and now labors in Western N. Y.
For several years there was no settled pastor. Among the acceptable supplies of this period were Rev. J. D. Wickham, Principal of the Burr Seminary, who has also performed considerable pastoral service in Dorset, and in the year 1846, Rev. M. C. Searle, formerly pastor in New Hartford, N. Y., and recently an agent of the "Am. and For. Christian Union."
Rev. Cyrus Hudson, a native of Dorset, graduated at Middlebury in 1824; at Auburn about 1828, and was installed pastor, Oct. 27, 1847. He resigned his office on account of infirm health, and closed his useful service here in the spring of 1853. He has since been much employed as a traveling agent, and now resides at Rutland.
For 2 1-2 years the Church was without a resident pastor, the pulpit being supplied for longer or shorter periods by Rev. J. Steele, Prof. G. A. Boardman, and others.
Since Jan. 1856, the acting pastor has been Rev. P. S. Pratt, graduated at Hamilton College in 1842, and at Auburn in 1846.
Among the clergymen raised up in Dorset, mostly under Dr. Jackson, were Dan Kent, pastor at Benson, and Stephen Martindale, Wallingford, both deceased; Ira Manley, Wisconsin, Septimius Robinson, Morristown, S. C. Jackson D. D., Andover, Mass., Brainard Kent, Chicago, Cyrus Hudson, Rutland, Asa Farewell, Haverhill, Mass., Lyman Manley, Richmond, N. Y., E. P. Roberts, Missionary A. B. C. F. M., Missionary Islands.
The first meeting house must have been built not long after the organization of the Church, and was located near the burial ground. It was afterward removed to the west end of the village, nearly opposite the present site, and repaired, in 1816, and burned, during a storm, in Jan. 1832. The present edifice was dedicated in Feb. 1833. During the present season, it has been enlarged and remodelled, and is to be neatly and comfortably furnished. There is a regular average congregation of 200. The house will have 400 sittings, There is a flourishing Sabbath School of 150 members. The parsonage was erected shortly after the accession of Rev. Mr. Jones, about the year 1839.
A BAPTIST CHURCH existed and flourished in Dorset, for several years, — especally under the ministry of Rev. Cyrenius M. Fuller, settled in 1818, but this Church is now extinct.
There is a small METHODIST SOCIETY in East Dorset, which occupies a Union Meeting House, near the Depot. "It was organized about 30 years ago, — 15 years since there was some 90 members, — present number 20. The church building, a Union house, was erected in 1838 or '39, by the united efforts of all denominations, and is so owned and occupied, though the only stable preaching and the only organized church now in the place; except the Catholic, is the Methodist. The first Methodist class in the west part of the town, was organized by Rev. John White, and one at South Dorset, in 1828. In 1830, their Church edifice was built, on its present site, in Dorset village. In 1834, the number of members was about 70, — present number about 30. They have preaching once in two weeks by Rev. M. A. Wicker, of Danby.
There is also a CATHOLIC CHURCH, organized in 1856, in East Dorset. They have a house of worship, and are reported by their priest, to number 500 members, — 250 adults, 150 of which are residents of Dorset. The remaining adults reside in Danby and Manchester, and the remaining members, that make up the 500, are baptized children, which are, in the Catholic communion, recognized as members.
Rev. William Jackson D. D., was born at Cornwall, Ct., in 1768. Three years after, his parents removed to Vermont, and settled in Wallingford, but the ensuing year returned to Cornwall, and remained till the end of the war, when they again emigrated to Wallingford. William Jackson commenced his preparation for the ministry at the age of 16; was graduated at Dartmouth in 1790; studied theology with Drs. Edmunds and Spring, and was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational church in Dorset, in 1796, where he continued his pastorate till his death in 1842.
In personal appearance Dr. Jackson was tall and spare, eyes blue, hair naturally brown — though for forty years, white —; in general movement remarkably agile; in usual deportment, moderately sedate, though, with a vein of quiet humor running through his social character, which, breaking at intervals through his meek sobriety, rendered him eminently approachable. In sentiment the Doctor was of the Hopkinsonian school, and as a sermonizer, chaste, terse, direct. Beyond a mere outline, his sermons were not committed to paper, except upon public occasions. "It takes a great many flowers to break a man's back" was a favorite proverb from which may be gathered his estimation of vapid sermon declamation. As a speaker, his voice was low, but impressive, and every word warmed by the most apparent sincerity found a ready way to the heart and understanding of the hearer. He gesticulated but little, yet his quiet intonations ever commanded attention. Particularly, when much in earnest he would turn his head to one side and bow his tall body laboring with the out-breathing of important thought, an awe truly sublime rested upon his auditory.
The circumstances of his settlement have been rehearsed to us after this wise: Soon after having been licensed to preach, he left his father's house to journey into New Jersey, for the benefit of his health. His first Sabbath abroad found him in the village of Dorset, which village, nestled among the mountains, or rather its frame of hills, is thus graphically described by an accomplished writer of a sister state:
"It is seldom that you see the grand and beautiful in such harmonious combination. . . . . . Amid precipitous hights that rise in . . . . . grandeur around you, are sunny slopes stretching away in quiet loveliness . . . . . Occasionally are spread out before you rich pastures or fields of waving grain, reminding one of the mountain home where dwelt that faithful pastor Felix Neff, surrounded by his humble and devout flock. At one moment deep, dark ravines open to your view; at the next you look upon intervales of rich verdure, spreading out in every direction . . . . . Again you behold an amphitheatre, sometimes one, sometimes three miles in extent, with dark, spruce trees, like sentinels, guarding the scene . . . . . Here and there a mountain brook leaps from some hidden fountain, and winding along its babbling way, pours its fertilizing waters into the glad bosom of the sleeping vale. At the outer angle of one of these amphitheatres, called "the Hollow," sits Dorset like a bird among the mountains. The road and the stream, having meandered side by side, here diverge, taking between them a sugar-loaf hill, one hundred and fifty feet high, which rises in lofty beauty, the natural stage of the encompassing amphitheatre."
Having occupied the pulpit here, during the day, he was earnestly pressed to accept a call to the vacant pastorate; but deeming it best to adhere to his original plan, pursued his journey. Several ministers succeeded, on trial, but no permanent settlement was effected. Meanwhile Mr. Jackson, having become much improved in health, was, at length, on his way home, when, missing his route, he unexpectedly came out again at Dorset. As he turned up on horse-back, at the door of Deacon Ebenezer Morse, this devout man at once recognized him as returned of the Lord; and coming warmly forth greeted him with "The Lord has sent you in answer to our prayers. We have just been talking of sending for you." This time they would not release him. Neither did he feel the liberty, or wish, to decline an invitation depending upon so many circumstances going to mark it as providential; but rather accepted as from the hand of the Lord, the goodly heritage to which he was called.
"Here," says the above quoted writer, "more than fifty years ago, while the place in its uncultivated beauties was a comparative wilderness, came that good man, William Jackson, as a pastor to the humble saints who in this quiet valley worshipped God. — Literally, as well as spiritually, did this faithful shepherd lead his flock in green pastures and beside the still waters."
The young pastor had for his settlement the glebe lot, a number of cattle, and a salary of $300. Beside his parish duties he managed the care of a large farm. Possessing and cultivating through life the happy fac‑
[*For material for this article, we acknowledge indebtedness to Mrs. Baldwin, — daughter of Rev. Mr. Jackson — Hon. Mr. Armstrong, and Mrs. Lawrence's biography of Mrs. Hamlin. — Ed.]
ulty of turning readily from study to business, and back, at will, to mental toil, amid the healthful and cheering labors of the husbandman he would reinvigorate both body and mind; then upon a Friday or Saturday afternoon step in from the field, shut out the world take his bible and lay out his entire labor for the ensuing Sabbath. Thus for 46 years, from his installation, he preserved an evenly toned body and mind, and well tilled both parish field and farm,--
And, " tho' he had come that long, long way,
His mind was as bright as a summer day,
'For the glory of God,' he used to say,
'Shut out, all earthly gloom.' "
Indeed, one who knew him well avers that what others call their "blue days," never came round to him, — that she never knew him have a melancholy hour.
Dr. Jackson was the first elected member of the corporation of Middlebury College, (from which institution, he received his honorary degree,) and through his influence more young men, from his small town, received a collegiate education, than from all the rest of the county. Moreover, through his influence, Mr. Burr, of Manchester, was stimulated to his generous donations to religious and charitable objects, thus
"His life was a sermon that comes again,
Long after the lips have said amen."
SUSANNA CRAM, (Mrs. Jackson,) was born in Brentford, N. H., in 1771. Her paternal grandmother was Elisabeth Rogers, a lineal descendant of the martyr of Smithfield. She first became acquainted with Mr. Jackson, (with whom she was united in marriage, in the, winter of 1797,) while at school, boarding in the family of Dr. Spring.
Rich in varied accomplishments, gifted and earnestly religious, she entered upon her new and important relations so gracefully and well, that for industry, economy, and an air of cheerful comfort her house became at once a "model home." Yet, still, in the progressive years, while woman's most pleasant cares filled well her hands, she found harmonious place for an occasional outburst of the poetical in her nature, and cultivated until near three-score her rare letter-writing gift. In no other way can we so well describe the last days of her venerated husband, or the evening of her own beautiful life, as by paragraphs from her letters to her missionary daughter in Constantinople. We will "Give her of the fruit of her own hands; and let her own works praise her."
"I asked your father if he had anything to say to you. 'Tell her to be sure and love her Father in heaven, and not forget her earthly father.' Deacon Kent says, Let him go. I would not hold him here. He sits by your father's bedside and prays, and tells over to the Lord the whole history of their acquaintance and his ministry, — tells of the revivals they have enjoyed, and the blessing they soon hope to enjoy together in the presence of God and the Savior. His prayers are very affecting indeed, and his appearance (then over 91) extremely so."
"I went to him one morning, not expecting he would look at me again; but, as I was bending over him, he opened his eyes, and, when he saw who it was, fixing on me an inexpressible look, with a sweet angelic smile, he raised both his arms as if he would put them round me. . . . . . I said to him, 'you
are beginning to taste the joys that the Savior bought with pains, are you not?' He said, 'I began to taste them a great many years ago.' . . . . . . The next I shall write may be to say to you, as the angel said to Mary, He is not here, he is risen!'
Oct. 25, 1842.
"One week ago to-day he was laid in the deep, dark grave, and the dear, lifeless remains forever concealed from our eyes. O, the anguish of seeing him pass by his own beloved home, where we had so often passed in together, when we returned from the house of God. O, my dear Henrietta, may you never know the sorrows of such an hour! . . I send you a rose-sprig that grew on the turf that lies over your father's face. . . . . . I will tell you what I thought beside his grave:--
O, let not this beloved spot
Thus undistinguished lie,*
And just like common earth appear
To heedless passers-by!
Let no rude foot, with careless step,
Press on this sacred dust
What once was great is treasured here,
Concealed in holy trust.
Let roses blossom all around,
And flowers of richest dye,
And lilies in their spotless white
Spread where the ruins lie;
Let sweetest shrubs and balmy plants
Shed rich perfumes around,
And Heaven affix some signal-mark
That this is hallowed ground!
But God, from his celestial throne,
Regards this humble mound,--
An angel-band is stationed here
To guard the spot around.
Peaceful I leave the precious dust
Since in God's care it lies,
Till He the bands of death shall burst,
And take it to the skies.
I do try to pray for you and Constantinople; and then so many fields and missionaries meet my eyes, that I can say little more than, Lord bless them all . . . . . . I have one particular request to make daily, which seemed to be impressed on my mind, with great force, when you mentioned your incessant labor and the crowds that throng you. It is that you may be filled with heavenly light, and stand as an illuminated building, light pouring from every window, enlightening all around you. . . . . .
* From a letter written the summer following his death, before the monument which now marks his grave had been erected.
Sometimes a gleam of hope, like a lightning-flash, passes my mind, that I may see you again . . . . But I choose God should direct. If we meet in heaven, it will be enough, O, enough, ENOUGH! . . . . May every one of all our household, at all times, feel that "God is love," — that all we want is God to be our God."
Among these letters are many beautiful messages "to the little girls," her granddaughters, all of which we must, however, omit, to give space for a few brief notices of that venerable saint, Deacon Kent.
"Deacon Kent seems about to leave us. It will be a great loss to our family, to the church and to the world. He has lived almost ninety-seven years, and been a praying soul eighty . . . . He was very sick some time since, and it was thought he was rapidly going . . . . He says he wants only an invitation, he don't need a summons. He calls these sick turns 'receiving billets.' He is quite deaf and almost blind . . . . His piety is as bright as noon. Your sister M. visited him, and he told her some of the exercises he had had. He said that once, when he was praying, the heavens were opened, and he had such views that his breath ceased, and he had to seek air from the window, and it seemed to him that he should never breathe again. He called it 'a weight of glory.' He was inquired of the other day how he did, 'O,' said he, 'I am not ripe yet; when I am ripe, I shall drop off.'
Deacon Kent died soon after. In the words of another, 'long had he lain close by the jasper walls of Paradise, and the bright angels soon after bore him within its opened gates.'
But old age creeps on. She writes,
"I will give you one specimen of what I often experience in various things. I sat down upon my bed to take off my clothes. I looked at my dress; how it was to be taken off I could not see. I looked at the sleeves, and how they were to come off my arms seemed a mystery. I sat a long time and could think of no way to take off my dress . . . . Do you, dear child, remember that your mother is almost fourscore? . . . To-day, Aug. 3, (1847,) is the anniversary of Loraine's death, — the sweetest, loveliest, most engaging of children. Just before she died, she exclaimed, 'O, papa, I see up there those children, those good little children. I see them! I see them!' I think she did not speak afterwards. O, it seems as if it were but yesterday. She is now before my eyes . . . . I hardly know what I have written. My thoughts have been with the dead rather than the living. I am sitting in the room where I sat with the dead, and seem to be sitting with them now."
May 9, 1848, the last letter was written. The same vessel bore to her distant children tidings of her departure from earth.
CHILDREN. MARGARET, the oldest, married Rev. John Maltby.
SUSAN, (Mrs. Baldwin,) resides at the old homestead.
SAMUEL JACKSON D. D., Secretary of the Board of Education, graduated at Middlebury college, afterwards at Andover Theological Seminary; settled at Andover some 2 years; preached in Charleston, S. C., 1-year, and returned to Andover, where he at present resides.
ELISABETH ROGERS, handed down to another generation the time honored name, transmitted from the days of the martyr, and said to have never lacked a living representative in the family.
ANNA LORAINE, died in childhood.
HENRIETTA ANNA LORAINE, born May 9, 1811, married to Rev. Mr. Hamlin, Sept. 3, 1838; sailed for the mission at Constantinople, Dec. 3, 1838, and died Nov. 14, 1850. A history of this lovely woman has been written by Margaret Woods Lawrence. The book is a series of life-pictures, with the beauty of the Lord upon them all. First, a May Flower in the parsonage, --
"What a life-history
Is folded here, sweet within sweet, like a blossom.",
Softly the bud unfolds, in the midst of the fair nature encircling its home as with garden of delights, develops into the beautiful child, — the sweet, delicate, scholastic girl, — the pure, sensitive, pensive maiden, — till at length it blooms in modest young womanhood. Over this picture we pause a moment more than heretofore. "It is fair; but shadowed with an undefined melancholy." Nay, careless souls alone, are cloudless before the opening of life's earnest pages. I see but the unrest that deeper natures feel before their destiny unrolls, especially woman. Man says, I make my fortune; Woman I wait mine. — "Turn over.'' — Love illuminates the page, touches the meekly radiant countenance
"As when two dewdrops on the petal shake
To the same sweet air, and tremble deeper down
And slip at once all fragrant into one."
"The next leaf." — An altar and a bridal. Sept. 3rd was a beautiful day — and a solemn day in the old parsonage. While many tears fall, the missionary bride, her fine countenance tinged with suppressed emotion, stands in sublime serenity at the altar,
"As whole as some serene creation
Minted in the golden moods of soverign artists
Nor thought, nor touch, but pure as lines of green
That streak the white of the first snow-drop's inner leaves."
Upon her finger is a ring, engraved' "Verily I say unto you, there is no one who hath left home, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God, who shall not receive mainfold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting." "The venerated father officiates." "The dignity and tenderness, for which in
the marriage service he is distinguished, deepens . . . . It is the consecration of his youngest child to the missionary service." And this was his parting injunction: "Remember, my Henrietta, all there is of life is usefulness," Deacon Kent who was present, then old and full of years, declared it was the happiest day of his life. He congratulated his pastor on such an offering and pledged himself to pray for these young missionaries every day of his life. "Nine years after, he sent them word he had kept his promise." — Hence forth we turn the leaves in another clime; but growing in loveliness, the same modest genial woman looks out from every page. Equally at home, and happy in studying those difficult languages, instructing the little scholars under her care, or in superintending her large household,
"She rises up and brightens ——--
And lights her smile for comfort, and is slow
In nothing of high-hearted fortitude,"
"With feet unshrinking
She came to the Jordan's tide.
And taking the hand of the Savior
Went up on the heavenly side,"
Mrs. Hamlin left a husband and five children.
Wm. J. Maltby, son of Rev. John Maltby, was born at Sutton Mass., Apr. 17, 1831. In his second year he was intrusted to the care of his maternal grandparents in Dorset Vt. Everything there favored the perfect growth of his physical, intellectual and moral powers. He early entered Burr Seminary and fitted for College, when but 14. For a short time, however, he became connected with Phillips Academy, Andover; and there, in the family of his uncle, Samuel Jackson D D., contracted the commencement of chronic throat disease. In 1847 he entered Yale College, and graduated in 1851. The winter of '51 and '52 he taught at Machias, Me; the two following years at Elmwood Institute, Norriston, Pa.; then for a few months in a school at Unity, Me. In 1853 he was received into membership with the Hammond St. Church, Bangor, of which his father was pastor, and during the winter '53, and '55, became connected with the Theological Seminary there.
TRAVELS. Sailing from New York he arrived in Hamburg in November 1855, renewing at once his acquaintance with German and Hebrew. The winter he passed at Hermansburg, as pupil and teacher in the Moravian Mission School, under pastor Harms. In the spring of 1856 he returned to Hamburg, and commenced a pedestrian tour through Germany, the Tyrol and Switzerland, accomplishing a distance of 25 or 30 miles a day. The winter of 1857, at the University of Berlin, he was duly matriculated, attending 31 lectures, weekly, on Theology, Biblical Criticism and Geography, from Professors Nitzsch, Twesten, Kitter — the greatest geographer in the world, and an old compatriot of Humboldt; Schneider — the amanuensis and most intimate scholar of Neander. During the winter he called several times upon Humboldt, and received a kind note of invitation to 'come again' should he return to Berlin. The summer of 1857 was given to a tour through Northern Europe. For six weeks he studied Norwegian and Danish, attending lectures at the University. Passing through Hammefest, the most northern town in the world. His return south was a detour through Sweden and Russia to Stockholm, making in all, the pedestrian journey of a thousand miles. At the University of Copenhagen he spent the winter, studying Icelandic, Danish, Finish, old English and Mœsogothic. In April 1858 he returned to Berlin. The following spring and summer was devoted to visiting the most famous cities of Germany. Some time was given to the study of French in Geneva, when crossing the St, Bernard, he journeyed southward through Genoa, &c., to Rome, thence to Naples, Vesuvius, Pompeii, &c. In November he left Italy for Egypt. Five months were devoted to the study of Arabic, the voyage of the Nile, ruins of the Desert, Thebes, the Red Sea, &c. In May 1859 he reached Jerusalem; continued his travels through Syria and Palestine; in July he arrived at Constantinople, and remained with his uncle Mr. Hamlin through the year, making excursions in the vicinity, to Broosa and Mt. Olympus, and engaged in the study of Modern Greek. To avail himself of the benefits of the University, he left, January 1st, 1860, for Athens, and after three months in this city of classic lore, made the tour of Greece. Bidding adieu to Athens, midsummer found him at Florence conquering Italian, and September at Madrid by way of Marseilles. There he received notice of his appointment as Professor elect of Modern Languages in Bowdoin College, and hastened to complete the work of preparation. Eleven hours daily was devoted to Spanish. In October he planned a journey through southern Spain and Portugal, France and the British Isles, which should enable him to return in the spring of, 1861, to his native land.
In February last, intelligence was received from Mr. Preston, U . S. Minister at Madrid, that after much suffering, Mr. Maltby had
fallen a victim to typhus fever, and on the first morning of the New Year was laid to rest in the quiet of the English Protestant Cemetery.
Life's preparatory work was completed. — His face turned homeward, he was bringing for that position to which he had been called, rich gleanings from five years of foreign study and travel. With a character ripened into rare perfection of loveliness, and Christian principle, which had borne unscathed the test of all circumstances and companionship, in many countries, fitted to do so much for the Master and the world, — God called him, and among strangers, in a strange land, he laid down to die.
During his absence, Mr. Maltby had furnished the papers at home with letters for publication, and at the time of his death was engaged as a correspondent of 'The New York World'. Extracts from these letters, with fuller memoirs of his life and notes of travel, may at some future day be given the public.
The following is one of several poems by Mr. Maltby, which have from time to time appeared in the 'New York Observer'
How calmly breaks the holy day,
How gently breathes the fragrant air,
Earth smiles beneath the genial ray,
And owns a Heavenly Father's care!
List to the voice of cheerful praise
That from the waking world ascends!
Man, while the warblers pour their lays,
In nobler adoration bends.
Ye who adore the God unseen,
Come, to his sacred courts repair!
With holy heart and conscience clean.
Rejoicing in his presence there.
High let your sacred anthems peal,
Like those that worship round the throne;
With rapturous thoughts, with holy zeal,
His power declare, his goodness own!
Thus shall ye taste the joys below,
Of those that worship him above;
Thus shall your hearts delighted know,
And feel His everlasting love,
A lov'd one's foot-print tracked the shore,
Alas! it could not stay,
A reckless wave came rolling o'er
And washed its trace away.
In sorrow's mood I raised my hand,
To check the falling tear,--
When lo, upon the shining sand
I spied a jewel rare.
And so with all humanity,--
Those things most dear to-day
A wave upon life's surging sea
May wash them all away.
But as the bitter sigh we heave,
And drop the sorrowing tear,
A wave swept from the pearl-sown sea
May leave a jewel there.
Remembrance steals back to an earlier day,
With feelings I cannot control,
And sweet recollection those memories portray
That thrill with delight through the soul.
I sigh for that home with its cool verdant shade,
Its green spreading lawn and bright flowers;
That silent retreat where I pensively strayed
And worshipped sweet nature for hours.
East Dorset.
This town was chartered by the Governor of New Hampshire, Aug. 20, 1761, to some 60 proprietors, none of whom appear to have been so active in its settlement as to have left their names among the resident families of the town. The first settlement was made in 1768, by Felix Powel from Massachusetts, Isaac Lacy from Connecticut, and Benjamin Baldwin, Abraham Underhill, John Manly and George Page from New York.* There is a record of a grant of 50 acres to Felix Powel by his fellow townsmen, in consideration of his being the first settler. The town, lying north of Manchester and south of Danby, in Rutland Co., was originally 6 miles square, but has since been enlarged on the east side by a narrow strip formerly known as Tabor's Leg. The general aspect of the country is hilly and mountainous. The mountains are thickly wooded to their highest summits and crowned with evergreens, while lower down, the hard timbers, chiefly maple, prevails, — covering the rounded tops of the lower hills, and giving them that graceful sweeping outline that contributes So much to the picturesqueness of scenery in these parts.
The soil is mostly gravelly loam, well adapted to grazing, and tolerably fertile. The roads, most of them, are excellent, following principally along the bank of some clear rivulet running over bright gravelly bottoms.
The eastern part of the town lies along the western part of the Green Mountain range. A deep cut valley, through which runs the Western Vermont Railroad, cuts off the mountains of the township from the Green Mountains proper. This apparently deep valley is yet, a table land which sheds off its water on the north into Otter Creek and on the north through the Battenkill to the Hudson River. The Battenkill and other creeks arise from springs near each other not far from the village of East Dorset. This valley also divides the system of rock of the Green Mountains on the east from that system extending westerly from this point, to the Hudson River, and known as the Taconic system, containing the marble, slates and limestone of Western Vermont. The waters flowing down into this valley from the Green Mountains on the east are soft, while those coming down from the west, on the other hand are hard or tinctured more or less with lime. Just west of this valley, Dorset Mountain — more recently christened Æolus — rears his lofty head crowned with evergreens, and bearing on his shoulders immense treasures of white and richly variegated marbles. On the eastern side of this mountain may be found the extensive and well known marble quarries, descriptions of which may be found in the very interesting paper furnished by F. Field, Esq., upon that subject. Towards the west Mt. Æolus has a smoother aspect, where stretching out, so to speak, his opening arms he embraces a large amphitheater of productive land. On the south side of this stand in range, Green Peak, Owl's head, and great and little maple hills gradually lowering their crests until the last member of the arm, called the Pinnacle is laid in the lap of the valley, just back of Dorset Village. The northern arm sweeps around to the north and west near Danby line until it approaches Equinox range and West Mountain, coming up along the west line of the township where both ranges bear away to the northwest, leaving a pleasant opening between them, through which flows the Mettawee, or Pawlet river. This river, frolicing down the mountain side, and gliding smoothly away through the fertile meadows of Rupert, winds along in company with the pleasant road, among the rounded slaty hills, into which these two ranges of mountains alluded to are broken and which constitute so peculiar a feature of the landscape of the Taconic system of rocks.
A marked feature of the climate of this township, as also of the other towns of this
[* The town was organized Deming tells us March 3, 1774, (Thompson says in 1769.) Asa Baldwin first town clerk; George Gage first constable; Cephas Kent, John Manly and Asa Baldwin first selectmen. First born on record, Mary Manly, Oct. 26, 1775; first Committee of Safety in this town, Cephas Kent, John Manly, Asahel Herman, Ebenezer Morse and Ephraim Reynolds, chosen in March 1778. First Justice by the town, John Strong of Addison, first by the State, Timothy Brown and John Gray, 1786. John Shumway was also Justice 31 years, Heman Morse 17, and Benj. Ames 16. The first representative was Cephas Kent in 1778. The Otter Creek from Peru enters west and flows three-fourths of a mile in this township, when it takes a northerly direction through considerable of a natural pond and leaves near the N. E. corner. The Battenkill and Pawlet rivers also head in this township. Dorset Cave an aperture about 10 feet square, opens into a spacious room 9 rods by 4. At the end of this apartment are two openings about 30 feet apart. The right, 3 feet from the floor 20 inches by 6 feet, leading to an apartment 20 feet by 12 wide and 12 high, from which room there is an opening sufficient to admit a man for about 20 feet, when it opens into a large hall 80 feet long and 36 wide, the left is about as large as a common door and leads to an apartment 12 feet square, out of which is a passage to another considerable room in which is a spring of water. This cavern is said to have been explored 40 or 50 rods without arriving at the end. It may not be improper to also remark in this connection that in an early day several families from Dorset, removing north, settled in the eastern part of the town of Burlington, giving to their district the name of their native town. "Dorset Street," so called, is one of the most interesting sections of Burlington. — Ed. ]
county lying along the western slope of the Green Mountains is the absence of snow in winter; while towns situated on the corresponding eastern slope are covered with a good depth of snow, no satisfactory solution, we believe, has yet been found of this phenomenon. It may not be improper to add in this connection that recently the Senior class of Amherst College, in company with the able geologist, Dr. C. H. Hitchcock, visited this neighborhood, and Dorset Mountain in particular, christening the latter with appropriate ceremonies, Mt. Æolus. The solution furnished by this scientific body, for the somewhat singular phenomenon above alluded to is as follows:— Æolus, God of the winds, fled from fallen Greece, and took up his abode in the caves and marbled halls of this mountain. When this God, so goes the myth, calls home Boreas, driving before him snow and hail, then comes Anster too, with warm breath and weeping showers, and volute frost work and scroll soon disappear.*
The climate of this region is generally healthy. The tomb stones of the cemetery bear record that a large proportion of those who have found a resting place there were aged.
The manufacture of lumber is carried on to quite a large extent. Sand for the manufacture of glass was formerly exported in large quantities and still to some extent. — Formerly also, iron ore was smelted in East Dorset.
This town has four post offices and as many small villages, viz: East Dorset, and North Dorset, which lie on the. Western Vermont Railroad. South Dorset and Dorset, which occupy the Western part of the township. We subjoin a few short biographical sketches, noticing particularly those who were quite active in the early settlement of the town, likewise such as have left their names among the resident families of the town.
progenitor of the Arm family, one of the early settlers, born in Wethersfield, Ct., settled in Dorset in 1780. The original farm is still occupied by his descendants.
* An account of the expedition was published at the time in the Bennington Banner:
"Saturday morning, Oct. 13, about thirty members of the class, in company with Mr. Charles H. Hitchcock, Dr. Edward Hitchcock's son and prospective successor, visited the quarries and cave, and on the natural platform just below its entrance, performed the christening ceremonies.
Mr. Hitchcock spoke briefly of the geological structure of the mountain, especially remarkable for the horizontal position of its strata. The existence of a cave, evidently an old river bed, at such an elevation, showed how wonderful had been the transformation in this section of the country. He poured a bottle of pure water upon the mountain and christened it Mt. Æolus, a name well corresponding to Mt. Equinox, near by, and appropriate because this is a region of winds, and because this lofty mountain so much affects their direction and power in the neighboring vallies. Suitable, moreover, because Æolus dwelt in a cave — very likely in this for no one could prove that he lived any where else, and this mountain is higher and better adapted for his residence than Stromboli, where he was fabled to dwell.
Frederick Field, Esq., in the name of the citizens of Dorset, expressed to the class their gratification at this visit, and their acceptance of the name bestowed upon the hoary mountain to which they ail looked up with so much love and reverence.
A poem, of appropriate style and original thought, was then read by E. Porter Dyer, Jr., after which three cheers were given for Mt. Æolus. Scarcely time had elapsed for them to reverberate through the chambers of the cave, when the old Wind-King sent forth the four winds (personified by members of the class) blowing, whistling and rushing at such a rate that the crowd could with difficulty maintain their position on the mountain side. Soon their fury was sufficiently subsided to give opportunity for singing the following song written by a member of the class for the occasion:
From academic groves and hall,
And loved scenes far away,
We've come, a band of brothers all,
And gathered here to-day,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South and East and West,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
With ne'er a place to rest.
We'll tell again that old, old tale,
Of Æolus of yore,
Who from his cave hard by the vale,
So loudly used to roar.
He left that home long years ago,
That home of Auld Lang Syne,
Many a land he's wandered through,
And o'er the ocean's brine.
We've brought him here with us to-day,
We'll leave him here to rest,
While wind and storm shall come alway,
And go at his behest.
Blow, blow. blow. blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South and East and West,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
He's found a place to rest.
This mountain grand, henceforth all men,
Mt. Æolus shall call,
Till earth shall sink, and loose again
The giant's mighty thrall.
Then blew ye winds, ye breezes all,
Obey your king's command,
He sits in this grand marble hall,
Ye are his servant hand.
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
North, South and East and West,
Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,
Obey your king's behest.
We return to our college home with most delightful recollections of Vermont, and Vermont people, and we hope they will accept and adopt the appellation of Mt. Æolus.
In behalf of the Class of '01,
grandfather of Daniel Curtis of North Dorset, was born in England, immigrated to Connecticut at the age of 18, and came to Dorset in 1769. He purchased nearly all the lands lying along the valley through which now runs the W. Vt. R. R., a tract running from East Dorset village northward some five miles in extent.
He was, however, no non-resident proprietor, for he lived and died on his property, raising up a family of twenty-five children, most of whom lived to maturity. His house standing at the outlet of Dorset pond, was once burned by the Indians.
one of the early settlers, lived near Deming's pond. He and his brother and Wm. Marsh, another early settler, owned nearly, all the lands lying in the valley south of East Dorset through the town.
came into town just previous to the Revolutionary War. He adhered to the royal cause and was obliged to flee to Canada, leaving his family behind. Mrs. Marsh, to secure some of her more valuable goods, filled her brass kettle with her pewter ware and silver spoons, and sunk them in a pond near her dwelling. The pond however, so far as the recovery of her treasures were concerned, proved bottomless.
came into Dorset from Massachusetts in 1778, and settled on the place now owned by the Hon. Heman Morse. The farm had been formerly possessed by one Beardster, whose property, in consequence of joining the enemy in the Revolution was confiscated.
It is related in the family, while the still unbroken forest nearly surrounded the homestead, a daughter of this household one moonless night kept faithful vigil for an expected lover. The no less faithful lover was making good way up the steep hill which the house crowned, rapt without question, in sweet musings of the kind welcome near. But let lovers in a wilderness ever keep one ear open. Suddenly the stealthy tread of a wild beast kept pace close by the roadside, the darkness was too thick to readily discover the unwelcome attendant; all doubt was, however, quickly removed by the terrific scream of a panther. At a single leap down the hillside the arrested lover put distance between him and his waiting Love; and such fear lent wings to his flight he soon outstripped even the bounding catamount. A party of hunters was soon on the track, following on to the Green Mountains eastward, they found crouched on the top of a hemlock stub, some 40 feet from the ground a full grown catamount, — found to measure 8 feet — which two balls dispatched. It was easy moreover, it may well be infered, for a sensible girl to forgive his not keeping troth that night; and notwithstanding the untoward event above narrated, the runaway lover became her husband.
was among the earliest settlers of South Dorset, at his house in 1774 was held the first town meeting. Asa Baldwin being elected Town Clerk. Capt. Underhill commanded the volunteer company which was raised for the defense of the country. Being a man of very humane feelings, he did much to mitigate the asperities of feeling existing between different parties, and, by using his influence with the Council of Safety was instrumental in restoring to the families of the disaffected many a cow and horse of which they had been officially plundered. He represented the town at Windsor in 1788, and died in 1796, aged 66 years.
came into town in 1774 and settled on the farm still owned by his descendants. He married Susanah Paddock, and raised a family consisting of 9 sons and 8 daughters. He went with the army to Hubbardton as teamster. In the summer of 1777, when nearly all the people panic stricken at the threatened invasion of Burgoyne had fled, he still remained on his farm. At this time a son of his 9 years old dying, he was reduced to the hard necessity of setting out for the place of burial alone. Providentially a stranger came along and assisted the stricken father in burying his dead. He himself died in 1824, aged 88 years. His wife died at the advanced age of 90 years.
was one of the four first families which settled in town, and was soon followed by his father, Dea. John Manly, whose wife was a half sister of Benedict Arnold. Dea. Manly settled at Dorset village on the place still owned by his descendants. He died in 1803, aged 90 years. John Manly, Jr. settled on the farm still owned by his grandson, Edmond Manly. His trade was that of a cabinet maker. We have been shown a desk with drawers of most excellent workmanship made after he was 80 years old.
was among the first settlers, and kept a tavern in troublous times. At his house was held, on Sept. 25, 1776, a general convention, consisting of 51 members, representing 35 towns, where it was resolved that they declare this district a free and separate district. This action may be regarded the germ whence sprung the existence of Vermont as a free and independent State. This house of Dea. Kent's and the aforementioned convention held there richly deserve conspicuous historic recognition. This house stood near the present dwelling of U. S. Kent, on the west road through the town. Dea. Kent was a sternly religious man, positive in all his opinions, frequently expressing himself, "verily I will have it so." He had six sons, three if not four of whom were in the battle of Bennington. He died in 1809, aged 84 years. On his tomb-stone is found the following epitaph, believed to have been written by his beloved pastor, Dr. Jackson.
"He was an early settler in this town, an officer, a pillar and a light in the first church organized here. His survivors will long remember him as the distinguished patron of the plain virtues, the love of God's truth, Religion, and energy in family government; Boldness and firmness in opposing vice. Revered and respected, in life he ruled, in death he triumphed. Go and do likewise."
Nearly a like testimony is borne of his son Dea. John Kept, who died in 1849, aged 99 years 7 months and 5 days:
[ In a collection of Original Historical Papers in "William's Rural Magazine or Repository," Volume 1, pp. 309 and 310, may be found the following
NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. } Cephas Kent's, Dorset Sept. 25,
At a general convention of the several delegates from the towns on the west side of the range of Green Mountains the 24th day of July last consisting of fifty-one members, representing thirty-five towns, and holden this day by adjournment, by the representatives on the west and east side of the range of Green Mountains; the following members being present at the opening of the meeting, viz:
Capt. JOSEPH BOWKER in the Chair — Dr. JONAS FAY, Clk.
Pownal. — Capt. Samuel Wright, Dr. Obediah Dunham, Mr. Sim. Hatheway, Dr. Jonas Fay.
Bennington. — Capt. John Burnham, Nathan Clark, Esq., Maj. Sam. Safford, Col. Moses Robinson.
Shaftsbury. — Maj. Jeremiah Clark, John Burnam. sen.
Sunderland. — Lieut. Jos. Bradley, Col. Tim. Brownson.
Manchester. — Col. Wm. Marsh, Lieut. Martin Powell, Lieut. Gid. Ormsby.
Dorset. — Mr. John Manley, Mr. Abr. Underhill.
Rupert. — Mr. Reub. Harmon, Mr. Amos Curtis.
Pawlet. — Capt. Wm. Fitch, Maj. Roger Rose.
Wells. — Mr. Zaechcus Mallery, Mr. Ogden Mallery.
Poultney. — Mr. Nehemiah Howe, Mr. Wm. Ward.
Castleton. — Capt. Jos. Woodward.
Bridport. — Mr. Samuel Benton.
Addison. — Mr. David Valiance.
Stamford. — Mr. Thomas Morgan.
Williston. — Col. Thomas Chittenden.
Colchester. — Lieut. Ira Allen.
Middlebury. — Mr. Gamaliel Painter.
Burlington. — Mr. Lemuel Bradley.
Neshobe. — Capt. Tim. Barker, Mr. Thos. Tuttle.
Rutland. — Capt. Joseph Bowker, Col. James Mead.
Wallingford. — Mr. Abm. Ives.
Tinmouth. — Capt. Eben Allen, Maj. Thos. Rice.
Danby. — Capt. Micah Veal, Mr. Wm. Gage.
Panton. — Mr. John Gale.
Bromley. — Capt. Wm. Utly.
Col. Seth Warner and Capt. Heman Allen, present.
Marlboro'. — Capt. F. Whittemore.
Guilford. — Col. Benj. Carpenter, Maj J. Shepherdson.
Windsor. — Mr. Eben Hoisington.
Kent. — Mr. Edward Aikens, Col. James Rogers.
Rockingham. — Dr. Reuben Jones.
Dummerston. — Mr. Joseph Hildrich, Lieut. Leonard Spaulding,
Westminster. — Mr. Joshua Webb, Mr. Nath. Robinson.
Halifax. — Col. Benj. Carpenter.
Wilmington and Cumberland were represented by letters from some of the principal inhabitants.
Voted, That the association heretofore entered into, and subscribed by the members of this convention, copies of which have been distributed in order to obtain signers to the same, should be returned to the clerk of this convention by the delegates to attend from each town at their nest session. It was also resolved by this convention, to take suitable measures, as soon as may be, to declare the New Hampshire Grants a free and seperate district; this vote passed without a dissenting voice. On the report of a sub-committee from this convention, consisting of seven members, amongst whom were Col. Thomas Chittenden, Dr. Jonas Fay, Ira Allen, and others, and which report was accepted by the convention, the following covenant or compact being drawn up by a committee, and exhibited in the following words, was unanimously agreed to by the convention, viz:
Whereas this convention has, for a series of years last past, had under their particular consideration the disingenuous conduct of the colony (now state) of New York, towards the inhabitants of that district of land commonly called and known by the name of the New Hampshire Grants, and the several illegal, unjustifiable, as well as unreasonable measures they have pursued, to deprive by fraud, violence, and oppression, the said inhabitants of their property, and in particular their landed interest; And whereas this convention have reason to expect a continuence of the same kind of disingenuity, unless some effectual measures be pursued to form the said district into a separate one from that of New York.
And whereas it appears to this convention, that for the foregoing reasons, together with the distance of road which lies between this district and New York, that it will be very inconvenient for those inhabitants to associate or connect with New York for the time being, either directly or indirectly.
Therefore this convention being fully convinced that it is absolutely necessary that every individual in the United States of America should exert themselves to the utmost of their abilities in the defence of the liberties thereof; therefore, that this convention may the better satisfy the public of their punctual attachment to the said common cause at present, as well as heretofore, we do make and subscribe the following covenant, viz:
We, the subscribers, inhabitants of that district of land commonly called and known by the name of the New Hampshire Grants, being legally delegated and authorised to transact the public and political affairs of the aforesaid district for ourselves and constituents, do solemnly covenant and engage, that for the time being, we will strictly and religiously adhere to the several resolves of this or a future convention continued on said district by the free voice of the friends to American liberties, which shall not be repugnant to the resolves of the honorable the Continental Congress relative to the cause of America". — Ed.]
came into town soon after the Revolution, having served five years during the war. Himself and two sons went to Plattsburgh in the last war with Great Britain. He was for many years the principal carpenter and joiner in town.
came into town before the Revolution, and was soon followed by his father and brothers, Asbut, Jacob, Sylvanus, Victory and Israel. From these have descended a large class of most respectable citizens, there being at present no less than ten families of that name owning and working farms in town. Town and County offices have frequently been committed to individuals bearing that honored patronymic, the duties of which, we can with pleasure affirm, have invariably been faithfully discharged.
was born in Norwich, Ct. At the age of 16, he went with the troops sent out by that colony to assist in taking the island of Cuba; and so fatal was that disastrous expedition, that only a small number of the 1000 provincial troops ever survived to return. He was one of only four of his company permitted to see again their native land. At the Bennington battle he was a volunteer, and, assisted by another man, after the first action was fought, took seven prisoners, one of whom was the notorious Col. Pfister. (See Bennington page 158.) Col. Pfister's commission hearing date and various other relics found in his saddle bags are in possession of the writer, to whose care they were committed in his boyhood by his grandfather, to be handed down in his family as mementoes of that trying day. While these two soldiers were marching their seven prisoners towards Bennington, they met Colonel Warner with whom Armstrong was acquainted, and communicated to him the fact of the coming reinforcement under Baum, which information he had drawn from their prisoners. Warner ordered them to take said prisoners to their meeting house. Col. Pfister was carried part of the way on the back of Armstrong. The latter moved into Dorset in the autumn succeeding the battle of Bennington, and settled in that part of the town known as the "Hollow."
He married Abigail Haynes. Five brothers of his wife were likewise in the engagement at Bennington. Mr. Armstrong died aged 83 years.
became established in Dorset by the immigration to the town of four brothers, Benjamin, Asa, Eleazer and Elisha, with two other relatives, Silas and Thomas Baldwin. Benjamin came first into town in 1768, and established himself about a mile east of the village. Being a man of almost herculean strength, of great business talent and enterprise be soon surrounded himself with the principal necessaries and many of the comforts of life. On his farm were grown the first apples raised in town. He was a warm hearted and generous man. His house became the resort, not only of the social who loved Uncle Ben's spicy stories, and good cheers but also of the poor and needy, who were never sent "empty away." In all his purposes and desires, looking in a benevolent direction, he was earnestly seconded by his wife — the kindly tempered, patient and loving Aunt Ruth, the mother not only of a dozen children of her own, but the foster mother of every poor child in the neighborhood. He at one time was a man of the most substance of any in town, but, his generosity getting the better of his prudence, his property gradually melted away until he became very much reduced in his circumstances. His children mostly emigrated to the west. He died in 1830, aged 86. Meantime such was the esteem in which he was held, the young men of the town claimed the privilege of erecting a tombstone to his memory, on which is inscribed their testimony of filial respect. His wife, the Aunt Ruth of precious memory, died aged 65. Her tombstone bears the following inscription.
"The tender parent,
Loving wife,
The glory of domestic
The best of friends,
Her husbands pride,
The poor man's trust,
Her children's guide."
a brother of the foregoing, settled on a farm adjoining, and was the first Town Clerk of Dorset. He was a strict churchman and embraced the royal cause in the Revolution and being an outspoken man was soon arrested and committed to Bennington jail by order of the Council of Safety. His wife taking one child in her arms, and another behind her on horse back, with a few such other articles as she could carry, abandoned her home in pursuit of her husband. After a ride of 30 miles she was reunited to him, only, however, to be soon torn from his embrace and subjected to the dire necessity of journeying alone from Bennington to the residence of her parents somewhere in Dutchess Co., N. Y. The strong man who had unflinchingly met the contumely and reproach which was heaped upon him in consequence of his attachment to the royal cause, melted and wept like a child to see his lone defenceless wife and babes thus depart. His farm now abandoned, was taken possession of by the family of General Strong, recently driven from their home in Addison, (See Addison, p. 10.) Indeed, near the spot where the writer now resides, occurred the meeting between General Strong and his wife in the log house so graphically described by the historian of the town of Addison. Dec. 12, 1777 the Council of Safety discharged Asa Baldwin and others "from whatever they may have said or acted relative to the disputes between Great Britain and this country." And he was duly restored to his family and his property.
came into town about 1769, and settled in Dorset Hollow. From him was descended the Paddocks who are reckoned among the most substantial farmers in that neighborhood.
Three brothers, John, Isaac and Asa, came from Mansfield, Ct. in 1780, settled and spent the remainder of their lives in this town. From them have descended several families of that name still residents of the town. Isaac served in the French and Indian war; was several times "on duty," as he used to call it, in the war of the Revolution, participating personally as a commissioned officer in the battle of Bunker Hill. Asa Farwell, also served with the army in Rhode Island at White Plains while the British held possession of New York. I am indebted to Rev. Asa Farwell of Haverhill, Mass., grandson of the above, for the foregoing facts of this family history.
settled in Dorset in 1798. Although coming into town somewhat later, his name yet deserves mention as he was one of the earliest and principal school teachers in the place. He married a daughter of Rev. Dan Kent of Benson. He was a friend of education, good morals and religion. He was many years the Librarian of the town. The influence of this library, scant as it was in books, together with the example of the father was manifest on his sons, who, by reading at home, and eagerly embracing the limited opportunities for obtaining an education in those early times, became, though self-taught, exceeding well read and able men. One of these sons, Wm. S. Southworth, having studied law with Governor Hall of Bennington, soon gained a high reputation, not only as a lawyer, but as a man of sterling integrity. He left that town some ten years since, resigning the office of States Attorney, and County Commissioner of Common Schools, to accept the agency of the Lawrence Manufacturing Company. This Company furnish him a splendid residence in the city of Lowell and pay him an annual sallary of $3,000,00. Our friend and early play mate, will, we hope, excuse the unauthorised publicity hereby given to his affairs, remembering that so much of his success as has come from the earlier influence which surrounded him are somewhat the public property of the place of his nativity. — Judge Southworth was for many yearn Justice of the Peace; eight years an assistant Judge of the County. He died in 1856.
settled in Dorset in 1780; came from Richmond, Mass.; enrolled himself as fifer in Captain Robinson's Company at Bennington; when about to go into battle young Holley asked his Captain for a gun, thinking it a more effective instrument to serve his country with than a fife. But Captain Robinson prefered the powerful effect of the young man's fife. Mr. Holley married Elizabeth Field, who immigrated to this town from Mansfield, Ct., at two and one-half years of age, in her mother's arms, upon horse back. The first death in the family was that of the youngest daughter, at the age of 31 years. Mr. Holley died in 1849, aged 86 years, leaving his wife, ten children, and sixty grandchildren, all of whom inherit unusually fine musical abilities. His wife died in 1858, aged 85 years leaving to her posterity the rich legacy of an exemplary life and the following golden precept delivered from her death bed. "My children, I desire that you should not only be good but do good."
and his with came into town from Mansfield, Ct., and settled on the farm about two miles north from the village of Dorset, still known as the Field farm. He was a great grandson of Zacharias Field, one of the first settlers of the city of Hartford, and from whom has descended nearly all of that name in America Mr. and Mrs. Field lived and died on the place where they first settled, leaving a posterity numbering 11 children and 121 grandchildren and great grandchildren. By the marriage of the eldest daughter with Justus Kellogg, and by intermarriage with the Kent family has sprung a numerous band of relatives in town not inaptly represented by the well known marble firm of Holley, Field and Kent, a trio of cousins by whose enterprise and activity $100,000 worth of marble is annually quarried and prepared for market.
settled in Dorset in 1783; came front Stockbridge, Mass.; was a volunteer at the Bennington battle at the age of 16 — weighing at that time just 66 pounds. He joined Colonel Warner's regiment. The Colonel on seeing such a stripling in the ranks ordered him to take care of some horses, greatly to the mortification of Martindale. Though thus prevented from participating in the first action he was gratified with a chance of engaging in the second. After the enemy had fled, a fellow soldier called to him for help to secure several prisoners, some eight in number, of whom, two were inclined to be obstinate. All, however, were finally, successfully "surrounded" and secured by one or two sturdy and gallant yeomen. During the war of 1812 he was Colonel of the regiment composed of drafted men and volunteers, and marched them to the lines for the defense of the State. Having received orders not to cross the lines he did not participate in the action at Plattsburgh. In person he was very tall and spare, courteous and gentlemanly in address, very energetic and active in all his movements, and one of the most graceful riders we ever saw mounted on horseback. He several times represented the town in the Legislature, and died in 1825, aged 85 years.
came to Dorset soon after the close of the Revolution, from Mansfield, Ct. He enlisted in the army in his native town in 1775, and served during the war. He was in the battle of Monmouth and used to say they had orders to strip to their shirt-sleeves and charge bayonet, and after the charge, "the blood was shoe-deep" and the "dead lay on the ground like a flock of sheep." He was Town Clerk, and Justice of the Peace for many years, representative of the town and Judge of Probate. He drew a captain's pension for several years before his death. He died in 1825, aged 93.
moved with his family from Harrington, Ct., in 1774, and resided in Dorset until his death in 1822, at which time he was in his 87th year. He was an active whig during the Revolution, being a member of the Committee of Safety from Dorset. He was also for many years deacon in the Congregational Church. His son, Dr. Alpheus Morse, was a practicing physician in Dorset for some 30 years and then removed to Essex, N. Y. He practiced here four years, and has since added 20 years of practice in the town of Jay, N. Y., making in all 54 years of medical practice. He is still living, and, although nearly 90 years of age his faculties until within a few months have remained quite unimpaired. He is now quietly awaiting his final change.
And now, although our biographical materials have accumulated upon our hands to an extent which we had hardly anticipated, we opine, nevertheless, that this department of our town would be incomplete did we fail to give at least a passing notice of
the Buffoon, or the Coxcomb of Dorset. This singular character made his unexpected appearance in town about 1811 or '12, hailing from Hinesburgh and lived here till his death (some 45 years after his advent.) In person he was of medium highth, with a head as round as an apple, a face completely obicular in its outline, a pointed nose, exactly in the center, eyes naturally sunken, yet from his always tieing his neckcloth so tight as to nearly obstruct his breathing, protruding from their sockets. Clad on Sabbath days even in hot weather in a Scotch plaid cloak of gorgeous colors, fastened around his neck with a huge brass clasp, his feet in heavy cow-hide boots, his hands enveloped in large woolen fringed mittens of gay colors, he delighted to come into church and tramp heavily the whole length of the gallery, in his swaggering pompous gait, the observed of all observers, in spite of Dr. Jackson's best eloquence.
Training days, however, were those of his most especial glory — and he shone most to his satisfaction, as in the cast off military coat, cap and epauletts of some official he paraded himself and his "bobtail" regiment of boys quite as conspicuously to the public gaze as were the companies of the better disciplined "regulars." Did the Military officers of the day feel proud of their position, David was prouder still; did they give their orders in loud and commanding tones, David's were louder and more pompous still; did they strut in their march, David's strut was inimitable, in all its mimicry of theirs — a complete counterpart of all that was laughable and droll. In a word, pompous in all his pretences, but the daftest coward that ever ran away from a ghost or the counterfeit Indian whoop of some boy behind the fence; tenacious in his memory, shrewd and canning in many of his remarks, yet his wit verging on the most ridiculous folly, and his reason on the borders of insanity, was David Griffin. In short, in all that was grotesque, ludicrous and droll he stood preeminent; was at once the Punch the scape goat, and the laughing stock of the town. Long, will it be ere the gaunt figure or queer sayings of David, fade from the memory of the inhabitants of his day.
The Dorset Marble Quarries are, with two exceptions, located upon the different slopes of Æolus Mountain — some quite at the base, others at various distances up the mountain, the most elevated of which is 1400 feet above the valley.
The strata of marble usually occur 5 or 20 of them together, resting one above the other with seams between them.
These strata, or layers as they are called by the quarrymen, vary in thickness being from 1 to 6 feet, and usually run from the surface back into the mountain horizontally. With few exceptions each layer retains its own peculiar characteristics, such as color, thickness, texture, &c. as it is followed back from the surface; except that in going back there is a general improvement in the quality of all the layers.
White is the prevailing color, with here and there varigations of blue. This marble formation is principally carbonate of lime, whilst above and below are strata of magnician and silicious lime stone, and other rock common to the Taconic Range.
It is not known when the first settlers of Dorset discovered the mineral wealth of their township; certain it is, however, that beds of marble were known to exist long before their value was understood.
The first quarry opened in Dorset was by Isaac Underhill, in the year 1785, on lands then owned by Reuben Bloomer, and near where Dorset Pound now stands. This quarry is still owned by the Bloomer family. Here was heard the first "click" of the hammer, and here was made the first "raise"; thus inaugerating a branch of industry which has made Dorset known throughout the Union. Mr. Underhill's object was simply to procure fire jams. chimney-backs, hearths and lintels for the capacious and rudely constructed fireplaces of those days; common limestone and and slate had previously been used for this purpose. People 50 to 100 miles distant came for these beautiful fireplace stones, and considerable trade in them soon sprung up. John Manley and others soon embarked in the quarrying business with Underhill on the same ledge, though on the opposite side of the highway.
Since the opening of this first quarry 8 others of importance have been opened in Dorset, which we will here name in the order of their opening, giving the names of the present owners, when and by whom each quarry was opened.
Wilson, McDonald & Friedley's quarry opened in 1808 by Elijah Sykes, 12 quarrymen now employed. McDonald & Friedley's quarry opened in 1810 by John Chapman & Abraham Underhill, 20 quarrymen employed. Gray & Briggs quarry opened in 1821, by Lyman Gray and others. Holly Field's & Kents Vt. Italian Quarry, so called from its close resemblance to the foreign article, opened in 1835, by Chester Kent and Sam'l Fulsom, 35 quarrymen employed. Holly Field's & Kents, Extra White Quarry, opened in 1836, by Edmond Manly. Gray, Wilson, Sanford & Co.s, opened in 1840, by Martin and George Manly, 15 quarrymen employed. Major Hawley's Quarry opened in 1841, by Wm. J. Soper and T. D. Manley, 20 quarrymen employed. Fulson & Barnards Quarry opened in 1854, by Sam'l Fulson and A. J. Clark, 6 quarrymen employed.
Of the above 9 quarries, two of them, viz: Gray & Briggs and the Bloomer Quarries are not now being worked. On the remaining 7 may be constantly heard the sound of the chisel and the sledge.
Seven other openings have been made in valuable ledges in Dorset but they are not yet developed into fully remunerative quarries.
The first channeling was done on the McDonald & Friedly Quarry in 1841, this process of cutting around blocks before raising them from their native beds is now generally practiced. The only tunneling as yet done, is upon McDonald & Friedlys' Quarry it having been commenced there in 1859.
The first Derrick erected in Dorset was by S. D. Manley, in 1848; 10 others are now in use. The first Marble Grave Stone ever finished in Dorset, is believed to have been the work of Jonas Stewart, in 1790, out of a slab taken from the Bloomer Quarry. Stewart was a manufacturer of slate and granite grave-stones, at Claremont, N. H. Not much was done in the use of marble, for this purpose, until 1808, when Elijah Sykes on opening his quarry, gave this branch of the marble business his chief attention, and since his day it has continued of the first magnitude.
The early quarrymen of Dorset, for many years, labored under great disadvantages, for want of facilities to saw their marble. They were compelled to seek out those places, usually, upon the top or outer edge of the ledges, where the strata were seamy, or subdivided, by atmospheric influences, and could be easily split, or riven into sheets, of from 4 to 8 inches thick, each. These sheets were then hewn with the mallet and chisel to the desired shape for use. The more compact, and consequently better marble, in indivisible layers, 2 to 5 feet in thickness, could not be used at all, for the want of mills to saw it. The first attempt at sawing marble, in Dorset, was made by Spafford Field and Josiah Boothe about 1818 (some 30 years after the first quarry was opened. These individuals put in operation a gang of saws, on the site now occupied by Major Hawley's mills in South Dorset. This first mill was constructed in accordance with the best knowledge then possessed upon the subject, yet it could saw but little. About 1827, Dan Kent and Barnum Thompson erected mills which were improvements on Field and Boothe's mill, though inefficient. So late as 1840, we find Edmond Manley's mill, the only one successfully running in Dorset. Three or four small mills were running in Manchester, on Dorset marble, making in all what would be equal to about 6 gangs of the present style of construction, whilst at the same time 9 quarries were open, and being vigorously worked. The marble was finding a ready sale in New York, Boston, Philadephia, Buffalo, Cleveland, and intermediate points. The trade in Italian and Rutland marbles being then hardly commenced, the demand for Dorset marble was beyond the supply. Surface marble, which could be split with the wedge, always of poor quality, becoming more difficult to obtain, more mills to saw the thick layers were indispensible. The right mode of construction had now become better understood and efficient mills began to be built. Between 1840 and the present time, 7 mills have been erected in Dorset, all of which are now in successful operation. They carry, in all, 35 gangs of saws. Add to these, 27 gangs, now running, in Manchester, and we have a total of 62 gangs, running on Dorset marble. They saw, annually, about 750,000 feet (2 inches of thickness being the standard of measurement,) selling for about $200,000, the present annual. product of the Dorset quarries. These quarries are believed to be inexhaustible, and this annual product is limited only by the amount of capital invested in the business. This marble is now used in every State in the Union, and also in the Canadas. There are now employed, here, over 300 quarrymen and sawyers, mostly Irish and Canadian French, — the former largely predominating. The early quarrymen and sawyers were Americans, — so late as 1830 only three Irishmen were employed.
THE Congregational Church of Dorset was organized Sept. 22, 1784, by Rev. Elijah Sill, from New Fairfield, Ct. In its infancy, though struggling with the usual embarrassments of a young church, in a new country, it had the peculiar elements of strength and increase in the decidedly Christian character and earnest devotion of some of its earliest members. Among these were Deacons, John Manley and Cephas Kent, who with their families established that regular Sabbath worship in Dorset which has now been maintained, almost uninterruptedly, for about 90 years.
Not long after its organization, the Church numbered about 40 members; in 1796, about 80; in 1842, 168; in 1860, 102; whole number, from its begining not far from 600.
An interesting revival occurred in 1795, another, of remarkable power, in 1803-4, adding 101 members; one in 1816-17, additions about 80. Other revivals, of greater or less extent occurred in 1821, '26, '30, '32, '33, '41 and '58.
As a result of the early revivals, and in connection with the efficient ministrations of Dr. Jackson, and the faithful co-operation of its members, the Church attained a large spiritual prosperity. A high excellence of religious character was reached by many pious fathers and mothers in Israel, whose Christian influence was widely felt, while living, and whose memories will long be held in love and reverence. Among these was Dea. John Kent, on whose grave stone is the inscription: "Died, July 4, 1849, aged 99 years, 7 mos. and 5 days. A pioneer settler of the town, exemplary in all his relations, discerning, upright, kind, liberal, social and cheerful. An eminent Christain, sound in doctrine, fervent in prayer, delighting in the Sabbath, the sanctuary and the scriptures; many years an officer and pillar of the church he loved; a good man who feared God and whose memory is precious."
"In 1804, by the efforts of the pastor and leading members of the Church, the "Evangelical Society," the first Society in the U. S., on the plan of giving a public education to pious and indigent youth, was established. The Society has aided upward of 50 young men in their preparation for the ministry." Nearly a score of ministers of the Gospel were raised up from this parish.
After Dr. Jackson's death, there was a decline in the prosperity of the church, and it was for some years without a settled pastor. More recently, however, the cause of religion has received a new impulse, and the present harmony and efficiency of the society give some hope of future enlargement and usefulness.
MINISTERS. The first pastor was Rev. Elijah Sill, who graduated at Yale in 1748; settled in Dorset in 1781, "continued about 5 years;" dismissed in 1791. From the town records we learn that, "in 1783, the town voted to give Rev. Elijah Sill a call to settle In this town as a minister of the Gospel; Capt. Abraham Underhill, Mr. Cephas Kent and Mr. John Manley be committee to treat with Mr. Sill in relation to settlement."
Rev. Seth Williston D. D., for many years pastor of a Church in Durham, N. Y., spent several months of his earlier ministry in successful labor with this church, in 1795-96.
Rev. Wm. Jackson D. D., commenced preaching here, in 1793. During his later years, in consequence of failing health, he was assisted first by Rev. Mr. Gordon, and Rev. James Meacham, as stated supplies, and afterwards by Rev. Ezra Jones, as colleague pastor. [See Jackson Family.]
Mr. Jones, born in Waitsfield Vt., graduated at Middlebury in 1831, at Andover Mass., in 1834, was installed at Dorset, Dec. 12, 1838, and dismissed, Oct. 28, 1841, and now labors in Western N. Y.
For several years there was no settled pastor. Among the acceptable supplies of this period were Rev. J. D. Wickham, Principal of the Burr Seminary, who has also performed considerable pastoral service in Dorset, and in the year 1846, Rev. M. C. Searle, formerly pastor in New Hartford, N. Y., and recently an agent of the "Am. and For. Christian Union."
Rev. Cyrus Hudson, a native of Dorset, graduated at Middlebury in 1824; at Auburn about 1828, and was installed pastor, Oct. 27, 1847. He resigned his office on account of infirm health, and closed his useful service here in the spring of 1853. He has since been much employed as a traveling agent, and now resides at Rutland.
For 2 1-2 years the Church was without a resident pastor, the pulpit being supplied for longer or shorter periods by Rev. J. Steele, Prof. G. A. Boardman, and others.
Since Jan. 1856, the acting pastor has been Rev. P. S. Pratt, graduated at Hamilton College in 1842, and at Auburn in 1846.
Among the clergymen raised up in Dorset, mostly under Dr. Jackson, were Dan Kent, pastor at Benson, and Stephen Martindale, Wallingford, both deceased; Ira Manley, Wisconsin, Septimius Robinson, Morristown, S. C. Jackson D. D., Andover, Mass., Brainard Kent, Chicago, Cyrus Hudson, Rutland, Asa Farewell, Haverhill, Mass., Lyman Manley, Richmond, N. Y., E. P. Roberts, Missionary A. B. C. F. M., Missionary Islands.
The first meeting house must have been built not long after the organization of the Church, and was located near the burial ground. It was afterward removed to the west end of the village, nearly opposite the present site, and repaired, in 1816, and burned, during a storm, in Jan. 1832. The present edifice was dedicated in Feb. 1833. During the present season, it has been enlarged and remodelled, and is to be neatly and comfortably furnished. There is a regular average congregation of 200. The house will have 400 sittings, There is a flourishing Sabbath School of 150 members. The parsonage was erected shortly after the accession of Rev. Mr. Jones, about the year 1839.
A BAPTIST CHURCH existed and flourished in Dorset, for several years, — especally under the ministry of Rev. Cyrenius M. Fuller, settled in 1818, but this Church is now extinct.
There is a small METHODIST SOCIETY in East Dorset, which occupies a Union Meeting House, near the Depot. "It was organized about 30 years ago, — 15 years since there was some 90 members, — present number 20. The church building, a Union house, was erected in 1838 or '39, by the united efforts of all denominations, and is so owned and occupied, though the only stable preaching and the only organized church now in the place; except the Catholic, is the Methodist. The first Methodist class in the west part of the town, was organized by Rev. John White, and one at South Dorset, in 1828. In 1830, their Church edifice was built, on its present site, in Dorset village. In 1834, the number of members was about 70, — present number about 30. They have preaching once in two weeks by Rev. M. A. Wicker, of Danby.
There is also a CATHOLIC CHURCH, organized in 1856, in East Dorset. They have a house of worship, and are reported by their priest, to number 500 members, — 250 adults, 150 of which are residents of Dorset. The remaining adults reside in Danby and Manchester, and the remaining members, that make up the 500, are baptized children, which are, in the Catholic communion, recognized as members.
Rev. William Jackson D. D., was born at Cornwall, Ct., in 1768. Three years after, his parents removed to Vermont, and settled in Wallingford, but the ensuing year returned to Cornwall, and remained till the end of the war, when they again emigrated to Wallingford. William Jackson commenced his preparation for the ministry at the age of 16; was graduated at Dartmouth in 1790; studied theology with Drs. Edmunds and Spring, and was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational church in Dorset, in 1796, where he continued his pastorate till his death in 1842.
In personal appearance Dr. Jackson was tall and spare, eyes blue, hair naturally brown — though for forty years, white —; in general movement remarkably agile; in usual deportment, moderately sedate, though, with a vein of quiet humor running through his social character, which, breaking at intervals through his meek sobriety, rendered him eminently approachable. In sentiment the Doctor was of the Hopkinsonian school, and as a sermonizer, chaste, terse, direct. Beyond a mere outline, his sermons were not committed to paper, except upon public occasions. "It takes a great many flowers to break a man's back" was a favorite proverb from which may be gathered his estimation of vapid sermon declamation. As a speaker, his voice was low, but impressive, and every word warmed by the most apparent sincerity found a ready way to the heart and understanding of the hearer. He gesticulated but little, yet his quiet intonations ever commanded attention. Particularly, when much in earnest he would turn his head to one side and bow his tall body laboring with the out-breathing of important thought, an awe truly sublime rested upon his auditory.
The circumstances of his settlement have been rehearsed to us after this wise: Soon after having been licensed to preach, he left his father's house to journey into New Jersey, for the benefit of his health. His first Sabbath abroad found him in the village of Dorset, which village, nestled among the mountains, or rather its frame of hills, is thus graphically described by an accomplished writer of a sister state:
"It is seldom that you see the grand and beautiful in such harmonious combination. . . . . . Amid precipitous hights that rise in . . . . . grandeur around you, are sunny slopes stretching away in quiet loveliness . . . . . Occasionally are spread out before you rich pastures or fields of waving grain, reminding one of the mountain home where dwelt that faithful pastor Felix Neff, surrounded by his humble and devout flock. At one moment deep, dark ravines open to your view; at the next you look upon intervales of rich verdure, spreading out in every direction . . . . . Again you behold an amphitheatre, sometimes one, sometimes three miles in extent, with dark, spruce trees, like sentinels, guarding the scene . . . . . Here and there a mountain brook leaps from some hidden fountain, and winding along its babbling way, pours its fertilizing waters into the glad bosom of the sleeping vale. At the outer angle of one of these amphitheatres, called "the Hollow," sits Dorset like a bird among the mountains. The road and the stream, having meandered side by side, here diverge, taking between them a sugar-loaf hill, one hundred and fifty feet high, which rises in lofty beauty, the natural stage of the encompassing amphitheatre."
Having occupied the pulpit here, during the day, he was earnestly pressed to accept a call to the vacant pastorate; but deeming it best to adhere to his original plan, pursued his journey. Several ministers succeeded, on trial, but no permanent settlement was effected. Meanwhile Mr. Jackson, having become much improved in health, was, at length, on his way home, when, missing his route, he unexpectedly came out again at Dorset. As he turned up on horse-back, at the door of Deacon Ebenezer Morse, this devout man at once recognized him as returned of the Lord; and coming warmly forth greeted him with "The Lord has sent you in answer to our prayers. We have just been talking of sending for you." This time they would not release him. Neither did he feel the liberty, or wish, to decline an invitation depending upon so many circumstances going to mark it as providential; but rather accepted as from the hand of the Lord, the goodly heritage to which he was called.
"Here," says the above quoted writer, "more than fifty years ago, while the place in its uncultivated beauties was a comparative wilderness, came that good man, William Jackson, as a pastor to the humble saints who in this quiet valley worshipped God. — Literally, as well as spiritually, did this faithful shepherd lead his flock in green pastures and beside the still waters."
The young pastor had for his settlement the glebe lot, a number of cattle, and a salary of $300. Beside his parish duties he managed the care of a large farm. Possessing and cultivating through life the happy fac‑
[*For material for this article, we acknowledge indebtedness to Mrs. Baldwin, — daughter of Rev. Mr. Jackson — Hon. Mr. Armstrong, and Mrs. Lawrence's biography of Mrs. Hamlin. — Ed.]
ulty of turning readily from study to business, and back, at will, to mental toil, amid the healthful and cheering labors of the husbandman he would reinvigorate both body and mind; then upon a Friday or Saturday afternoon step in from the field, shut out the world take his bible and lay out his entire labor for the ensuing Sabbath. Thus for 46 years, from his installation, he preserved an evenly toned body and mind, and well tilled both parish field and farm,--
And, " tho' he had come that long, long way,
His mind was as bright as a summer day,
'For the glory of God,' he used to say,
'Shut out, all earthly gloom.' "
Indeed, one who knew him well avers that what others call their "blue days," never came round to him, — that she never knew him have a melancholy hour.
Dr. Jackson was the first elected member of the corporation of Middlebury College, (from which institution, he received his honorary degree,) and through his influence more young men, from his small town, received a collegiate education, than from all the rest of the county. Moreover, through his influence, Mr. Burr, of Manchester, was stimulated to his generous donations to religious and charitable objects, thus
"His life was a sermon that comes again,
Long after the lips have said amen."
SUSANNA CRAM, (Mrs. Jackson,) was born in Brentford, N. H., in 1771. Her paternal grandmother was Elisabeth Rogers, a lineal descendant of the martyr of Smithfield. She first became acquainted with Mr. Jackson, (with whom she was united in marriage, in the, winter of 1797,) while at school, boarding in the family of Dr. Spring.
Rich in varied accomplishments, gifted and earnestly religious, she entered upon her new and important relations so gracefully and well, that for industry, economy, and an air of cheerful comfort her house became at once a "model home." Yet, still, in the progressive years, while woman's most pleasant cares filled well her hands, she found harmonious place for an occasional outburst of the poetical in her nature, and cultivated until near three-score her rare letter-writing gift. In no other way can we so well describe the last days of her venerated husband, or the evening of her own beautiful life, as by paragraphs from her letters to her missionary daughter in Constantinople. We will "Give her of the fruit of her own hands; and let her own works praise her."
"I asked your father if he had anything to say to you. 'Tell her to be sure and love her Father in heaven, and not forget her earthly father.' Deacon Kent says, Let him go. I would not hold him here. He sits by your father's bedside and prays, and tells over to the Lord the whole history of their acquaintance and his ministry, — tells of the revivals they have enjoyed, and the blessing they soon hope to enjoy together in the presence of God and the Savior. His prayers are very affecting indeed, and his appearance (then over 91) extremely so."
"I went to him one morning, not expecting he would look at me again; but, as I was bending over him, he opened his eyes, and, when he saw who it was, fixing on me an inexpressible look, with a sweet angelic smile, he raised both his arms as if he would put them round me. . . . . . I said to him, 'you
are beginning to taste the joys that the Savior bought with pains, are you not?' He said, 'I began to taste them a great many years ago.' . . . . . . The next I shall write may be to say to you, as the angel said to Mary, He is not here, he is risen!'
Oct. 25, 1842.
"One week ago to-day he was laid in the deep, dark grave, and the dear, lifeless remains forever concealed from our eyes. O, the anguish of seeing him pass by his own beloved home, where we had so often passed in together, when we returned from the house of God. O, my dear Henrietta, may you never know the sorrows of such an hour! . . I send you a rose-sprig that grew on the turf that lies over your father's face. . . . . . I will tell you what I thought beside his grave:--
O, let not this beloved spot
Thus undistinguished lie,*
And just like common earth appear
To heedless passers-by!
Let no rude foot, with careless step,
Press on this sacred dust
What once was great is treasured here,
Concealed in holy trust.
Let roses blossom all around,
And flowers of richest dye,
And lilies in their spotless white
Spread where the ruins lie;
Let sweetest shrubs and balmy plants
Shed rich perfumes around,
And Heaven affix some signal-mark
That this is hallowed ground!
But God, from his celestial throne,
Regards this humble mound,--
An angel-band is stationed here
To guard the spot around.
Peaceful I leave the precious dust
Since in God's care it lies,
Till He the bands of death shall burst,
And take it to the skies.
I do try to pray for you and Constantinople; and then so many fields and missionaries meet my eyes, that I can say little more than, Lord bless them all . . . . . . I have one particular request to make daily, which seemed to be impressed on my mind, with great force, when you mentioned your incessant labor and the crowds that throng you. It is that you may be filled with heavenly light, and stand as an illuminated building, light pouring from every window, enlightening all around you. . . . . .
* From a letter written the summer following his death, before the monument which now marks his grave had been erected.
Sometimes a gleam of hope, like a lightning-flash, passes my mind, that I may see you again . . . . But I choose God should direct. If we meet in heaven, it will be enough, O, enough, ENOUGH! . . . . May every one of all our household, at all times, feel that "God is love," — that all we want is God to be our God."
Among these letters are many beautiful messages "to the little girls," her granddaughters, all of which we must, however, omit, to give space for a few brief notices of that venerable saint, Deacon Kent.
"Deacon Kent seems about to leave us. It will be a great loss to our family, to the church and to the world. He has lived almost ninety-seven years, and been a praying soul eighty . . . . He was very sick some time since, and it was thought he was rapidly going . . . . He says he wants only an invitation, he don't need a summons. He calls these sick turns 'receiving billets.' He is quite deaf and almost blind . . . . His piety is as bright as noon. Your sister M. visited him, and he told her some of the exercises he had had. He said that once, when he was praying, the heavens were opened, and he had such views that his breath ceased, and he had to seek air from the window, and it seemed to him that he should never breathe again. He called it 'a weight of glory.' He was inquired of the other day how he did, 'O,' said he, 'I am not ripe yet; when I am ripe, I shall drop off.'
Deacon Kent died soon after. In the words of another, 'long had he lain close by the jasper walls of Paradise, and the bright angels soon after bore him within its opened gates.'
But old age creeps on. She writes,
"I will give you one specimen of what I often experience in various things. I sat down upon my bed to take off my clothes. I looked at my dress; how it was to be taken off I could not see. I looked at the sleeves, and how they were to come off my arms seemed a mystery. I sat a long time and could think of no way to take off my dress . . . . Do you, dear child, remember that your mother is almost fourscore? . . . To-day, Aug. 3, (1847,) is the anniversary of Loraine's death, — the sweetest, loveliest, most engaging of children. Just before she died, she exclaimed, 'O, papa, I see up there those children, those good little children. I see them! I see them!' I think she did not speak afterwards. O, it seems as if it were but yesterday. She is now before my eyes . . . . I hardly know what I have written. My thoughts have been with the dead rather than the living. I am sitting in the room where I sat with the dead, and seem to be sitting with them now."
May 9, 1848, the last letter was written. The same vessel bore to her distant children tidings of her departure from earth.
CHILDREN. MARGARET, the oldest, married Rev. John Maltby.
SUSAN, (Mrs. Baldwin,) resides at the old homestead.
SAMUEL JACKSON D. D., Secretary of the Board of Education, graduated at Middlebury college, afterwards at Andover Theological Seminary; settled at Andover some 2 years; preached in Charleston, S. C., 1-year, and returned to Andover, where he at present resides.
ELISABETH ROGERS, handed down to another generation the time honored name, transmitted from the days of the martyr, and said to have never lacked a living representative in the family.
ANNA LORAINE, died in childhood.
HENRIETTA ANNA LORAINE, born May 9, 1811, married to Rev. Mr. Hamlin, Sept. 3, 1838; sailed for the mission at Constantinople, Dec. 3, 1838, and died Nov. 14, 1850. A history of this lovely woman has been written by Margaret Woods Lawrence. The book is a series of life-pictures, with the beauty of the Lord upon them all. First, a May Flower in the parsonage, --
"What a life-history
Is folded here, sweet within sweet, like a blossom.",
Softly the bud unfolds, in the midst of the fair nature encircling its home as with garden of delights, develops into the beautiful child, — the sweet, delicate, scholastic girl, — the pure, sensitive, pensive maiden, — till at length it blooms in modest young womanhood. Over this picture we pause a moment more than heretofore. "It is fair; but shadowed with an undefined melancholy." Nay, careless souls alone, are cloudless before the opening of life's earnest pages. I see but the unrest that deeper natures feel before their destiny unrolls, especially woman. Man says, I make my fortune; Woman I wait mine. — "Turn over.'' — Love illuminates the page, touches the meekly radiant countenance
"As when two dewdrops on the petal shake
To the same sweet air, and tremble deeper down
And slip at once all fragrant into one."
"The next leaf." — An altar and a bridal. Sept. 3rd was a beautiful day — and a solemn day in the old parsonage. While many tears fall, the missionary bride, her fine countenance tinged with suppressed emotion, stands in sublime serenity at the altar,
"As whole as some serene creation
Minted in the golden moods of soverign artists
Nor thought, nor touch, but pure as lines of green
That streak the white of the first snow-drop's inner leaves."
Upon her finger is a ring, engraved' "Verily I say unto you, there is no one who hath left home, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God, who shall not receive mainfold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting." "The venerated father officiates." "The dignity and tenderness, for which in
the marriage service he is distinguished, deepens . . . . It is the consecration of his youngest child to the missionary service." And this was his parting injunction: "Remember, my Henrietta, all there is of life is usefulness," Deacon Kent who was present, then old and full of years, declared it was the happiest day of his life. He congratulated his pastor on such an offering and pledged himself to pray for these young missionaries every day of his life. "Nine years after, he sent them word he had kept his promise." — Hence forth we turn the leaves in another clime; but growing in loveliness, the same modest genial woman looks out from every page. Equally at home, and happy in studying those difficult languages, instructing the little scholars under her care, or in superintending her large household,
"She rises up and brightens ——--
And lights her smile for comfort, and is slow
In nothing of high-hearted fortitude,"
"With feet unshrinking
She came to the Jordan's tide.
And taking the hand of the Savior
Went up on the heavenly side,"
Mrs. Hamlin left a husband and five children.
Wm. J. Maltby, son of Rev. John Maltby, was born at Sutton Mass., Apr. 17, 1831. In his second year he was intrusted to the care of his maternal grandparents in Dorset Vt. Everything there favored the perfect growth of his physical, intellectual and moral powers. He early entered Burr Seminary and fitted for College, when but 14. For a short time, however, he became connected with Phillips Academy, Andover; and there, in the family of his uncle, Samuel Jackson D D., contracted the commencement of chronic throat disease. In 1847 he entered Yale College, and graduated in 1851. The winter of '51 and '52 he taught at Machias, Me; the two following years at Elmwood Institute, Norriston, Pa.; then for a few months in a school at Unity, Me. In 1853 he was received into membership with the Hammond St. Church, Bangor, of which his father was pastor, and during the winter '53, and '55, became connected with the Theological Seminary there.
TRAVELS. Sailing from New York he arrived in Hamburg in November 1855, renewing at once his acquaintance with German and Hebrew. The winter he passed at Hermansburg, as pupil and teacher in the Moravian Mission School, under pastor Harms. In the spring of 1856 he returned to Hamburg, and commenced a pedestrian tour through Germany, the Tyrol and Switzerland, accomplishing a distance of 25 or 30 miles a day. The winter of 1857, at the University of Berlin, he was duly matriculated, attending 31 lectures, weekly, on Theology, Biblical Criticism and Geography, from Professors Nitzsch, Twesten, Kitter — the greatest geographer in the world, and an old compatriot of Humboldt; Schneider — the amanuensis and most intimate scholar of Neander. During the winter he called several times upon Humboldt, and received a kind note of invitation to 'come again' should he return to Berlin. The summer of 1857 was given to a tour through Northern Europe. For six weeks he studied Norwegian and Danish, attending lectures at the University. Passing through Hammefest, the most northern town in the world. His return south was a detour through Sweden and Russia to Stockholm, making in all, the pedestrian journey of a thousand miles. At the University of Copenhagen he spent the winter, studying Icelandic, Danish, Finish, old English and Mœsogothic. In April 1858 he returned to Berlin. The following spring and summer was devoted to visiting the most famous cities of Germany. Some time was given to the study of French in Geneva, when crossing the St, Bernard, he journeyed southward through Genoa, &c., to Rome, thence to Naples, Vesuvius, Pompeii, &c. In November he left Italy for Egypt. Five months were devoted to the study of Arabic, the voyage of the Nile, ruins of the Desert, Thebes, the Red Sea, &c. In May 1859 he reached Jerusalem; continued his travels through Syria and Palestine; in July he arrived at Constantinople, and remained with his uncle Mr. Hamlin through the year, making excursions in the vicinity, to Broosa and Mt. Olympus, and engaged in the study of Modern Greek. To avail himself of the benefits of the University, he left, January 1st, 1860, for Athens, and after three months in this city of classic lore, made the tour of Greece. Bidding adieu to Athens, midsummer found him at Florence conquering Italian, and September at Madrid by way of Marseilles. There he received notice of his appointment as Professor elect of Modern Languages in Bowdoin College, and hastened to complete the work of preparation. Eleven hours daily was devoted to Spanish. In October he planned a journey through southern Spain and Portugal, France and the British Isles, which should enable him to return in the spring of, 1861, to his native land.
In February last, intelligence was received from Mr. Preston, U . S. Minister at Madrid, that after much suffering, Mr. Maltby had
fallen a victim to typhus fever, and on the first morning of the New Year was laid to rest in the quiet of the English Protestant Cemetery.
Life's preparatory work was completed. — His face turned homeward, he was bringing for that position to which he had been called, rich gleanings from five years of foreign study and travel. With a character ripened into rare perfection of loveliness, and Christian principle, which had borne unscathed the test of all circumstances and companionship, in many countries, fitted to do so much for the Master and the world, — God called him, and among strangers, in a strange land, he laid down to die.
During his absence, Mr. Maltby had furnished the papers at home with letters for publication, and at the time of his death was engaged as a correspondent of 'The New York World'. Extracts from these letters, with fuller memoirs of his life and notes of travel, may at some future day be given the public.
The following is one of several poems by Mr. Maltby, which have from time to time appeared in the 'New York Observer'
How calmly breaks the holy day,
How gently breathes the fragrant air,
Earth smiles beneath the genial ray,
And owns a Heavenly Father's care!
List to the voice of cheerful praise
That from the waking world ascends!
Man, while the warblers pour their lays,
In nobler adoration bends.
Ye who adore the God unseen,
Come, to his sacred courts repair!
With holy heart and conscience clean.
Rejoicing in his presence there.
High let your sacred anthems peal,
Like those that worship round the throne;
With rapturous thoughts, with holy zeal,
His power declare, his goodness own!
Thus shall ye taste the joys below,
Of those that worship him above;
Thus shall your hearts delighted know,
And feel His everlasting love,
A lov'd one's foot-print tracked the shore,
Alas! it could not stay,
A reckless wave came rolling o'er
And washed its trace away.
In sorrow's mood I raised my hand,
To check the falling tear,--
When lo, upon the shining sand
I spied a jewel rare.
And so with all humanity,--
Those things most dear to-day
A wave upon life's surging sea
May wash them all away.
But as the bitter sigh we heave,
And drop the sorrowing tear,
A wave swept from the pearl-sown sea
May leave a jewel there.
Remembrance steals back to an earlier day,
With feelings I cannot control,
And sweet recollection those memories portray
That thrill with delight through the soul.
I sigh for that home with its cool verdant shade,
Its green spreading lawn and bright flowers;
That silent retreat where I pensively strayed
And worshipped sweet nature for hours.
East Dorset.